
  1. 我记录了压缩和未压缩的Web页面大小。

    I recorded the sizes of the compressed and uncompressed Web pages .

  2. 你能帮我记录下这堂课的内容吗?

    Can you make a note of this lesson for me ?

  3. 这些依然存留,但是我记录逝去的一切。

    These , these remain , but I record what 's gone .

  4. 捧着摄影机,我记录下了一切。

    Taking the camera , I recorded all of that .

  5. 我记录下做一个全职奶爸的遭遇。

    I document the misadventures of being a stay-at-home dad .

  6. 在湖岸的独钓台,我记录了无数的思想。

    In the fishing place I pictured innumerous thoughts .

  7. 如果我记录我哀伤的想法。

    If I record my sad thoughts .

  8. 我记录了每条线缆和它原来插入的适配器的对应关系。

    I created a map of each cable and which adapter it was plugged into .

  9. 我记录一下.好了,你对工资的期望是多少?

    A : I 'll make note of that . Now , what are your salary expectations ?

  10. 用大型底片能让我记录下丰富的细节,这一直是我感兴趣的;

    Large-scale negatives allow me to document rich details , and this is what I 'm interested in ;

  11. 我记录在这里,希望可能来找你派上用场了。

    I am documenting it here in the hope that it might come in handy for you too .

  12. 对于每一年,在10月1日,我记录了每个运动员全年的统计。

    For each year , on October1st , I have recorded the full year 's stats for each player .

  13. 在过去几年,所有我记录到的有鸣唱的个体(春天)都是库页岛柳莺。

    In previous years , all of the singing ( spring ) individuals that I have recorded have been Sakhalin Leaf Warbler .

  14. 但事实上我记录的数据是错的,是罗威茨和库撒帕里还有你这个小毛毛孩儿做出来的。

    when in fact , I was being fed false data at the hands of lowitz , Koothrappali and your furry little boy toy .

  15. 在路上,幸好有相机帮我记录着我所到过的地方以及我所遇见过的人。

    On the road , fortunately , camera helps me memorize the place where I have been and the people who I have met .

  16. 二十年来我记录下孩子们的成长,人们思想观念、生态环境等方面的巨变。

    I record , in the past two decades , the growth of the children and great changes of people 's concepts , ecological environment , etc.

  17. 有没有一种工具,比如穿衣日历一类的东西,可以帮我记录下来我何时见何人时,穿了什么衣服?

    Is there anything out there , like a clothing calendar , that can help me keep track of what I wore when and who saw me ?

  18. 我记录下自己在亚特兰蒂斯的前世生活中的一些记忆和事件,这尤其得到了我的向导&白云和白鹰的帮助。

    I have recorded some of the memories and events of my past life in Atlantis with the special help of my guides : White Cloud and White Eagle .

  19. 我记录里的第一件精品,是洒着红辣椒末的腌熏鳕鱼白。这是在东京附近,时尚的丘陵小镇中木黑(Nakameguro),一家叫做N-1155的餐馆里吃到的。

    Exhibit A : the plate of smoked salted cod roe sprinkled with red chile pepper flakes at a restaurant called N-1155 in the hip , hilly Tokyo neighborhood of Nakameguro .

  20. 此外,我记录在这里的大部分事实,在巴黎还有其他的见证人;如果光靠我说还不足为凭的话,他们也可以为我出面证实。

    I would further add that there are reliable witnesses in Paris for most of the particulars which I bring together here , and they could vouch for their accuracy should my word not be enough .

  21. 我记录并评估每件事。我说,在九个月的时间里,一群孩子与一台设置成任何语言的计算机单独在一起,将会达到同西方办公室秘书一样的操作水准。

    I wrote down and measured everything , and I said , in nine months , a group of children left alone with a computer in any language will reach the same standard as an office secretary in the West .

  22. 我对记录内容做了扼要报告。

    I made a summary report for the records .

  23. 他的发言我都记录下来了。

    I 've taken notes on what he said .

  24. 你所说得话我全记录下来列文今天怎么啦?没有反唇相讥?

    What 's the matter with Levin today ? Why doesn 't he launch into one of his tirades ?

  25. 我在记录雷姆·库哈斯设计的北京CCTV大楼

    I 've been documenting Rem Koolhaas 's CCTV building in Beijing

  26. 在这里我不是记录操作,而是选择实际修改存储在所选字段中的String值。

    Rather than just logging operations , I 've chosen here to actually modify the String value being stored to a selected field .

  27. 我在记录雷姆·库哈斯设计的北京CCTV大楼和同一个城市里由赫尔佐格和德·梅隆设计的奥运主体育场。

    I 've been documenting Rem Koolhaas 's CCTV building in Beijing and the olympic stadium in the same city by the architects Herzog and de Meuron .

  28. 让我先记录一些关于你的单位的资料。

    Let me get down some information about yuor apartnment first .

  29. 但我在记录真实的海上生活。

    But I 'm capturing the verite of life at sea .

  30. 这就是我喜欢记录进程单的原因。

    This is why I prefer to mark my own strips .