
  1. 60例继发性癫痫病因的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of the Causes of 60 Cases of Secondary Epilepsy

  2. 结论:1.儿童继发性高血压病因在不同年龄段有所差异,其临床症状因原发病不同而相差甚多。

    The etiologies of secondary hypertension in children vary with their ages , the clinical presentations are also different because of their primary diseases . 2 .

  3. 作者指出CT扫描对癫痫,特别是对继发性癫痫的病因诊断是一种重要的辅助手段。

    The authors point out that CT scan is an important supplementary method in the diagnosis of epilepsy especially for the etiology of secondary major epilepsy .

  4. 脑出血;继发性感染;病因预防。

    Cerebral hemorrhage ; Secondary infection ; Causal prophylaxis .

  5. 目的探讨角膜移植术后继发性青光眼的病因及防治方法。

    Objective To investigate the cause and treatment of the secondary glaucoma after keratoplasty .

  6. 原发性醛固酮增多症是最常见的导致继发性高血压的病因之一,在高血压人群中发病率高达10%~18%。

    Primary aldosteronism is one of the commonest form of secondary hypertension with an approximate prevalence of 10 % ~ 18 % in the patients with hypertension .

  7. 结论RAS是继发性MHT常见的病因。

    Conclusions RAS is a common cause of secondary MHT , and the percentage of ARAS is increasing .

  8. 结果:在新生儿继发性呼吸暂停的病因中,呼吸系统疾病占早产儿43%(19/44),足月儿31%(10/32),氨茶碱和洛贝林治疗结果的差异显著(P<0.05)。

    Results : Respiratory diseases account for 43 % of preterm babies ( 19 / 44 ) and 31 % of full term babies ( 10 / 32 ) . The difference in therapeutic effects between aminophylline and lobeline hydrochloride was remarkable ( P < 0.05 ) .

  9. 然而,可对继发性癫痫的已知病因采取预防性措施。

    However , preventive measures can be applied to the known causes of secondary epilepsy .

  10. 结论:生殖道炎症及盆腔感染是继发性不孕的重要病因,其症状隐蔽,易忽视,应引起临床医师的高度重视。

    Conclusions : Genital inflammatory disease and pelvic inflammatory disease are the important causes of secondary infertility which deserve to be drawn atten-tion .