
  1. 他们在塞纳加尔和马里边境上一个叫Tenkoto的小村庄的丛林矿山里工作。

    He works in a bush mine on the Senegal-Mali border in the village of Tenkoto .

  2. 就像野生动物一样在矿山里长大。

    Grew up in the mines like wild animals .

  3. 还有一颗大钻石刚刚在南非著名的库里南矿山里被发现。

    Another huge diamond has just been found in South Africa 's renowned Cullinan Mine .

  4. 其他的人进去后就被陷在矿山里,其鬼魂也成为地下财宝的看守者。

    The others will stay captured in the mine forever and their ghosts will become the underworld guardians .

  5. 尾矿坝是堆积金属及非金属等选矿废弃物的构筑物,也是矿山里的重大危险源之一。

    Tailings dam is a heap of metal and non-metallic structures such as mineral processing wastes and also one of the major hazards in mines .