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shì chǎnɡ shuì
  • Market tax;toll
  1. 利息的计算;中国市场股利税与公司价值研究

    Accounting of interest ; Dividend Tax and Firm Value in China Market

  2. 中国市场股利税与公司价值研究

    Dividend Tax and Firm Value in China Market

  3. 这一历史时期商业贸易的局限性表现在缺乏统一的国内市场,商税繁重;

    The limitation of the commercial trade in this historical period displays in the following : It was lack of the united domestic market , and the business tax was arduous ;

  4. 最近在房产市场上遗产税的增加主要是由那些碰巧赶上了好时代同时又在好的地段拥有财产的人交纳的。

    For example , recent gains in the housing market have accrued mainly to people who happen to belong to the right generation and who own property in the right places .

  5. 第三章的讨论以第二章的结论为出发点,结合我国汽车市场新消费税政策,讨论了新消费税政策对于我们汽车市场消费结构以及汽车生产厂商在发展策略上的影响。

    Based on the conclusion of Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 discussed how the new sales tax policy in China would affect the Chinese automotive market and the oriental strategy of the auto manufactories .

  6. 结论主要有以下五个方面:(1)对一级市场开征印花税,二级市场开征证券交易税;

    Besides , there are mainly 5 aspects of conclusion as follows : 1 ) To levy stamp duty in the first market ( issuance market ) and levy securities exchange duty in the second market ( exchange market );

  7. 此外还有转让税,其总额可达售价的2%,本该由卖家支付,但在一个当前这样的市场里,转让税往往是由买家支付的。

    Then there are the transfer taxes , which can total close to 2 percent of the purchase price , and are supposedly the responsibility of the seller , but in a market like the current one , are often paid by the buyer .

  8. 本文认为物业税的开征,有利于抑制房地产市场中的投机行为,规范房地产市场;物业税的开征,将会降低购房者的准入门槛,使房屋的销售价格大幅下降。

    This paper argues that the property tax levy , there is help to curb speculation in the real estate market , regulate the real estate market ; property tax levy will reduce the access threshold for buyers to make housing sales price has dropped significantly .

  9. 相信市场力量的保守派人士也应该赞同符合市场规则的碳税。

    Conservatives who believe in the power of markets should favour carbon taxes on market principles .