
  • 网络market psychology;marketing psychology;market sentiment
  1. 另外的两个有一定特色的创新点:一是将银行风险管理的风险价值(VAR)技术引入到个人外汇交易的风险概率测算,二是将市场心理纳入到汇率趋势影响因素统筹考虑。

    There are also two innovations of this paper . One is taking VAR of bank risk management into risk probability accounting of personal foreign exchange trade . The other is taking market psychology into consideration of exchange rate change .

  2. 但这是一场市场心理演练,而非科学试验。

    This is an exercise in market psychology , not science .

  3. 珠宝饰品感知价值的市场心理剖析及其提升策略

    Marketing psychology analysis and suggestions of jewelry perceptive value

  4. 但市场心理也起到了一定作用。

    But market psychology is also playing its part .

  5. 但问题是市场心理并不总是遵循经济逻辑。

    But the problem is that market psychology does not always respect economic logic .

  6. 在这种情况下,对市场心理变化的关注是至关重要的。

    In such circumstances , paying attention to shifts in market psychology becomes essential .

  7. 随着金融和经济效应不断蔓延,市场心理的挑战也将向全球蔓延。

    The challenges of psychology will spread around the world as the financial and economic effects spread .

  8. 这一禁令已对市场心理产生影响,一名代理商表示。

    The ban is already playing a role in the market 's psychology , a broker said .

  9. 对市场心理和商业成功因素的理解是永远无法替代的。

    It can never replace an understanding of market psychology and the factors that make for successful business .

  10. 在市场心理没有大幅转变的情况下,就连欧元区的核心也处在危险之中。

    Absent a radical shift in market psychology , the very core of the eurozone is at risk .

  11. 投机需要预测市场心理,投资则需要在整个寿命周期预测资产收益率。

    Speculation involved forecasting the psychology of the market , enterprise the prospective yield of assets over their whole life .

  12. 当一个软件产品是为了满足一个市场心理需求而开发的时,总是存在关于

    When a software product is developed to satisfy a perceived marketplace need , there will always be uncertainty as to

  13. 我想无论从业务角度还是从专业角度,这句话概括了支配1958年股票市场心理状态的变化。

    I think this summarizes the change in psychology dominating the stock market in1958 at both the amateur and professional levels .

  14. 第二组技术通常在软件产品被开发或加强以满足一个市场心理需求的情况下被应用

    The second set of techniques is usually applied when a software product is developed or enhanced to fulfill a perceived marketplace need

  15. 对于一位从不曾在私营金融部门工作过的人来说,盖特纳能敏锐把握市场心理。

    For someone who has never worked in the private financial sector , he has a subtle sense of markets ' psychology .

  16. 首先,它们反常的举止往往会对市场心理产生强有力的影响,尤其是考虑到人们对2008年的市场状况记忆犹新。

    For one thing , their antics tend to have a powerful impact on market psychology , particularly given folk market memories of 2008 .

  17. 我相信当市场心理逆转,—些事情已经得到了解决时,我们就会被放到一个很好的位置上。

    I 'm confident that as the market psychology turns and assumes some of these issues are behind us , we 'll be well positioned .

  18. 它可能大幅增加企业对未来经济形势和政策的怀疑,或意外地明显改变市场心理,导致严重的市场混乱。

    It could seriously increase business uncertainty about future economic conditions and policy , or change market psychology unexpectedly and dramatically , causing serious market disruptions .

  19. 汇率受国际收支、通货膨胀、利率、经济增长、市场心理和投机、政府干预变化而波动。

    Exchange rate will fluctuate as international balance of payments , inflation , interest rate , economic growth , market psychology and speculation , government intervention vary .

  20. 投资于规模较小的公司时,相关的账户、战略和主管人员也许会受到详细审查,但市场心理发挥的作用也不应被低估。

    Investing in smaller companies may involve much scrutiny of accounts , strategies and directors , but the part that market psychology plays should not be underestimated .

  21. 要成功地预测房价,就要有良好的经济模型、对渴望这种社会动力的正确评价,以及交易员对市场心理波动的洞察力。

    Successfully predicting house prices involves good economic models , an appreciation of the sociological dynamics of aspiration and a trader 's flair for the waves of market psychology .

  22. 本文的适用范围限于以市场心理需要为目标的软件项目;它不包括那些按照合同来满足具体客户需要的执行项目。

    The scope of the paper is limited to software projects that target perceived needs of the marketplace ; it does not include projects performed under contract to fulfill specific customer needs .

  23. 但金融历史表明,在市场心理出现变化时,投资者通常都会寻求一些“借口”而美国经济状况的不断恶化,已促使许多投资者开始关注自己有多少资金依托于脱钩论观点。

    But financial history shows that investors often grasp for " excuses " when there is a change in market psychology and the deteriorating condition of the US economy has prompted many investors to take note of how much money they had riding on the decoupling idea .

  24. 虚拟市场B2C心理营销理论探析

    Psychological Marketing Theory on B2C in Virtual Market

  25. 虽然与Facebook有实际联系的潜在购房者仅占硅谷全部买家的一小部分,但他们对市场的心理影响却是毋庸置疑的。

    Though the number of actual prospective home buyers with Facebook connections is only a fraction of all buyers in the valley , their psychological effect on the market is unmistakable .

  26. 饭店管理市场主体心理动机分析

    An Analysis on the Mental Motivation of Hotel Management Market

  27. 低价的市场竞争心理必须改变

    The Psychology of the Market Competition in Low - cost must be Changed

  28. 二是新环境下医药市场消费心理与行为研究;

    Second is the study on consumer psychology and behavior of medicine market in new environment .

  29. 针对外部冲击的情况进行比较;考虑了市场纠错心理在不同阶段的冲击下的作用。

    Against external shocks were compared .

  30. 过去几周,市场的心理状态已经从高度焦虑转向试探性的乐观。

    Over the last few weeks , the market 's psychology has shifted from high anxiety to tentative optimism .