
  • 网络Fortune Center;FORTUNE PLAZA
  1. 北京财富中心二期办公楼超高层结构体系设计研究

    Design and study on super high-rise structural system of Beijing Fortune Plaza 2 office tower

  2. 青岛财富中心超限高层Pushover分析

    Pushover Analysis of Ultralimit High Rise Structure in Qingdao Fortune Center

  3. JP摩根私人银行家庭财富中心的主管艾米布拉登(AmyBraden)表示:客户们确实对目前所发生的事情很感兴趣。

    Clients are really interested in what is going on right now , says Amy Braden , who heads the Family Wealth Centre at JPMorgan Private Bank .

  4. JP摩根私人银行家族财富中心负责人艾米•布拉登(AmyBraden)表示:你的父母只要还有一个人在世,你就是下一代。

    You 're next generation as long as you have a parent who is alive , says Amy Braden , head of JPMorgan Private Bank 's family wealth centre .

  5. 通过优化配制试验和采取有效的施工措施,北京世纪财富中心工程钢骨桁架C60自密实混凝土的浇筑取得理想效果。

    By optimizing the preparation test and adopting effective construction measures , the placement of C60 self-dense concrete with steel truss frame in Beijing Century Fortune Center Project achieved satisfactory effect .

  6. 北京世纪财富中心工程超大尺寸基础底板,平面尺寸75m×40m,厚度3m,中心厚度6m,高温季节浇筑。

    The very large-sized concrete base in construction of Beijing Century Wealth Center has the flat surface size of 75m × 40m , the thickness is 3m , the center thickness is 6m , and the concrete is poured in high temperature season .

  7. 德勤表示,研究发现,瑞士等欧洲财富中心“受到”欧元区危机和美国《海外账户纳税法案》(Fatca)等监管规定的“双重影响”。《海外账户纳税法案》旨在发现并遏制美国公民通过海外账户避税。

    The consultancy said its findings suggested that European centres such as Switzerland " suffered from the combined effect " of the eurozone crisis and regulations such as Fatca - the US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act which is intended to detect and deter tax evasion by US citizens via overseas accounts .

  8. 沈阳财富中心基础工程大体积混凝土施工

    The mass concrete construction of the base of ShenYang Wealth Center

  9. 温州财富中心深基坑支护与监测

    Wenzhou fortune center deep base pit shoring and inspect survey

  10. 钢管混凝土结构在北京财富中心二期工程的应用

    Application of Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Columns in Beijing Wealth Center (ⅱ) Project

  11. 某国际财富中心深基坑的围护方案设计与施工

    Enclosure protection scheme design and construction of the deep foundation pit in one international wealth center

  12. 财富中心二期公寓楼工程超高层建筑施工临时用水设置

    Design and installation in temporary application to high-rise building construction in Fortune Center (ⅱ) apartment building

  13. 北京财富中心一期工程圆柱体系模板施工技术

    Construction Technologies of Round Column System Formwork of the First Stage Project of Beijing Fortune Center

  14. 北京财富中心桩基后压浆施工工程,由建研地基公司完成。

    The pile foundation and post grouting for Beijing Fortune Center project was completed by CABR-FE Company .

  15. 这一配额安排是向前迈出的重要一步。如此一来,企业就能利用该安排,把以往困在中国境内的人民币现金转到离岸财富中心,与其他货币放在一起管理。

    The quota arrangement is a major step forward , as corporates can use it to move previously trapped onshore renminbi cash to offshore treasury centres where it can be managed alongside other currencies .

  16. 从大连的地域特色出发,让建筑与城市的人文环境和自然环境和谐共生,这使大连名仕财富中心在规划、建筑、环境设计等方面都独具地方特色。

    The rational thinking which sets out from fact and shows much concern to regional environment has made Dalian Mingshi fortune center unique at the aspect of layout , architecture , environment , and so on .

