
  1. 低技能人士,用于临时填补英国劳工市场短缺。

    Limited numbers of low skilled workers needed to fill specific temporary labour shortage .

  2. 明确棉花育种的总体目标是优化品种和品质结构,保持适纺中支纱品种选育的优势,重视发展目前市场短缺的长绒和中短绒陆地棉新品种选育。

    The overall aim of cotton breeding was to optimize structure of variety and quality , keep advantage of seed selecting medium count yarn variety and pay attention to seed selection of long-staple and short-staple upland cotton which were shorten in market .

  3. QFII运作的三年中,不仅为我国吸引了大量境外资金,缓解了我国证券市场资金短缺的矛盾,还改善了我国证券市场以散户投资者为主的市场结构,使机构投资者比重进一步增加;

    In three years operation , QFII has not only absorbed a large amount of foreign capital to mitigate the capital shortage in securities market , but also improved market structure that mainly constituted of individual investors by increasing percentage of institutional investors .

  4. 2007-08年,大米市场并不短缺,但价格却出现大幅上涨。

    Rice market stocks were also not problematic in 2007-08 but prices nevertheless increased dramatically .

  5. 研究认为,第一,在信贷市场从短缺经济走向过剩经济的情况下,服务溢价成为关键性环节;

    First , service premium is a key issue of credit market with the transition from shortage economy to surplus one .

  6. 委内瑞拉市场供应短缺主要被归咎于委内瑞拉石油收入下跌。这个国家几乎所有消费品都依靠进口。

    The shortages are mainly blamed on the drop in oil revenues in Venezuela , a country that imports almost everything it consumes .

  7. 这些禁令造成海外市场供应短缺:大米价格飙升至每吨1000美元的创纪录高位,消费者开始囤积大米。

    The bans triggered a shortage in the overseas market : prices soared to a record high of $ 1,000 a tonne and consumers hoarded .

  8. 美联储的货币互换额度(与它国央行互换货币以缓解国外银行间市场美元短缺的局面)也与这种潮流相左。

    The Fed 's swap lines , which involve an exchange of currencies with other central banks to relieve dollar shortages in foreign interbank markets , have also run against the trend .

  9. 事实上,由于目前高级网络游戏经理人市场严重短缺,游戏公司无不掏出锦囊妙计,欲比同行更快挖掘到人才。

    In fact , the current senior manager of network games market a serious shortage of people , game companies are all out tips Miaoji , to peer faster than talent to tap .

  10. 成千上万委内瑞拉人星期天通过边界涌入哥伦比亚,购买生活必需品。他们无法在国内买到这些必需品,原因是委内瑞拉发生严重经济危机,市场供应短缺。

    Thousands of Venezuelans streamed across the border into Colombia Sunday to purchase essential goods that have become impossible to find or purchase in their home country because of a severe economic crisis that has caused critical shortages .

  11. 在市场铅短缺的现实下,介绍了铅的再生方法,并从国外铅量构成中,讨论了还原铅的重要,同时也介绍了还原铅制造原理。

    Under the circumstances of short of lead on the market , a lead recycling method was introduced in this paper and the importance of reclaimed lead in use was discussed in the light of lead consumption at abroad .

  12. 在中国市场告别短缺经济后,市场环境发生了巨大的变化,如何应对这种变化,在激烈的市场竞争中生存、发展是许多中国传统企业面临的最现实、最紧迫的问题。

    When the Chinese market farewells Scarce Economy , the circumstance of the market changes obviously . It 's the most realistic and pressing problem which standing by much Chinese mid and small traditional enterprises to survival and development in this district contended market .

  13. 目前这种商品在市场上严重短缺。

    There is a serious shortage of this commodity at present .

  14. 市场型制度短缺,制度创新能力差;

    Shortage of market-typed system and inability of innovative system ;

  15. 市场格局由短缺经济时代的卖方市场逐步向过剩经济时代的买方市场转变,市场竞争日益激烈化。

    The market structure has changed from sellers'market of shortage economy to buyers'market of surplus economy .

  16. 这两种方向相反的操作过程有助于维持新元汇率的强势,也不致于造成市场新元过度短缺。

    These two operating process help to maintain the strong Singapore dollar and not cause the over scarcity of base money .

  17. 农民宰杀了他们饲养的生猪,市场供应出现短缺,但目前猪肉价格已经在回落。

    Pig farmers slaughtered their herds and there was a shortage of supply , but pork prices are already coming down .

  18. 目前,印度政府已经禁止稻米,小麦和扁豆出口,确保国内市场不会出现短缺。

    It has banned exports of rice , wheat and lentils to that there are no shortages in the domestic market .

  19. 特别是我国经济正处于一个重要的转折时期,市场告别了短缺,逐步向买方市场转变,居民消费在引导生产、推动国民经济增长方面的作用日益明显。

    At present , economy in our country is on a turning point and lodging market turns to the buyer one .

  20. 在货币市场流动性短缺,金融危机不断恶化的情况下,各种对应政策措施不断出台实施。

    With the shortage of liquidity in the money market and the financial crisis worsen , various corresponding measures are rolled out .

  21. 而在航运市场目前运力短缺的情况下,这些新船将为该公司创造丰厚的利润。

    Those are ships for which the company should be able to charge a big premium , given the current tightness in the shipping market .

  22. 如果短缺持续,那么即使动用战略石油储备,对美国天然气市场面临的短缺也无济于事。

    Should the shortfall continue , the US natural gas market could face shortages that releasing SPR oil would do next to nothing to alleviate .

  23. 由于最近全球市场供应明显短缺引起价格上涨,英国政府对食品安全深表担忧。

    The British government is concerned about food security because of the recent escalation of prices caused by the apparent shortage of supply in the global market .

  24. 从总体上来讲我国市场已从短缺阶段进入到相对过剩阶段,供求关系的改变导致企业与顾客的关系发生根本变化。

    Generally speaking , the supply and demand of the China market change from shortage to relative overproduction , which leads to the fundamental change in the relationship between firms and customers .

  25. 尽管沙特迅速增产做出应对,某些成员国目前也在悄悄增产,但伊朗和阿尔及利亚等其它成员国反对增产,它们认为石油市场不存在短缺。

    While Saudi Arabia has responded quickly by pumping more oil and some members are now quietly following , others including Iran and Algeria oppose an increase and see no shortage of oil in the market .

  26. 国际能源机构(IEA)手中也握有大量应急石油储备,可开闸注入市场以填补供应短缺。

    The International Energy Agency also controls large emergency stocks of oil , which could be released into the market to meet any shortage .

  27. 一些分析师称,这可能加剧市场中的供应短缺。

    And that could worsen a shortage in the market , some analysts say .

  28. 在金融系统中的很多地方,市场流动性供应短缺。

    In large parts of the financial system market liquidity is in scarce supply .

  29. 近期世界干散货租船市场发生的船舶短缺证实了船舶投资不足的问题。

    Recent events in the dry cargo market demonstrate the cost to importers of under-investment .

  30. 波动的市场价格,劳动力短缺以及阴晴不定的鬼天气让人知难而退。

    Why put up with fluctuating market prices , labor shortages , and uncertain weather ?