
  • 网络secondary infection
  1. 继发性感染是导致急性重症胰腺炎(severeacutepancreatitis,SAP)高病死率最重要的因素。

    Secondary infection is the most important factor of high mortality in the patients with severe acute pancreatitis ( SAP ) .

  2. 抗生素和一些口腔绷带能减少继发性感染。

    Antibiotics and some oral bandages can reduce secondary infection .

  3. 在历时30d的观察中,以高温(20~30℃)、高湿(95%RH)组合条件下的蚜群发病快且死亡率高,蚜尸上产生的孢子有效地引起若蚜继发性感染。

    During a period of 30 day observation , aphid mycosis developed much more rapidly at the regimes of higher temperature ( 20 ~ 30 ℃) and humidity (≥ 95 % RH ), at which , nymphs were effectively infected by contacting the conidia discharged from apterous cadavers .

  4. 此外,患上细菌性鼻窦炎之类的继发性感染的可能性也存在。

    There 's also the possibility of secondary infections such as bacterial sinusitis .

  5. 慢性乙型重型肝炎继发性感染的临床特点

    Clinical behavior of secondary bacterial infection in patients with chronic fulminant hepatitis B

  6. 脑出血;继发性感染;病因预防。

    Cerebral hemorrhage ; Secondary infection ; Causal prophylaxis .

  7. 目的降低脑出血患者继发性感染的发生率。

    Objective To reduce the incidence of the patients with cerebral hemorrhage secondary infection .

  8. 目的区分风疹病毒原发性感染、继发性感染的病毒活化或再感染。

    Objective To distinguish rubella virus ( RV ) primary infection from reactivation or reinfection .

  9. 术后可出现产后子痫、急性左心衰及继发性感染。

    Postpartum eclampsia , acute left heart failure and secondary infection were common after operation .

  10. 治疗犬瘟首先是阻止继发性感染、控制呕吐、腹泻或神经症状;

    Treatment consists primarily of efforts to prevent secondary infections ; control vomiting , diarrhea , or neurologic symptoms ;

  11. 医生长时间地怀疑继发性感染会妨碍剧烈肌肉劳损的病人迅速康复。

    Doctors have long suspected that secondary infections may keep some patients from healing quickly after severe muscle strain .

  12. 所有患者均应用抗生素预防继发性感染,胶原膜溶解后可更换。

    All sufferer all application antibiotics prevention after hair sexy dye , gum original film fuse empress can replace .

  13. 流感嗜血杆菌是引起婴幼儿呼吸系统原发性感染和病毒性感染时引起继发性感染的重要病原性细菌。

    Haemophilus influenzae in infants are an important pathogenic bacteria causing secondary infection of infants respiratory when primary infection and viral infections happens .

  14. 现代医学主要是采取改善症状,控制和延缓因免疫反应而引起的组织器官损害的进展以及继发性感染。

    The modern medicine can cure by improving symptoms , controlling and postponing the organization organ harms under the immune response and sequential infection .

  15. 被包含有寄生虫卵的狗粪所污染的食物或水被人类摄入从而引起继发性感染。

    Humans are secondarily infected by the ingestion of food or water that has been contaminated by dog feces containing the eggs of the parasite .

  16. 继发性感染是人传人方式,因密切接触了受到感染的呼吸道分泌物、感染者的皮肤损伤处或者最近污染过的物品而造成。

    Secondary transmission is human-to-human , resulting from close contact with infected respiratory tract excretions , with the skin lesions of an infected person or with recently contaminated objects .

  17. 肿块型:肿瘤呈菜花状向肠道突出,并在坏死和破裂时引起出血和继发性感染。

    The massive type : the neoplasm resembles a cauliflower , which protrudes into the intestinal tract and can cause hemorrhage and secondary infection when it is necrotic and ruptures .

  18. 结论:本病的病原体是一种革兰阳性多形性杆菌,死因可能为颅内的继发性感染。

    Conclusions : The results of clinic and autopsy suggest that polymorphic anaerobic G + bacillus is the pathogen and the secondary encephalic infection is the cause of the patient 's death .

  19. 治疗组在减撤激素用量上优于对照组。(6)两组在治疗过程中,治疗组共出现1例继发性感染,对照组共出现5例继发性感染。

    The treatment group than in control group on the hormone withdrawal . ( 6 ) two groups in treatment process , the treatment group 1 cases occur secondary infection , 5 cases occur secondary infection .

  20. 目的研究慢性乙型重型肝炎继发性感染的临床特点。方法回顾性分析南方医科大学南方医院感染病内科收治的68例慢性乙型重型肝炎继发性感染的临床特点。

    Objective To study the clinical behavior of secondary bacterial infection in patients with chronic fulminant hepatitis B. Methods The clinical data of 68 cases of chronic fulminant hepatitis B with secondary bacterial infection were analyzed retrospectively .

  21. 非手术治疗28例,其中2例1周内死于早期休克,1例2周后死于继发性感染;

    Among 30 cases treated by non operation ( including 2 cases undergoing delay operation owing to the complications of SAP ), 2 died of early shock within 1 week , and 1 died of subsequent infection after 2 week ;

  22. PCR方法诊断重症急性胰腺炎继发全身性感染13例研究

    PCR Diagnosis of Severe Acute Pancreatitis Complicated with Systemic Infection

  23. 目的观察继发性胰腺感染(SPI)对重症急性胰腺炎(SAP)患者预后的影响。

    Objective To investigate the impact of secondary pancreatic infection ( SPI ) on the prognosis of patients with severe acute pancreatitis ( SAP ) .

  24. 上述实验结果提示:ANP时肠道菌群严重失调,生物屏障损伤在ANP继发性胰腺感染中可能有重要作用。

    The results indicated that microecological disturbance could take place after the onset of ANP , which may take an important role on pancreatic infection complicating ANP .

  25. 结论ANP时肠粘膜屏障功能严重受损,发生肠道细菌移位,成为继发性胰腺感染的潜在根源。

    Conclusion ANP impaired the gut barrier function , which led to bacterial translocation from the gut to the pancreas and other organs , serving as a primary source of infection secondary to ANP .

  26. 结果继发性腹腔感染的发生率为35.0%。

    Results Abdominal infectious rate in SAP was 35.0 % .

  27. 猪瘟继发细菌性感染的诊断

    Diagnosis of swine fever complicated with bacterial infection

  28. 通常可以伴发继发性的感染。

    Secondary infection is common .

  29. 继发性胰腺感染对重症胰腺炎患者预后的影响

    Impact of secondary pancreatic infection on the prognosis of patients with severe acute pancreatitis : an analysis of 60 cases

  30. 长期病程的病例,由于继发性细菌感染,后期白细胞数可能增高。

    In cases with a long course , the leukocytes may rise in late stages because of secondary bacterial infection .