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  1. 周代私营手工业类型略论

    Briefly Discussing the Type of Privately-run Handicraft Industry in Zhou Dynasty

  2. 第一节对民间手工业的类型作了划分,元代民间手工业就其本身的专门性以及从业者的身份讲,可细分为家庭手工业与私营手工业两种类型。

    The first section of this chapter further divides this kind of industry into family handicraft and private handicraft .

  3. 介绍了小作坊生产的多种类型及其在汉代私营手工业中所占的主导地位。

    The various types of small workshop production and the dominance of small work production in private business in the Han Dynasty are introduced .

  4. 西周时期私营手工业主要有独立小手工业、家庭手工业、大私营手工业三种类型。

    The privately run handicraft industry in West Zhou Dynasty principally covers independent small sized handicraft industry , home-based handicraft industry and large sized handicraft industry .

  5. 二针对民间私营手工业,制定了一系列具体规定,内容涉及对织造式样、规格、质量的详细要求。

    The other one was drawing up a series of measure whose content included the management in style , specification and quality for spinning and weaving , in accordance of private handicraft .

  6. 结果表明,在纺织工业所有制方面,抗战时期陕甘宁边区以公营工业为骨干,生产合作社和私营工业及家庭手工业为助手,相互合作,共同发展;

    It is found that as to the system of ownership of the textile industry , the public-owned enterprises are the backbone with production cooperatives , private enterprise and household industry co-existing .