- 网络P.S;portland blast-furnace slag cement;Slag cement;slag portland cement

The experiment concludes that seawater environment has negative effects on the strength of soil-cement matrix and slag cement can against seawater erosion .
First , soaking dry fly ash in seawater under saturation condition for 180 days to simulate wet fly ash , then stabilizes it with Portland slag cement and ordinary Portland cement separately , and dry fly ash as a comparison .
In this article , there has been a deep analysis and detailed description about it , giving its theoretical values of mand Q of the Portland slag cement , and complementing with its supplementary tabulations .
Grade 525 sulfate resistant cement produced by the Jingmen Cement Mill was used for the sluice bottom within 0.5 m above foundation , and Grade 425 Portland slag cement produced by the Guanghua Cement Mill for the upper portion .
" Portland blastfurnace-slag cement , portland pozzolana cement and portland fly-ash cement "
High temperature salt bath electrode furnace portland blast-furnace cement
A study on Portland blast furance cement containing titania
Study on 425 High Content Slag Silicate Cement
Portland blast-furnace cement cupola slag hole block
Supercritical Water Fluid Explosion Genesis of Earthquake " Portland blastfurnace-slag cement , portland pozzolana cement and portland fly-ash cement "
The strength formation of the slag Portland cement from different enterprises is different . But they have the same growth laws .
Furthermore under the same condition , slag Portland cement concrete is better than common Portland cement on ability of seawater corrosion resistance .
Through many experiments , processing techniques and properties of B-type slag silicate cement was explored , and proper process control parameters were also determined .
The influences of adding silicate cement of slag to gypsum in the rangeof 3 & 12 % on bending strength and water-resistant property of the board ;
For massive concrete construction , the low hydration heat cement like the slag Portland cement is often used to facilitate temperature rise control in the concrete .
The cement setting time at different temperatures has been measured through choosing citric acid , sugar and sodium gluconate as the retarders of iron portland cement .
The increase of the strength of slag Portland cement is influenced by the factors of the composition , structure , the quality of slag , mixture , etc.
The manufacturing of 425 # Portland-slag cement in Fushun ShengLi Mine Cement Factory was the background of the present study . Some composite mineralizing admixture was added to the raw material ; New batch composition calculation was finished ;
The physical properities of composite Portland cement of chromate sludge and blast furnace slag and the leaching concentration of water soluble Cr 6 + from the cement samples have been determined .
The Influences of Slag on the Formation Kinetics of Portland Cement Clinker
Experimental Research of Sodium Chloride on Activation and Binding Mode of Slag Portland Blend Cement
Compensation effect of converter steel slag powder on the shrinkage of hardened mortar prepared by ground granulated blast furnace slag and portland cement
To Product Slag Silicate Cement by Limestone Replaced the Part of Slag
The effect of converter steel slag powder ( CSSP ), on the shrinkage characteristic of hardened GGBFS-PC mixed mortar is studied .
The results show that the mixing chromate sludge is good for the early strength of composite Portland cement and the blast furnace slag 's contribution for the later strength of composite Portland cement is more than chromate sludge ' s.