
shì zhènɡ zhōnɡ xīn
  • civic center
  1. 大卫:那么市政中心或教育机构呢?这些建筑难道不考虑重盖吗?

    David : what about the civic center or educational facilities ? Aren 't they supposed to be considering remodeling ?

  2. 在坐落于破旧市中心的科尔曼·A.杨市政中心(ColemanA.YoungMunicipalCenter)的办公室中,67岁但仍然瘦削的宾在椅子上向前探了探身子。

    Still slim at67 , Bing leans forward in his office chair at the Coleman A.Young Municipal Center in the broken heart of downtown .

  3. 梧州市政中心广场规划设计

    IT Planning for the Municipal Management The planning of Wuzhou government plaza

  4. 浅谈太原市南部新区发展及市政中心选址

    Development of south new area in Taiyuan and site selection of city center

  5. 当代城市意义上的复合多义性市政中心的概念;

    Concept of contemporary complex and multi-meaning municipal centre ;

  6. 城市的追求&江西横峰市政中心广场设计

    Pursuit of the City & Designing the Municipal Centre Square in Hengfeng , Jiangxi Province

  7. 现代城市市政中心设计研究

    Study on Design Modern Civil Municipal Center

  8. 澳门半岛的市政厅广场是澳门的市政中心,它沿袭了欧洲中世纪广场的特色。

    Senate Square of the Peninsula is the municipal center of Macao , and it followed characteristic of middle ages squares of Europe .

  9. 本文以多学科理论为基础,运用调查与范例研究的方法,对市政中心的设计理论问题进行了分析探索。

    The text investigates regarding theories of many courses as the foundation , applications with the method that the examples study ; design the civil municipal center the theories problem proceeds analysis quest .

  10. 市政中心,作为新时期我国城市化进程加速的产物,由于其特殊的功能和较大的体量对城市的规划起着举足轻重的作用。

    Civil Municipal Center , as the production of urbanize program at new period in our country , it play a important role in city planning because of it 's special function an huge consider .

  11. 本文围绕一个核心、二根轴线、三条舞带的创作构思,探讨具有地域性、时代性和文化性的宜人的梧州市政中心广场的规划设计方法。

    Focusing on the conception of one core , two axises and three ribbons for dance , this paper introduces the planning of Wuzhou goverment plaza , which reflects the local characteristics , the epoch and the culture property .

  12. 比如圣安德鲁大教堂,新加坡市政厅,新加坡最高法院以及市政快运中心等等。

    Andrew 's Cathedral , Singapore City Hall , the Singapore Supreme Court and the City Hall MRT Station .

  13. 市政局熟食中心装设空调设施工作小组

    Working Party for the Provisioning of Air-conditioning to Urban Council Cooked Food Centre

  14. 三峡地下电站施工控制网布设与维护市政局熟食中心装设空调设施工作小组

    Layout and maintenance of construction control network of Three Gorges Underground Powerstation Working Party for the Provisioning of Air-conditioning to Urban Council Cooked Food Centre