
Weak demand from the US and Europe has weighed on 2014 profits at Li Fung , the supplier of made-in-Asia goods to western retailers such as Target , Marks and Spencer and Walmart .
And in this way , just when the people of Europe had come to depend upon certain Asiatic goods , the supply was suddenly cut off .
The price of Asian goods is going up and that has exactly the same effect on Asian economies and export prospects as a rise in the exchange rate .
During the SARS outbreak of 2003 , Asian-Americans were stigmatized , with public health hotlines inundated with calls from Americans worried about buying Asian merchandise , living near Asians and going to school with Asians .
During the SARS outbreak of 2003 , Asian-Americans were stigmatized , with public health hotlines inundated with calls from Americans worried about " buying Asian merchandise , " " living near Asians " and " going to school with Asians . "
Without greater protection against Asian imports , the damage for US manufacturers may be substantial .
The country serves as a final assembly point for a large number of goods produced in asia .
Adding to the confusion : It is unusually hard to get an accurate reading of Asian commodity demand right now .
While the eurozone sovereign debt crisis has hit growth in Europe for more than a year , the effects have only recently started to feed through into reduced demand for Asian exports .
Executives at other trading houses said that they were hiring staff and booking more business via Singapore , attracted by its favourable tax regime , lower costs and the growing demand for commodities across Asia .
Throughout Asia , the demand for durable goods is way down .
HKEx probably had no choice but to try , precisely because of where exchanges are likely to make a lot of money in coming years : commodities and commodity derivatives in Asia .
That is likely to mean a return to regional production centres , with Chinese factories switching from exporting to producing for Asian consumers and new factories making goods for the US sited in Latin America .
The TPP is , he argues , a way to open up more markets for US goods and services in fast-growing Asia and to create high-paying jobs at home .
Many investors remain short dollars , especially against commodity-linked and Asian currencies .
So when Mr Rockowitz says the era of low-cost Asian production is drawing to a close , people listen .
That spells corporate bankruptcy in the next few years for lots of Companies in commoditised sectors of the Asian regional economy .
Other dealers attribute anywhere between one-third and two-thirds of their annual business to the event , which runs for nine days .
Cheap imports from Asia help to reduce the price of household goods but they are also accused of undermining domestic manufacturers .
Already today , central banks face steeply higher oil prices combined with a pause in falling import prices from developing Asia .
Asian demand for African commodities has brought about a revival in the terms on which the continent trades , contributing to stronger growth .
It is China , not the US , which is sucking in imports from elsewhere in Asia , helping the region bounce back .
A dramatic rise in the flows of goods , capital and people between the oil-rich Gulf and the fast-developing nations of Asia began around the dawn of the new century that may go on to reshape the world economy .
Jong wha-lee of the Asian Development Bank says a sharp rise over recent years in intra-regional trade disguises the fact that 60 per cent of final demand for Asian goods comes from developed countries .
In Asia , Japan 's Nikkei index lost nearly 5 percent of value as commodities followed oil prices lower .