
  • 网络Mining Resources
  1. 众所周知工业生产离不开煤炭石油等重要的矿产资源,稀土等珍贵的矿业资源更是高新技术发展中必不可少的。

    It is well known that industrial production can not be separated from the coal , oil and other important mineral resources . Such mining resources are rare and valuable , and they are essential in the development of high-tech industry .

  2. 对矿业资源的开发利用要因地制宜,按照谁污染,谁治理;谁破坏,谁赔偿的原则建立矿山复垦保证金制度。

    The exploitation of mining resources should be adjusted according to local conditions , and the security system of mine recultivation should be set up according to the principle of one should renovate one 's pollution ; one should pay for one 's destruction .

  3. 基于循环经济模式和供应链理念矿业资源产业链的构建

    Supply Chain in Mining Resource Industry Based on Recycling Economic Structure

  4. 中国钨矿业资源现状与可持续发展

    Present status and sustainable development of tungsten ore mining in China

  5. 这正是我们直接投资澳大利亚矿业资源的原因。

    So that is why we invest directly in Australian mineral resources .

  6. 本文给出了基于循环经济模式和供应链理念的矿业资源产业链的定义。

    This paper gives the definition of supply chain in resource industry based on recycling economic structure .

  7. 在我国社会、经济可持续发展中,矿业资源城市具有特别重要的地位和作用。

    Mineral resource cities have important position and effect in our country 's society and economy sustainable development .

  8. 由于矿业资源的不可再生性,矿业资源城市必将面临资源枯竭后城市如何发展这一严峻问题.为保持经济持续发展,产业结构的调整与优化将成为推动矿业资源城市可持续发展的有效途径之一。

    Optimization of industrial structures is one of the ways to achieve sustained economic development in mineral resources cities .

  9. 本文从实际操作角度出发,就《矿业资源法》、产权转让和合同条件等问题,提出几点建议。

    According to the Law of Mineral Resources , the paper makes some suggestions about property right transfer , conditions of contract etc.

  10. 可以按照优化模型对矿业资源城市的产业结构进行合理调整,使其更加科学、合理。

    This industrial structure optimization model can be used for adjustment of industrial structures in mineral resources cities to achieve sustained economic development .

  11. 我国铝矿业资源现状与可持续发展中铝矿业分公司铝土矿资源发展形势及战略对策

    CURRENT STATUS AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF ALUMINIUM ORE MINING INDUSTRY IN CHINA Bauxite resources situation and strategic countermeasures of Chalco 's mining company

  12. 随着矿业资源的大规模开发和易处理矿石日益减少,对高效利用低品位矿石的要求更加迫切。

    Because of over-exploited mineral resources and the decreasing of easy-handle mineral , the demand for efficient use of low-grade minerals is more urgent .

  13. 为解决资源约束,保证矿业资源型城市可持续发展,必须加强对矿产资源的勘察、规划和管理。

    To address resource constraints and ensure sustainable development of mineral resource cities , we must strengthen the exploration , planning and management of mineral resources .

  14. 祖国的地下到处都埋藏着丰富的矿产资源。南非的丰富黄金矿藏量以及其它矿业资源正在日益枯竭。

    In our motherland hidden underground everywhere is a wealth of mineral resources . South Africa 's gold and mineral bonanza is beginning to tail off .

  15. 矿业资源城市是伴随着化石资源的开发而兴起的城市,如何实现经济的持续稳定协调发展是矿业资源城市发展的重大课题。

    Mining city is a city whose development accompanied by exploitation of fossil resource , how realize sustainable economy development is a grave issues of mining city .

  16. 将投入产出模型与多目标规划方法相结合,建立矿业资源城市经济可持续发展的产业结构优化模型,寻求一条矿业资源城市可持续发展之路。

    A model has been established by combining the input output model with the multi target planning method for optimization of industrial structures in mineral resources cities .

  17. 中低渗枯竭气藏改建地下储气库难点及对策南非的丰富黄金矿藏量以及其它矿业资源正在日益枯竭。

    Difficulties and measures in reconstructing underground gas storages based on medium to low permeability depleted reservoirs South Africa 's gold and mineral bonanza is beginning to tail off .

  18. 因此该区自七五和八五以来一直是地质矿产部门非常重视的重点矿业资源调查、勘探及开发区。

    So it is taken into account by the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources of China as the important zone of the mineral resource survey , exploration and developing region .

  19. 我国是矿业资源大国,矿产资源的开采产生了大量的尾矿,这些尾矿大部分都堆积在尾矿库中。

    China is a country with lots of mineral resources , the mining of resources produced a large number of tailings , and most of these tailings are piling up in tailing ponds .

  20. 写作本文的初衷来源于中国地质大学(武汉)管理学院与国土资源部的纵向合作项目国外矿业资源法若干问题研究。

    The original motivation to write this paper stemmed from the project " The Research of Problems in Mineral Resources Legislation in Foreign Countries ", which is a cooperation project between the Management College of CUG and the Ministry of Land and Resources P.R. C.

  21. 矿业资源城市可持续发展的物质基础是非再生的矿产资源,其可持续性利用最终有限,矿产资源逐渐衰竭与城市持续发展之间的矛盾是摆在我们面前的重大课题。

    The material basis of sustainable development for cities with mineral resources is non-renewable mineral resources , and its sustainable utilization will not last forever . Thus , it is an on-coming serious issue the contradiction between slow exhaustion of mines and sustainable development of cities .

  22. 试论地方矿业的资源监督管理

    A preliminary discussion of local resources supervision and management over mining

  23. 矿业城市资源产业集群发展模式研究

    Study on the Development Model for Mineral Industrial Clusters of Mining Cities

  24. 因特网矿业信息资源及其利用研究

    The Research and Utility of the Information Resource Related to Mining on Internet

  25. 论矿业人力资源可持续发展

    On sustainable development of human resources of mining industry

  26. 中国矿业大学资源与地球科学学院;

    School of Resources and Geosciences , China University of Mining and Technology ;

  27. 四川丹巴白云母矿山公园矿业遗迹资源特征及评价

    Features and Assessment of Mining Heritage Landscape Resources in the Danba Muscovite Mine Park , Sichuan

  28. 河西走廊矿业城市资源多元化开发战略初探

    A preliminary approach to the pluralistic development strategy for mineral resources of mining cities in Hexi Corridor

  29. 试论马钢集团矿业立足资源实施可持续发展

    Trial Discussion on Ma Steel Group 's Mining 's Execution of Sustainable Development with Its Footing on Resources

  30. 对西部矿业集团资源型企业的构建,西部矿业集团与西部区域经济的关系,进行了论述。

    It discusses how to construct Western Mining Corporation Group as resource type corporation and the relation of Western Mining Corporation Group and Western regional economy .