  • pickax
  • 〔~头〕刨土的农具(“头”读轻声)。

  1. 造成国际石油市场价格继续上涨的原因错综复杂,既有市场基本面因素的推动,也有投机交易猖镢、某些国家因自身战略利益而人为纵容以及地缘政治等因素的影响。

    Factors causing oil growth is various and complicated , such as fundamental factors and rampant speculate affecting , national interest and geopolitical driving .

  2. 本试验投养镢鱼16800尾,回捕14555尾,成活率达到86.6%,饵料系数为5.38;

    In this experiment , 16,800 mandarin fish was put into the pool while 14,555 of which was caught back , so , the survival rate was up to 86.6 % .