
jì chénɡ quán sànɡ shī
  • forfeiture of succession
  1. 对继承权丧失制度进行较为深入、系统的探讨,并有针对性地提出了完善该制度的建议。

    This essay carries out a comparatively comprehensive and systematic research into the nation 's system of forfeiting the right of inheritance , making some suggestions on how to perfect it .

  2. 这部分主要对继承权丧失制度的含义、分类、丧失事由、效力进行论述。第三部分外国立法例及我国港、澳、台地区立法例之考察。

    The meaning the loss of inheritance , classification , loss of subject matter , effectiveness are discussed . Part ⅲ The legislation example will cited from abroad , Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan .

  3. 中国和朝鲜作为社会主义国家,两国的法定财产继承制度在法定继承的范围、顺序的继承份额,代位继承制度,法定继承权的丧失等方面具有很多共同点,但也存在着一些差异。

    China and DPRK , as two socialist countries , share both similarities and differences in the legitimate inheritance system , such as the legitimate scope of inheritance , share in inheritance hierarchy , representation system , abolition of the right of inheritance , etc.