  17. 德勤的年度财富中心排行榜显示,亚洲城市正被全球富人视为最佳资金存放场所,此际,全球对瑞士和其他地区的私人财富管理机构加强了监管。

    The consultancy 's annual ranking of wealth centres highlights how the Asian cities are seen by the world 's rich as the best places to park money amid global tighter regulation of private wealth managers in Switzerland and elsewhere .

  18. 最新调查表明,亚洲富豪人数的增加对新加坡和香港离岸财富中心地位的提升有所贡献,使得他们比瑞士和卢森堡更有优势,因为欧洲正加强在银行保密方面的监管。

    The latest survey also found that such growth in Asia was contributing to the expansion of Singapore and Hong Kong as centres of offshore wealth , giving them an edge over Switzerland and Luxembourg , which faced tighter European regulation on bank secrecy .

  19. 新加坡是亚洲第一大财富管理中心,拥有亚洲地区排名最高的大学&新加坡国立大学(NationalUniversityofSingapore)。

    Singapore is the number one wealth management centre in Asia . The country has the best ranked university in Asia , the National University of Singapore .

  20. 浙江财富金融中心桩基持力层的选择

    The Selecting of Bearing Layer for Piles in Zhejiang Wealth Financial Center

  21. 浙江财富金融中心

    Zhejiang Fortune Finance Center

  22. 数年来,外界一直预测新加坡将取代瑞士,成为全球最大财富管理中心。

    Singapore has for some years been projected to overtake Switzerland as the world 's largest wealth management centre .

  23. 因东南亚(特别是印尼)富有企业家数量不断增多,新加坡正迅速成长为财富管理中心。

    Singapore is growing fast as a money management centre because of a rising number of wealthy entrepreneurs in Southeast Asia , especially Indonesia .

  24. 在这个热潮中,各地商业银行纷纷推出各自理财产品,开设装修豪华的理财中心、财富管理中心。

    In this upsurge , regional commercial banks put out each financing products one after another , open the luxurious financing centers & administrative centers of the wealth .

  25. 鉴于内地庞大而日益富裕的人口不断增加,香港理所当然的还将成为中国个人和机构理想的财富管理中心。

    Given the Mainland 's large and increasingly affluent population , Hong Kong is an ideal – and logical – wealth management centre for Chinese individuals and institutions .

  26. 但根据来自海外的资产规模衡量,瑞士仍是全球最大财富管理中心,排在后面的分别是英国、美国、巴拿马和加勒比海地区。

    But it remains the largest wealth management centre - measured by assets coming from abroad - followed by the UK , the US , and Panama and the Caribbean .

  27. 同时,随着外资银行争先恐后地在上海、北京、深圳等城市开设理财中心,财富管理中心等,外资银行开始抢占中国的理财市场。

    Meanwhile , as foreign banks rushed to open banking centers , wealth management centers in Shanghai , Beijing , Shenzhen and other cities , foreign banks began to seize the Chinese financial market .

  28. 本文介绍了浙江财富金融中心项目概况,并从设计意向、整体构思、形体、功能等方面,概括阐述了约翰·波特曼的设计思想。

    This paper introduces the general situation of Zhejiang Fortune Finance Center and expatiates in detail John Portman 's design philosophy for the building from the aspects such as architectural concepts , body and function .

  29. 美国马萨诸塞州波士顿学院(bostoncollege)财富和慈善中心主任保罗舍维什(paulschervish)表示,如今,由于超极富豪的数量不断增加,我们正进入一个慈善活动黄金时期。

    Right now , says Paul schervish , director of the centre on wealth and Philanthropy at Boston College , Massachusetts , we are entering a golden age of philanthropy , thanks to the growing ranks of the super-wealthy .

  30. 的确,该报告预计,由于一些因素(比如拥有较年轻的创业者),亚洲将成为新亿万富翁财富创造的中心。

    Indeed , the report expects Asia to become the centre of new billionaire wealth creation because of a number of factors such as being home to younger entrepreneurs .