
  • 网络As I lay dying
  1. 论《我弥留之际》中道德的瓦解

    On the Collapse of Morality in As I Lay Dying

  2. 浅析《我弥留之际》的重要叙述者与主题

    A Brief Analysis of an Important Narrator and Themes of As I Lay Dying

  3. 论《我弥留之际》的悲喜剧及传奇特性女性,地域性,现代性&越剧的上海传奇

    Female , Regional Characteristics and Modernity & Shanghai Legend of Yue Opera

  4. 威廉·福克纳的小说《我弥留之际》是当代美国文学作品中的杰作。

    William Faulkner 's As I Lay Dying is a masterpiece of modern American literature .

  5. 威廉·福克纳;《我弥留之际》;解体;传统;精神危机;

    William Faulkner ; As I Lay Dying ; collapse ; tradition ; spiritual crisis ;

  6. 福克纳的下一本书《我弥留之际》出版于1930年。

    Faulkner 's next book ," As I Lay Dying ," was published in nineteen thirty .

  7. 《我弥留之际》是福克纳创作生涯前期的重要作品之一。

    As I Lay Dying is one of the greatest novels by Faulkner during his early creative years .

  8. 从《荒原》与《我弥留之际》看荒原文学的意蕴

    The Implications of The Waste Land and As I Lay Dying as the Masterpieces of " Wilderness Literature "

  9. 作为威廉·福克纳的代表作之一,《我弥留之际》在他的著作中占据了一个十分独特的位置。

    As one masterpiece of William Faulkner , As I Lay Dying occupies a unique place in all his works .

  10. 无论是《我弥留之际》还是《喧嚣与骚动》都未获得什么成功。

    Neither " As I Lay Dying " nor " The Sound and the Fury " was a great success .

  11. 他所钟爱的作品《我弥留之际》是现代美国文学作品的代表作之一,受到了很多学者和研究者的关注。

    As I Lay Dying ( 1930 ) is one of his loved works , a masterpiece of modern American literature .

  12. 该论文主要从创作背景,写作手法以及文本分析来阐述小说《我弥留之际》所表现的孤独主题。

    This paper tries exploring the spiritual predicament of modern people from the background , techniques and text analysis of this novel .

  13. 福克纳两部小说中的母子关系&《喧哗与骚动》与《我弥留之际》的心理分析研究

    The Mother-Son Relationship in Two of Faulkner 's Novels & A Psychoanalytical Study of the Sound and the Fury and as I Lay Dying

  14. 代表作《我弥留之际》采用意识流和多视角的写作手法细腻刻画作品中人物的内心.无疑是对人类无意识内心的一次深刻探索。

    As I lay dying , one of his greatest novels described vividly a search of human unconscious from the angle of muhipoints of view .

  15. 国内外对《我弥留之际》的研究主要包括三大方面:主题、写作技巧以及体裁,并取得了一定的成就。

    The studies of As I Lay Dying in China and abroad have achieved some place with three general perspectives including theme , writing techniques and genre .

  16. 第一章简要地论述了巴赫佥的对话理论,从而为后面具体分析《我弥留之际》中的多重对话关系建立理论框架。

    The first chapter discusses briefly Bakhtin 's dialogic theory so as to create a theoretic framework for the following analysis of the multi-leveled dialogic relationship in As I Lay Dying .

  17. 多角度第一人称叙事与叙述权威的消亡&论《我弥留之际》的叙事视角试图从神话研究的视角,对这一问题作出回答。

    Multiple Points of View and The Disappearance of Narrative Authority & On As I Lay Dying from the Narrative Point of View ; This essay attempts to answer the question from the angle of mythology study .

  18. 我不知道自己弥留之际将会身在何方。

    I don 't know where I will be at the end of my life .

  19. 我想这首歌会在我弥留之际时索绕在我脑中。

    I think that it will run in my head when I lie dying .

  20. 但我知道病房里肯定挤满了天使我看到弥留之际的他呼吸急促而勉强

    I knew that that room was crowded with of course of angels I could see that it was his final moment , his breath was so rapid and strained .