
  1. 传统观点认为社会主义与私有制经济水火难容,因而用传统观点回答必然是否定的。一是科学取向。

    The traditional answer is negative . " Science " approach .

  2. 论我国现阶段加快发展私有制经济的迫切性

    On Urgency of Developing Private Ownership Economy in Our Country at Present Stage

  3. 因此,人们对发展私有制经济总是小心谨慎的。

    Therefore , people are always cautious as to developing private ownership economy .

  4. 新中国私有制经济的回顾与前瞻

    Review and Perspective of Private Economy in New China

  5. 私营经济是指以生产资料私人占有和雇佣劳动为基础,以获取利润为生产经营目的的私有制经济。

    Private Economics is the profit-oriented economy form based on production material privately owned and labor employment .

  6. 在社会主义初级阶段,生产力的多层性决定了私有制经济存在的历史必然性;

    In the primary stage of socialism , manifold productivity makes private ownership economy a historical necessity .

  7. 这对我们正确认识新时期私有制经济在社会主义市场经济中的地位和作用有重要意义。

    The analyses are of importance to realize the status and function of the private capitalist economy in the socialism market economy .

  8. 这种剩余价值一般不仅存在于资本主义私有制经济中,也存在于社会主义公有制经济中。

    This kind of surplus value not only exists in capitalism private ownership economy , but also exists in socialism public ownership economy .

  9. 我们既要支持和鼓励发展私有制经济,又要反对无限制地发展私有制经济、鼓吹私有化的错误倾向。

    We shall support and encourage the development of private ownership economy and at the same time oppose its development without limit and advocation of privatization .

  10. 但是我们一方面要重视私有制经济的作用,另一方面还要认清私有制经济存在的问题。

    But on one hand we should attach importance to private ownership economy , on the other hand also understand the nature of the problem in it .

  11. 提出了私有制经济的快速发展不会影响公有制经济的主体地位,不会导致私有化的观点。

    This article puts forward the idea that the fast development of private owned economy will not affect the principal status of public owned economy and will not lead to privatization .

  12. 公有制的建立,消灭了私有制经济的丑恶,却又产生了权力的异化问题。

    The establishment of economy of public ownership has destroyed the diabolicalness of economy of private ownership , but the issue of the alienation ( corruption ) of power has been created .

  13. 随着我国私有制经济的迅猛发展,劳资矛盾日渐突出,劳资关系作为社会经济结构变迁中的重要一环,愈发成为学界、政界和法律界研究的热点问题。

    With the rapid development of private economy , labor conflicts have been more and more prominent . As an important part of the socio-economic structure changes , labor relations increasingly become a hot research topic in academics , politicians and the legal profession .

  14. 私有制经济的寿命将与社会主义历史阶段一样,不只是长命百岁,而是长命千岁、千千岁。社会主义历史阶段存在悲剧,这有客观和主观两方面的原因。

    From its developing process , the author concludes that the private ownership economy and the historical process will coexist forever and ever . The tragedy as a literary genre certainly is not strange to socialist countries in the historical framework , due to objective and subjective factors .

  15. 合理个人主义不是商品经济的反映,而是资本主义私有制商品经济的必然。

    Rational individualism is not a reflection of the commodity economy , but a inevitable result of commodity economy under capitalism .

  16. 然而,西方新闻业建立在资本主义私有制的经济基础之上,这就决定了媒介社会责任观念始终无法解决西方新闻业的根本矛盾与悖论。

    However , western journalism is founded in the basis of capitalist private ownership , which decides the concept cannot solve the deep and basic contradiction and paradox .

  17. 对私有制和资本主义经济范畴的批判分析;

    Made critical analysis on the private ownership and economic category of capitalism ;

  18. 资本主义私有制和市场经济共同决定了资本主义经济的两重性,即私人性和社会性。

    Capitalistic private ownership and market economy define the dualism of capitalist economy , that is , private and sociality .

  19. 西方资本主义国家的职业体育是由业余体育演变而来的,是在私有制与市场经济的基础上发展起来的。

    The west capitalist country professional sport evolve from amateurish sport , develop on the foundation of private ownership and market economy .

  20. 商业秘密是私有制和市场经济的必然产物,它已成为一个国际性问题,受到世界各国的普遍关注。

    Commercial secret is the inevitable product of private ownership and market economy . It has become an international issue to which great attention is paid .

  21. 在现代经济中,公有制已是经济发展的动力,哈耶克认为只有实行私有制才能使经济发展具有充分动力,才能体现经济自由的观点是站不住脚的。

    In modern economy , public ownership is the motive force of the economic development , hayek thought only a private to make economic development has sufficient power , can reflect the economic freedom is untenable .

  22. 随着改革的进一步深化,私有经济和股份制经济得到了较大的发展,一些技术人员在自己擅长的领域采用股份制这种形式组建了企业。

    With the further deepening of reform , the private economy and stock economy have made great progress .

  23. 经济上,统治阶级维护其经济统治、土地私有制的确立和经济发展的结果。

    Second , in economics , as a result , ruling class seeks to maintain the economic domination , the development of private ownership of the land and economics .