
shì chǎnɡ bào ɡào
  • market report
  1. 在国际能源机构《中期原油市场报告》(MediumTermOilMarketReport)发表之际,石油价格正接近去年的创纪录高位。

    The IEA Medium Term Oil Market Report came as oil is approaching last year 's record high .

  2. 该机构周四发布的月度《石油市场报告》(oilmarketreport)首次提供了确凿的证据,证明油价已开始抑制需求、尤其是在北美地区。

    The monthly oil market report , released on Thursday , contained the first solid evidence that prices have begun restraining demand , particularly in North America .

  3. 《艺术品市场报告》(artmarketreport)的数据显示,去年,以拍卖会上成交价最高的100位艺术家的所得衡量,艺术品市场的名义价值超过了1990年创下的前一高位。

    Last year , the art market - as measured by proceeds for the top 100 artists sold at auction - in nominal terms surpassed the previous high set in 1990 , according to data from art market report .

  4. IEA在其《中期原油市场报告》(Medium-TermOilMarketReport)中谈道:鉴于发展中国家的结构性需求增长和持续的供应紧张,从中期来看,市场仍将吃紧。

    Structural demand growth in developing countries and ongoing supply constraints continue to paint a tight market picture over the medium-term , the IEA said in its Medium-Term Oil Market Report .

  5. 石油消费国监督机构——国际能源署(InternationalEnergyAgency)在其备受关注的月度石油市场报告中,将今年的全球石油需求增长预测下调了25万桶/日,理由是“经济增长预期下降”。

    In its closely watched monthly oil market report , the International Energy Agency , the oil-consumers " watchdog , cut its forecast for world oil demand growth this year by 250000 barrels a day on " reduced expectations of economic growth . "

  6. CFTC每周市场报告暗示了上周传统基金减少了他们所持的玉米和大豆净多头寸。

    CFTC weekly commit of traders report suggested traditional funds reduced their net corn and soybean longs last week .

  7. 根据英国通信业监管机构Ofcom的《2011年通信市场报告》,91%的成人使用手机,27%的成人用的是智能手机。

    According to Ofcom 's 2011 Communication Market Report 91 percent of adults use a mobile phone while 27 percent opt for smartphones .

  8. 随着网络游戏在中国的蓬勃发展,根据IDC的市场报告,网络游戏市场在近几年每年会有30%~40%的增长,庞大的下载流量使得网络游戏运营商不堪重负。

    According to the market report from IDC , along with the flourish of online games in China , this market will remain a 30 %  ̄ 40 % rise in the next few years , the online game SPs have to face the challenge caused by enormous download flow .

  9. 不要信赖代理人会提供准确的市场报告。

    Do not rely on the agent for accurate market report .

  10. 确认过程通常包括对类似产品的市场报告的分析。

    The validation process should include an analysis of field reports .

  11. 2006年上半年钨市场报告&水涨船高钨价在高位调整

    Market Report of Tungsten Products in the First Half Year of 2006

  12. 计算机分析的市场报告可以用来帮助决策现在着重发展何种产品。

    Computer-analyzed marketing reports can help to decide which products to emphasize .

  13. 我们的代理协议要求你方及时递交市场报告一份。

    Our agency agreement calls for a timely market report .

  14. 我们希望您每月交一次市场报告。

    You are looking forward to give up a market report every month .

  15. 你不认为写一份市场报告好些吗?

    Hadn 't you better make a market report ?

  16. 他明天能将市场报告准备就绪,对此我们有足够的信心。

    We are confident of his ability to get the market report ready tomorrow .

  17. 美国涂料添加剂市场报告

    Market Report on Additives for Coatings in America

  18. 她非常疲倦,所以没能作市场报告。

    She was very tired . Therefore , she didn 't give the market report .

  19. 你们的市场报告应该显示在你们市场我们产品的需求量。

    432.Your market report should show how big demands for our products is in your market .

  20. 大型市场报告中国工程机械大推演

    An Inference of Chinese Construction Machinery

  21. 市场报告应该包括市场的发展趋势,上升还是下降。

    433.The market report should include the trend of the development of the market , upward or downward .

  22. 国际能源署的成员为29个富裕的工业化国家,其最著名的行动或许是每月发布一次的石油市场报告。该报告备受交易员的关注。

    It is perhaps best known for its monthly oil market reports that are eagerly awaited by traders .

  23. 做我们的代理,你们应该有规律地至少每三个月发给我们有关你们的市场报告。

    435.As our agent you should send us your market report regularly at least once every three month .

  24. 还有,你方必须每隔三个月就我们的产品销售情况向我方提交一份市场报告。

    Something else . You 'll have to forward us every three months a market report on our products .

  25. 指视听率调查公司为准备地区市场报告而进行的为期4周的观众信息收集调查。

    In television , a4 - week period during which ratings companies are collecting the audience information necessary to produce local market reports .

  26. 与此同时,澳大利亚的就业市场报告也优于预期,失业率从5.4%降至5.2%。

    A stronger - than-expected labour report in Australia saw the country 's unemployment rate drop from 5.4 per cent to 5.2 per cent .

  27. 分析所有现有智能材料(论文,技术文档,市场报告,演示程序,等等),以决定可能的复用。

    Analyze any existing intellectual content ( whitepapers , technical documents , marketing presentations , demonstrations , and so on ) to determine possible reuse .

  28. 计算机分析市场报告能帮助人们决定那些产品现在该重点生产、那些产品可以以后发展、那些应该停产。

    Computer-analyzed marketing reports can help to decide which products to emphasize now , which to develop for the future , and which to drop .

  29. 最近的一份市场报告显示,2018年前7个月,中国汽车品牌在俄罗斯市场总销量为1.9万辆,同比增长17%。

    A recent market report shows that Chinese car makers sold 19000 vechiles in Russia from January to July this year , up 17 percent year on year .

  30. 最早的一批桃子也提早上市了两星期,根据美国农业部的市场报告,上周它的价格上升了11%。

    The first peaches - whose prices rose 11 percent last week , according to a United States Department of Agriculture market report - arrived two weeks early .