
jì fā xìnɡ qīnɡ ɡuānɡ yǎn
  • secondary glaucoma
  1. 继发性青光眼是穿透角膜移植术(PKP)后一种严重的并发症,常导致植片混浊,患者视力不可逆下降。

    Secondary glaucoma following penetrating keratoplasty ( PKP ) is a serious complication after the PKP due to its risk of graft failure and irreversible visual loss .

  2. 评价小梁切除术治疗FHU继发性青光眼的远期疗效。

    To investigate the long term effects of trabeculectomy on FHU with secondary glaucoma .

  3. 目的探讨硅油填充手术后继发性青光眼(SOG)的危险因素和治疗方法。

    Objective To investigate the risk factors and treatment of silicone oil glaucoma ( SOG ) .

  4. 结论:ICE综合征的基本病变是角膜内皮层存在的ICE细胞,它们的过度增生导致房角粘连、虹膜萎缩、继发性青光眼和大泡性角膜病变。

    Conclusion : Literatures show that the basic lesion of ICE syndrome is ICE cell in the corneal endothelium , which can proliferate excessively , result to adhesion of , iridocorneal angle , atrophy of iris , glaucoma and decompensation of corneal endothelium .

  5. APACG、CPACG、POAG及继发性青光眼的年龄分布均呈正态分布,而先天性青光眼呈负性偏态分布。

    The age distribution of APACG 、 CPACG 、 POAG and secondary glaucoma were normal distribution , while congential glaucoma were negative skewness distribution .

  6. 硅油残留致继发性青光眼的处理

    The treatment of secondary glaucoma due to silicone oil retention

  7. 硅胶片引流术治疗继发性青光眼

    Thin silicon strip implantation for the treatment of secondary glaucoma

  8. 联合玻璃体切除术治疗继发性青光眼16例

    Vitrectomy in the treatment of 16 cases of secondary glaucoma

  9. 对照组继发性青光眼1例。

    In the correspond group , there was one secondary glaucoma case .

  10. 本文分析讨论了130例外伤性前房出血所致的50例继发性青光眼。

    Fifty of 130 traumatic hyphema cases resulted in secondary glaucoma were reported .

  11. 术后继发性青光眼1例,内皮型排斥反应1例。

    Case of secondary glaucoma and 1 case of endothelial rejection were found .

  12. 眼挫伤房角后退继发性青光眼临床分析

    The clinical analysis of secondary glaucoma caused by angle recession with ocular contusion

  13. 2急性虹膜睫状体炎继发性青光眼8例(8只眼),占19.05%;

    Secondary glaucoma caused by acute iridocyclitis , 8 cases ( 8 eyes );

  14. 术后主要并发症有排异反应、继发性青光眼、大泡性角膜病变等。

    The main complications were graft rejection , secondary glaucoma and bullous keratopathy .

  15. 前房型人工晶体植入术后继发性青光眼

    Secondary glaucoma after anterior chamber intraocular lens implantation

  16. 目的探讨眼外伤后继发性青光眼的原因和治疗。

    Objective To explore the cause , treatment and prevention of traumatic secondary glaucoma .

  17. 目的探讨角膜移植术后继发性青光眼的病因及防治方法。

    Objective To investigate the cause and treatment of the secondary glaucoma after keratoplasty .

  18. 硅油取出全氟丙烷气体充填术后继发性青光眼的原因及处理

    Cause of secondary glaucoma and its management after silicone oil removal combined with perfluoropropane gas plombage

  19. 目的探讨挫伤性前房出血继发性青光眼的治疗方法。

    Objective : To investigate the method to treat the secondary glaucoma following the contusion hyphema .

  20. 玻璃体腔注射曲安奈德术后继发性青光眼的发生率和危险因素分析

    Analysis of incidence rate and risk factors of secondary glaucoma after intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide

  21. 结果:术后2年2组患者人工晶体位置均稳定,无视网膜脱离、继发性青光眼和顽固性葡萄膜炎发生;

    The complications , such as retinal detachment , secondary glaucoma and persistent uveitis were not found .

  22. 目的评价内窥镜引导睫状突光凝治疗外伤性继发性青光眼的有效性和安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the safety and efficacy of endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation in the treatment of post_traumatic glaucoma .

  23. 目的探讨挫伤性晶状体脱位合并继发性青光眼的临床特点与治疗效果。

    Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics of traumatic lens subluxation complicated with glaucoma and the surgical results .

  24. 房角挫伤引起继发性青光眼(绝对期)以及眼球萎缩是导致眼球摘除的直接原因。

    Secondary absolute glaucoma induced by filtration angle tears and atrophy of the globe directly led to enucleation .

  25. 结论:病史较长,各种检查提示有脉络膜肿物,伴视网膜脱离的继发性青光眼患者,应高度怀疑脉络膜血管瘤。

    Conclusions : Patients with long-history , choroidal tumor , exudative retinal detachment and secondary glaucoma may be CH.

  26. 方法对77例77眼眼外伤后继发性青光眼的原因及治疗进行分析。

    Methods The cause and treatment of77 cases ( 77 eyes ) of traumatic secondary glaucoma in patients were analysed .

  27. 小梁切除联合手术治疗瞳孔膜闭继发性青光眼

    Clinical research of trabecular resection combined with pupillary organization membrane resection in the treatment of secondary glaucoma associated with pupillary occlusion

  28. 致盲率为5.9%,致盲原因是增殖性视网膜病变、继发性青光眼和并发性白内障等。

    The blind rate among the patients was 5.9 % , the main causes were proliferative retinopathy , secondary glaucoma and complicated cataract .

  29. 结果:除继发性青光眼1例,角膜血染1例外,余者视力均有提高,其中20例视力恢复至1.0以上。

    Result : The vision of all patients had progress except one case having secondary glaucoma and one case having blood staining of cornea .

  30. 评价房水引流管植入术治疗继发性青光眼的疗效,探讨其并发症及预防措施。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy of the aqueous humor drainage device implantation for secondary glaucoma and to discuss its postoperative complications and preventive management .