
  • 网络Private novel;i-novel;I novel
  1. 论郁达夫与日本私小说

    YU Da-fu and Japanese " I-novel "

  2. 葛西善藏是日本传统私小说的代表作家,“真实性”是其作品的典型特征之一。

    Authenticity is one typical feature of the literary works by Kasai Zenzo , the representative " I-novel " writer in Japan .

  3. 论日本私小说的历史渊源及成因

    On Historical Origin and Cause of Formation in Japanese Private Novel

  4. 描写自我是私小说创作的重要内容。

    Describing oneself is important content of creation of poetic novel .

  5. 谈中、日私小说中的自我

    On the " Ego " of Chinese and Japanese Private Novels

  6. 借鉴与超越&郁达夫与日本私小说

    Introducing Surpassing & On Yu Da-fu and Japanese Private Novel

  7. 略谈日本私小说的典范之作《棉被》

    On Quilt : A Model of the Japanese " Private Novel ";

  8. 浅谈日语语言特征及其对私小说产生的影响

    A Brief Analysis on Japanese Linguistic Features and Its Influence on Private Novels

  9. 私小说是日本近代文坛上特有的一种文学形式。

    Watakushi novel is a special genre in the modern Japanese literary world .

  10. 其写作风格明显地受到了日本私小说创作倾向的影响。

    His writing style is obviously influenced by the creating tendency of Japanese privacy novel .

  11. 日本私小说自我论

    Comment about Egos in Japanese Self-fiction

  12. 郁达夫的自我小说与日本私小说之比较

    The Comparison of Yu Da-fu " Ego Novel " with the " Private Novel " of Japan

  13. 日本自然主义文学、私小说再探讨&近代东西文化交融中的一个值得深思的问题

    A New Study on Japanese Naturalistic Literature and I Novel & A Question in the Mergence between the Culture of East and West in Modern Times

  14. 除了日本民族固有的传统因素之外,基督教忏悔制度和忏悔体文学的影响对私小说也起着关键的催化作用。

    Apart from the traditional factors inherent with the Japanese nationality , the Christian confession and confession literature have also played key roles in shaping the genre .

  15. 郁达夫、陈染是本世纪初期和本世纪末期在“私小说”创作领域颇有成就的两位代表作家。

    Both You Dafu and Chen Ran are two outstanding authors in the field of writing novel concerning privacy in the early and late period of this century .

  16. 作品的写作方式颠覆了日本传统私小说的叙事手法,通过荒诞的故事情节安排、人物异化等手法来书写现代都市人的生存困境。

    He writes in a way of bizarre plot arrangement , the character alienation and other techniques to describe the dilemma of the modern urbanite , which has subverted the traditional Japanese private novel narrative technique .

  17. 独特的明治维新时期的社会环境是私小说产生的历史条件,西方自然主义文学倡导的实证主义的影响是其产生的外在动因,传统的日本文化底蕴是其产生的内在动力。

    Peculiar social environment in the period of Meiji Restoration is historical conditions of private novel production , western naturalism literature that initiates positivism influence is external motive of its formation , and traditional Japanese culture connotation is internal power .

  18. 对西方浪漫主义文学和日本私小说的接受,作家自身创作旧体诗的深厚文学底蕴,渴望抒发苦闷情绪的思想动机,使郁达夫找到了抒情小说这一文体,并获得了成功。

    Absorption of the western romanticism literature and Japanese personal-novels , his profound literature knowledge of the old poems and the psychological motive that longed for expressing the depressed emotion made him seeking with lyric novel style and obtained success .

  19. 他既接受了左拉式自然主义的真实观,又继承了日本私小说的感伤忧郁情调,突出表现在其小说对细节真实的刻意追求,细腻的性心理描写等方面。

    He accepted the real view of Zola 's naturalism , also inherited the sad and melancholy tone of the Japanese private novels , and these characters prominently embody in sedulously pursuing the real details , exquisitely sexual mental description .