
  1. 美欧需求的疲软拖累了利丰(LiFung)2014年盈利。利丰是Target、玛莎百货(MarksandSpencer)及沃尔玛(Walmart)等西方零售商的亚洲商品供货商。

    Weak demand from the US and Europe has weighed on 2014 profits at Li Fung , the supplier of made-in-Asia goods to western retailers such as Target , Marks and Spencer and Walmart .

  2. 但是在这种情况下,仅当欧洲人民刚刚开始习惯亚洲商品的时候,供应线路被切断了。

    And in this way , just when the people of Europe had come to depend upon certain Asiatic goods , the supply was suddenly cut off .

  3. 亚洲商品价格将会上升,这与汇率提升对亚洲经济体和出口前景的影响将完全一致。

    The price of Asian goods is going up and that has exactly the same effect on Asian economies and export prospects as a rise in the exchange rate .

  4. 2003年非典爆发之时,亚裔美国人就备受歧视,美国公共医疗热线每天都会接到人们的电话,担心买了亚洲商品、邻居是亚洲人或是要和亚洲人一起上学。

    During the SARS outbreak of 2003 , Asian-Americans were stigmatized , with public health hotlines inundated with calls from Americans worried about buying Asian merchandise , living near Asians and going to school with Asians .

  5. 2003年“非典”爆发之时,亚裔美国人就备受歧视,美国公共医疗热线每天都会接到人们的电话,担心“买了亚洲商品”、“邻居是亚洲人”或是“要和亚洲人一起上学”。

    During the SARS outbreak of 2003 , Asian-Americans were stigmatized , with public health hotlines inundated with calls from Americans worried about " buying Asian merchandise , " " living near Asians " and " going to school with Asians . "

  6. 不能针对亚洲进口商品实施更有力的保护,对美国制造商造成的伤害或许是严重的。

    Without greater protection against Asian imports , the damage for US manufacturers may be substantial .

  7. 中国是大量亚洲生产商品的最终集散地。

    The country serves as a final assembly point for a large number of goods produced in asia .

  8. 使情况更为复杂的是,眼下要想获得亚洲大宗商品需求的准确数据极其困难。

    Adding to the confusion : It is unusually hard to get an accurate reading of Asian commodity demand right now .

  9. 尽管欧元区主权债务危机影响欧洲经济增长已有一年多,但这种影响只是在最近才开始导致其对亚洲出口商品的需求下降。

    While the eurozone sovereign debt crisis has hit growth in Europe for more than a year , the effects have only recently started to feed through into reduced demand for Asian exports .

  10. 其他交易公司的高管表示,受到新加坡优惠税制、较低成本和亚洲大宗商品需求增长的吸引,它们也正在新加坡招聘员工、招揽更多业务。

    Executives at other trading houses said that they were hiring staff and booking more business via Singapore , attracted by its favourable tax regime , lower costs and the growing demand for commodities across Asia .

  11. 整个亚洲对耐用商品的需求量均大幅度降低。

    Throughout Asia , the demand for durable goods is way down .

  12. 或许港交所没有别的选择,只能去试一把,原因是未来几年交易所可能在下列领域获得丰厚利润:亚洲的大宗商品和大宗商品衍生品。

    HKEx probably had no choice but to try , precisely because of where exchanges are likely to make a lot of money in coming years : commodities and commodity derivatives in Asia .

  13. 这可能意味着重归区域性生产中心中国工厂从出口转向为亚洲消费者生产商品;在拉美新设的工厂为美国制造商品。

    That is likely to mean a return to regional production centres , with Chinese factories switching from exporting to producing for Asian consumers and new factories making goods for the US sited in Latin America .

  14. 他认为,TPP能够在增长迅速的亚洲为更多美国商品和服务打开市场,并在国内创造高薪岗位。

    The TPP is , he argues , a way to open up more markets for US goods and services in fast-growing Asia and to create high-paying jobs at home .

  15. 许多投资者仍在做空美元,尤其是做空美元、做多亚洲货币和大宗商品相关货币。

    Many investors remain short dollars , especially against commodity-linked and Asian currencies .

  16. 因此,当布鲁斯先生说“亚洲生产低成本商品的时代即将终结”,人们都会相信。

    So when Mr Rockowitz says the era of low-cost Asian production is drawing to a close , people listen .

  17. 这意味着在未来几年内,亚洲地区众多大宗商品领域的公司将面临破产。

    That spells corporate bankruptcy in the next few years for lots of Companies in commoditised sectors of the Asian regional economy .

  18. 其他交易商在亚洲周上卖出商品的比例约占全年销售额的1/3到2/3不等。这项活动持续九天。

    Other dealers attribute anywhere between one-third and two-thirds of their annual business to the event , which runs for nine days .

  19. 来自亚洲的廉价进口商品有助于降低家庭用品的价格,但也被指摘损害了本国制造商的利益。

    Cheap imports from Asia help to reduce the price of household goods but they are also accused of undermining domestic manufacturers .

  20. 央行目前已经面临油价急剧上涨的问题,以及来自发展中亚洲国家的进口商品价格下跌势头暂停的问题。

    Already today , central banks face steeply higher oil prices combined with a pause in falling import prices from developing Asia .

  21. 亚洲对非洲大宗商品的需求,已带来了非洲大陆贸易条件的复兴,促使非洲经济更为强劲地增长。

    Asian demand for African commodities has brought about a revival in the terms on which the continent trades , contributing to stronger growth .

  22. 从亚洲其它地区进口商品、推动该地区复苏的是中国,而非美国。

    It is China , not the US , which is sucking in imports from elsewhere in Asia , helping the region bounce back .

  23. 在富油的海湾地区和发展迅速的亚洲国家之间,商品、资本和人员流动的显著增强,始自新世纪来临前后,而这可能进而重新决定全球经济的格局。

    A dramatic rise in the flows of goods , capital and people between the oil-rich Gulf and the fast-developing nations of Asia began around the dawn of the new century that may go on to reshape the world economy .

  24. 亚洲开发银行(asiandevelopmentbank)的李金沃(jongwha-lee)表示,近年来地区内部贸易的大幅攀升,掩盖了这样一个事实:亚洲商品最终需求的60%都来自发达国家。

    Jong wha-lee of the Asian Development Bank says a sharp rise over recent years in intra-regional trade disguises the fact that 60 per cent of final demand for Asian goods comes from developed countries .

  25. 在亚洲,中国出口暴跌影响到就业。在欧洲,英国零售额急剧下降。一波又一波的经济坏消息接踵而来,促使全球股市大幅走低。在亚洲,由于大宗商品价格紧随油价下跌,日本日经指数损失了将近5%。

    In Asia , Japan 's Nikkei index lost nearly 5 percent of value as commodities followed oil prices lower .