
jiē lì bànɡ
  • baton;relay baton
接力棒 [jiē lì bàng]
  • [relay baton] 接力赛跑时传递的短棒

  1. 杜迈于今年因重病辞世,但他四年前就已经将接力棒传给了帕特里克托马斯(patrickthomas)由一位外来者掌管公司,这在爱马仕的历史上还是首次。

    Mr Dumas died this year after an acute illness but he had passed the baton four years ago to an outsider Patrick Thomas to run the company for the first time in its history .

  2. 如果汇率保持稳定,且国际货币基金组织(imf)对2010年的经济预测日本增长1,7%,中国增长10%接近真实情况的话,那么接力棒将必然易手。

    If exchange rates are stable and International Monetary Fund forecasts for 2010 of 1.7 per cent growth for Japan and 10 per cent for China are anywhere near the mark , then the baton will decisively be passed .

  3. 时任三年Vertu首席执行官的MassimilianoPogliani表示,是时候将接力棒交给新团队了。

    Massimiliano Pogliani , the company 's chief executive for three years , is believed to have stepped down from his post .

  4. 高盛经济学家艾德麦凯维(edmckelvey)表示,他“严重怀疑”届时私营部门是否已经准备好从政府手中接过接力棒。

    Ed McKelvey , an economist at Goldman Sachs , says he has " serious doubts " that the private sector will be ready to pick up the baton from the government by then .

  5. 苹果营销负责人席勒点名挑战首席执行长库克,后者又将接力棒传给了Dr.Dre和华特-迪士尼公司(Disney)首席执行长伊热(BobIger)。库克还说,Dr.Dre拍摄视频的名声享誉全球。

    Schiller threw the spotlight on Apple chief Tim Cook , who in accepting passed the baton to Dr. Dre -- ' he 's been known to make a few videos , ' Cook said -- and Disney CEO Bob Iger .

  6. 二班的运动员把接力棒掉在了地上。

    The Class Two runner dropped his stick on the ground .

  7. 他们俩都同时把接力棒传了过去。

    They both passed on their sticks at the same time .

  8. 基于分布式应用技术的分布式数据库接力棒访问模型

    Baton Model for Distributed Database Based on Distributed Application Techniques

  9. 中国是有能力执行接力棒的全球化。

    China is in a position to carry the baton for globalisation .

  10. 亚洲的其他经济体也无法接过中国手中的接力棒。

    Other Asian economies are not picking up the slack .

  11. 李磊很快地把接力棒传给了吉姆。

    Li let quickly passed the stick on to jim .

  12. 已经起跑的第二棒运动员,抓起接力棒继续往前跑。

    The second runners , already moving , grabbed the sticks and raced .

  13. 每个赛跑选手都把接力棒传给下一个人。

    Each runner passes the baton to the next .

  14. 他停下来捡接力棒。

    He stopped to pick the stick up .

  15. 递棒:将接力棒从一名运动员传给下一名。

    Changeover : The passing of the baton from one runner to the next .

  16. 接力棒【例】他们声言要打死我。

    They threatened to baton me to death

  17. 太空学员们的另一个希望之地,中国,也许将拾起接力棒。

    The space cadets " other hope , China , might pick up the baton .

  18. 太空学员的另一个希望中国,也许会接过接力棒。

    The space cadets ' other hope , China , might pick up the baton .

  19. 首先介绍了分布式应用技术及分布式数据库特点,然后提出了访问分布式数据库的接力棒访问模型。

    After introducing distributed application technique and distributed database , the baton model for distributed database was presented .

  20. 可是你招他们进来就是为了把接力棒交到他们手里。

    But the reason you 're hiring them is because you 're going to give them the reins .

  21. 今天已经有很多人接过他的接力棒,包括他的遗孀苏瓦提也继承他的遗志并继续着他的未竟事业。

    So many today , including his widow Suciwati , serve his memory by carrying on his mission .

  22. 用这种方法,信号就像赛跑中的接力棒一样,传递到大脑各处。

    In this way , the signal gets passed around the brain like a baton in a footrace .

  23. 但是,交易撮合的接力棒即将从战略收购者传到一批新的私人股本集团手中。

    But the dealmaking baton was about to pass from strategic bidders to the new breed of private equity groups .

  24. 闭幕式上,温哥华将接力棒传给了2014年冬奥会主办方:俄罗斯的索契市。

    During the closing ceremony , Vancouver passed the baton to Sochi , Russia , which will host the2014 winter games .

  25. 二班的赛跑员在把接力棒传给第四名赛跑员时棒子掉到了地上。

    Then the Class 2 runner dropped his stick to the ground when he was passing it on to the fourth runner .

  26. 普遍的看法是预计私营领域将接起“接力棒”,不过随着联邦救助的消失,经济将面临相当大的下行风险。

    The consensus expects the private sector to pick up the baton , but the downside risks to the economy as federal aid fades are substantial .

  27. 她知道他的好,但她是父母宠坏的孩子,他就像是她父母的接力棒,父母不在身边时接着宠她,所以,她撒娇,任性,有时候蛮不讲理。

    She knew every merit of his , but as she had been spoiled by her parents and him , she was wilful and sometimes unreasonable .

  28. 熊猫氢已经移动了接力棒从实验室研究了原型阶段的车辆领域的研究。

    The Panda Hydrogen has now taken up the baton to move research forward from the laboratory prototype stage to that of a field research vehicle .

  29. 该代表团指出,重要的不在于谁拿到接力棒,而是接力棒一直不脱手,一直向前传递。

    It noted that what was important was not who was carrying the baton , but rather that the baton continued to be carried and carried forward .

  30. 我觉得我令企业界的前辈们失望-我把他们交给我的接力棒弄丢了。

    I felt that I had let the previous generation of entrepreneurs down - that I had dropped the baton as it was being passed to me .