
  • 网络The Asian Art Museum
  1. 祝此次亚洲美术馆馆长论坛取得圆满成功。

    I wish this Asian Art Museum Directors'Forum great success .

  2. 但在日本福冈亚洲美术馆的帮助下,陆扬得到了曾用于医学解剖的死青蛙,来创作一个作品。

    But with the help of the Fukuoka Asian Art Museum in Japan , Ms. Lu was able to obtain dead frogs that had been used in a medical dissection to produce one of the works .

  3. 福冈亚洲美术馆还出版《AJIBI新闻》(通讯期刊)并拥有自己的网站,广泛宣传亚洲艺术信息。

    The FAAM also publishes AJIBI News ( periodical newsletter ) and original website to widely distribute information on Asian art .

  4. 另外,还与常驻福冈亚洲美术馆的研究人员共同对亚洲艺术开展更详细的研究。

    It continues further research on Asian art together with the researchers in residence at the FAAM .

  5. 福冈亚洲美术馆针对各类观众展开研讨会、讲座和其他教育活动。

    The FAAM presents workshops , lectures and other educational programmes for a wide range of audience .

  6. 他的作品在美洲、欧洲和亚洲最好的美术馆展出。

    His work was exhibited in the best galleries in America , Europe and Asia .

  7. 第十届亚洲艺术展(福冈亚洲美术馆日本横滨);

    The10th Asian International Art Exhibition Fukuoka Asia Art Museum , Yokohama Japan .

  8. 首先介绍的是由福冈市美术馆举办的“亚洲美术展”转变为福冈亚洲美术馆与三年展的发展历程;

    The thesis includes three parts : the first part introduces the long process from Asian Art Show hosted by Fukuoka City Art Museum to the Fukuoka Asian Art Triennial held by Fukuoka Asian Art Museum ;