
  • 网络secondary infertility
  1. 2.108例患者中,继发性不孕组60例,宫颈分泌物UU、CT阳性率41.6%,明显高于原发不孕组48例(18.7%),且差异有显著性(P0.05)。

    108 cases of patients , 60 cases of secondary infertility , cervical secretions UU , CT-positive rate of 41.6 % , significantly higher than primary infertility group , 48 patients ( 18.7 % ), and the difference was significant ( P 0.05 ) . 3 .

  2. 前者是原发性不孕;后者是继发性不孕。

    The former primary infertility ; the latter is secondary infertility .

  3. 克罗米酚对继发性不孕患者子宫内膜组织形态及E2和P的影响

    The Effect of Clomiphene Citrate on Endometrial Glandular Epithelium and E 2 , P of Secondary Infertile Patients

  4. 方法对46例不孕症患者施行THL联合宫腔镜检查,其中原发性不孕(原发组)和继发性不孕(继发组)各23例。

    Methods Twenty-three primary infertile patients ( primary group ) and 23 secondary infertile patients ( secondary group ) were received THL ( using a 3-mm scope with a 0 ° lens ) and hysteroscopy .

  5. 宫腔镜输卵管通液在继发性不孕中的应用。

    Catheterization of the tubal ostium using hysteroscopy under laparoscopic guidance .

  6. 目的:探讨人工流产对继发性不孕的影响。

    Objective : To study the effect of the artificial abortion to the secondary sterility .

  7. 继发性不孕98例,其中发现盆腔器质性病变93例,检查阳性率为94.9%。

    Results 93 of 98 cases with secondary infertility ( 94.9 % ) had pelvic dis - eases .

  8. 结论:生殖道炎症及盆腔感染是继发性不孕的重要病因,其症状隐蔽,易忽视,应引起临床医师的高度重视。

    Conclusions : Genital inflammatory disease and pelvic inflammatory disease are the important causes of secondary infertility which deserve to be drawn atten-tion .

  9. 穿刺套管针成功从后穹窿穿刺入子宫直肠陷凹110例,其中原发性不孕(原发组)49例,继发性不孕(继发组)61例。

    The primary infertile patients ( primary group ) and secondary infertile patients ( secondary group ) included respectively 49 and 61 cases .

  10. 原发性不孕和继发性不孕患者约各占一半,不孕病因以排卵障碍最多,其次为输卵管因素。

    Primary infertility and secondary infertility accounted for about half of the patients , respectively . Ovulation disorders were the major causes , followed by tubal factor . 2 .

  11. 原发性不孕是指婚后未避孕而从未妊娠者;继发性不孕是指曾有过妊娠而后未避孕不孕者。

    Infertility is considered primary when it occurs in a woman who has never established a pregnancy and secondary when it occurs in a woman who has a history of one or more previous pregnancies .

  12. 结论1.盆腔炎性疾病后遗症是本资料女性不孕症的主要原因,且在继发性不孕中所占比例大。2.宫-腹腔镜联合手术术后妊娠率高,优于单一腹腔镜手术。

    Sequelae of pelvic inflammatory disease is the leading cause of infertility , accounting for a large proportion in secondary infertility . 2 . Laparoscopy combined with hysteroscopy operation is better than laparoscope operation , resulting in high pregnancy rate . 3 .

  13. 继发性不孕中输卵管因素为两地区的主要原因,其次为排卵障碍。济南、成都两地既往患过盆腔炎,异位妊娠,多囊卵巢综合症,慢性宫颈炎的女性患不孕症的可能性大。

    Secondary infertility , tubal factor in two regions of the main reasons , followed by ovulatory dysfunction . Jinan , Chengdu , previous pelvic inflammatory disease , ectopic pregnancy , polycystic ovary syndrome , the possibility of chronic cervicitis in women suffering from infertility .

  14. 结果:插管成功率96.3%,原发性不孕21例,继发性不孕88例,再通成功率73.3%,术后受孕率29.5%,术后粘连复发率26.7%。

    Results : Success rate in intubation was 96.3 % , original infertility 21 instances , followed infertility 88 instances , the reversal rate , post procedure pregnant rate and post procedure adhesive rate are 73 . 3 % , 29.5 % , 26.7 % respectively .

  15. 部分患者行卵巢活检,其中19例继发性闭经合并不孕患者行输卵管通液,观察输卵管通畅情况。

    Ovary biopsy was performed in some of the patients . The patency test of the fallopian tube was performed in 19 patients with secondary amenorrhea combined infertility .

  16. Asherman综合征是继发于宫腔内创伤性手术引起的子宫腔部分或全部粘连,成为继发性闭经。不孕和反复流产的主要原因。

    Asherman 's syndrome , partial or complete intrauterine adhesions developed after trauma or inflammation , is one of the main causes of secondary amenorrhea , infertility and multiple pregnancy loss .