
  1. 路透社(Reuters)报道,长江实业还在与私募股权基金公司洽谈飞机收购事宜,其中包括泰丰资本(TerraFirma)旗下的租赁公司AWASAviationCapitalLtd,该笔交易所涉金额甚至更高,达50亿美元左右。

    Reuters reported that Cheung Kong is also in talks to buy aircraft being sold by private equity firms including Terra Firma-owned lessor AWAS Aviation Capital Ltd , in an even bigger deal worth about $ 5 billion .

  2. 这个假期结局如何,肯定会影响市场也将决定服装连锁品牌j.crew的股东,是否同意一组私募股权基金公司出价30亿美元收购该品牌。

    How this holiday season turns out will certainly move the market-as well as determining whether shareholders approve the $ 3 billion sale announced on November 23rd of J. crew , a clothing chain , to a group of private-equity firms .

  3. 因为这场经济衰退迫使弱势零售商破产,为活下来的企业留下了更多空间,因而私募股权基金公司渐渐热衷收购拥有强势品牌的零售商。

    Private-equity firms have become keen on retailers with strong brands because the recession has forced weaker ones out of business , leaving more space for the survivors .

  4. 报告显示,大型银行的女性领导者比例最高,而对冲基金和私募股权基金公司的比例最低。

    The review showed that big banks had the highest proportion of women in leading positions , while hedge funds and private equity funds trailed at the bottom .

  5. 四环医药的创始人是前军医。摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)旗下的私募股权基金持有该公司部分股权。

    Sihuan , whose founders are former military doctors , is part-owned by Morgan Stanley private equity funds .

  6. 私募股权基金IDG拥有该公司10.39%的股份;

    Private equity fund IDG owns 10.39 per cent of the company ;

  7. 一个由国际投资者组成的财团也和中粮集团共同参与了这一交易。该财团包括由前高盛(GoldmanSachs)“造雨人(rainmaker)”方风雷领导的中国私募股权基金厚朴基金管理公司(HopuInvestmentManagement)。

    A consortium of international investors including Hopu , a Chinese private equity fund led by former Goldman Sachs rainmaker Fang Fenglei , are joining Cofco in the deal .