
  • 网络accounting
  1. 财会专业本科教育双导师制的实践与探索

    Practicing " Two Tutor Systems " in the Undergraduate Accounting Education

  2. 以就业为导向,建立高职财会专业人才培养模式

    Take up an Occupation , Setting up the Mode of Finance Accounting Specialty

  3. 接下来是教育学(10万2219个学位)等社会科学专业,传播学专业(9万8949个学位)和财会专业(9万8663个学位)二者的热度没什么差别。

    Social science majors such as Education ( 102219 ) follow up , and the difference between Communications ( 98949 ) and Finance and Accounting2 ( 98663 ) is rather small .

  4. 加强财会专业计算机教学的探讨

    To probe into how to strengthen computer teaching in financial accounting

  5. 略论财会专业人员的基本素质

    The Fundamental Quality of Professional Staff of Finance And Accounting

  6. 民族院校财会专业实践教学的设想

    Ideas of Practical Teaching for Accounting Majors in Ethnic Universities and Colleges

  7. 构建财会专业人才的知识、能力、素质结构;

    Construct knowledge , ability and qualification structure of professionals ;

  8. 财会专业教学改革思路探析

    Discussion of Educational Reform Thinking for Finance and Accounting Specialty

  9. 非财会专业的财务管理教学研究

    Research on the Teaching of Financial Management to Non-Accounting Majors

  10. 中、高职财会专业学生实践能力培养的探索

    On Nurturing Practical Abilities of students of Finance and Accounting in Vocational Schools

  11. 要求:1。大专以上学历,财会专业。

    Requirements : Bachelor degree of above , major in finance or accounting .

  12. 本文就高职高专财会专业教育的培养模式和培养目标问题进行了研究、探讨。

    This article is about some questions concerning higher vocational education lof accounting major .

  13. 财会专业大学专科以上,3年相关工作经验。

    Master at least majoring in accounting . 3 years experiences in relevant position .

  14. 如何提高中等职业财会专业实践教学的实效性

    How to Improve the Effectiveness of the Practical Teaching of Accountant Specialty in Vocational Schools

  15. 中等职业财会专业教学改革初探

    On Preliminary Exploring about Teaching Reforming of Financial and Accounting Specialized Subject to Secondary Vocation

  16. 以就业为导向以能力为核心改革财会专业教学模式

    The reform on professional teaching model of financial accounting directed in employment and centered on ability

  17. 我教财会专业的学生。

    I teach accounting major students .

  18. 大学会计教育中的职业诚信教育中等职业学校财会专业主干课程实施模块化教学的思考

    Consideration on Carrying out Modularized Teaching in Main Courses of Economical and Accountant Specialty in Secondary Vocational Schools

  19. 中专以上学历,财会专业,一年以上相关工作经验;

    Technical secondary school graduate or above , finance or accounting major , over 1 year related experience ;

  20. 本公司的总经理是财会专业人才,擅长投资理财。

    Professional education in accounting of the general manager enables the Company does well in investment and financial management .

  21. 会计职业判断能力是《企业会计制度》的要求,是会计人员必须具备的基本素质,也是高职高专财会专业学生应具备的基本能力。

    Professional judgment competency proved a critical demand for Enterprises Accounting System , and a basic quality for accountant major .

  22. 掌握计算机的基本操作和最新常用软件的使用方法,熟悉财会专业软件的操作;

    Knowing how to operate computer and how to use general software ; mastering no less than one computer language ;

  23. 十年前,财会专业正处于襁褓之中,主客观条件都令人担忧。

    Ten years ago , Finance and Accountancy was still in its infancy , both subjective and objective conditions are worrying .

  24. 一份2006年毕业生调查报告显示:工程学专业的毕业生薪水仍位居各专业之首,财会专业和金融专业薪水增长较快。

    In survey of the Class of2006 , engineers still get top salary offers , but accounting and finance majors are climbing quickly .

  25. 财会专业是一个长足发展的专业,学生在努力学习理论知识的同时,必须和实际相结合。

    The finance and accounting specialty is a considerable development specialty , the student while diligently theory of learning knowledge , must with actual unify .

  26. 当前我国的远程教育财会专业的教学模式主要还是与工业时代相适应的教学模式。

    The current teaching mode of the Distance Education of Accounting major is to adapt the needs of the Industial Age for its chief purpose .

  27. 财会专业的培养目标是既有扎实的理论知识,又具备过硬的实际操作能力的高素质财务人员。

    The goal of training accounting majors is to cultivate highly qualified accountants with both solid theoretical knowledge and a perfect mastery of operational techniques .

  28. 在中职财会专业实施项目教学法应包括如下步骤:制定学科计划,选定项目模块;

    The application of item teaching method in accountant specialty in secondary vocational education include the following steps : making subject plan and selecting item module ;

  29. 原材料按计划成本核算,是财会专业学生学习时遇到的拦路虎(难点内容)。

    The raw and processed materials are calculated by the planned cost , which is the difficult point for the students majoring in financing and Accounting .

  30. 高职财会专业招收的中职生绝大多数是中专和职高对口专业的毕业生,已学过数门专业课程,具有一定的专业知识与技能。

    Because the majority of graduates of the technical secondary school majoring in accounting have learned some special courses on accounting , they possess some specialized knowledge and skills .