
  • 网络secondary amenorrhea
  1. 测定血清FSH、LH、催乳激素、雌二醇与孕酮对继发闭经的诊断意义

    Evaluation of serum fsh , lh , prolactin , estradiol and progesterone in diagnosis of secondary amenorrhea

  2. 第一组6例(包括Sheehan综合征2例;继发闭经2例;无排卵1例;溢乳-闭经综合征1例)。

    Group I included 6 cases , 2 each of Sheehan syndrome and secondary amenorrhea , and one each of anovulation and Galactorrhea-Amenorrhea syndrome .

  3. 继发闭经组胰岛素拮抗指数和BMI显著高于月经规律组(P<005)。

    In addition , between the groups of secondary amenorrhea and regular menstruation , insulin resistant index and body mass index were significantly higher in the former ( P < 0.05 ) .

  4. 结论在青春期表现有月经稀发和继发闭经的PCOS患者在育龄期有更严重的分泌代谢失调、并伴有较低的妊娠率。

    Conclusion The reproductive patients with PCOS who had oligomenorrhea and secondary amenorrhoea in puberty have more severe endocrinal disorders , such as hyperandrogenism and insulin resistant with lower fertility .

  5. 方法:采用细胞遗传学的方法,对104例高促性腺激素继发闭经的患者作外周血淋巴细胞染色体检查。

    Methods : 104 cases of hypergonadotropic secondary amenorrhea were studied cytogenetically .

  6. 氯烯雌酚醚对继发闭经妇女性腺轴功能的影响

    Effect of pilulae Chlorotrianiseni on Gonadal Function in Women With Secondary Amenorrhea

  7. 伴高促性腺激素继发闭经的细胞遗传学研究

    A study of hypergonadotropic secondary amenorrhea with cytogenetics

  8. 继发闭经患者染色体异常42例,异常检出率为13.6%。

    In those with secondary amenorrhea , the incidence of chromosome abnormality was 13.6 % .

  9. 方法对234例原发闭经和309例继发闭经患者进行外周血染色体的核型分析。

    Method : The routine cytogenetic analysis was performed , including the chromosome G band analysis and karyotype analysis of the cultured peripheral blood lymphocytes .

  10. 目的分析不孕专科门诊中原发闭经和继发闭经患者中的染色体异常,为其生育提供指导。

    Objective To analyze the chromosome abnormalities in the patients with primary and secondary amenorrhea in the infertility clinic , and provide the guidance for their reproduction .

  11. 结论在637例遗传咨询患者中,以先天愚型与原发及继发闭经患者中染色体异常的检出率为高。

    Analysis of chromosomal karyotype in637 cases of genetic counseling shows that abnormal rate are more higher in Down ′ s syndrome , Turner syndrome , primarily or secondary amenorrhea cases .

  12. 方法对1595例有流产史、死胎史、生长发育迟缓、智力低下、小睾丸、原发或继发闭经等患者,进行染色体核型检查分析。

    Methods 1 595 patients with spontaneous abortion or fetal death , growth retardation or mental retardation , primary or secondary amenorrhea , micro-testis were examined for chromosome and G band karyotypes .

  13. 方法将176例患者分为两组,其中82例原发闭经组,94例继发闭经及月经稀发组。

    Methods 176 cases were divided into two groups , 82 women with primary amenorrhea as the first group , 94 women with oligomenorrhea and / or secondary amenorrhea as the second group .

  14. 方法:对先天畸形、生长发育迟缓、智力低下、小睾丸、始基子宫、原发或继发闭经、流产及死胎等1056例患者,采用细胞遗传学技术,开展染色体检查,并对其进行分析。

    Methods : 1 056 patients with congenital malformation , growth retardation or mental retardation , micro-testis , infantile uterus , primary or secondary amenorrhea , spontaneous abortion or fetal death were detected in chromosome to analyze the results .

  15. 本文报告了早期绝经21例的临床和实验室资料,在我科内分泌门诊诊治的继发闭经(除外子宫性闭经)病人中占17.65%。

    The clinical and laboratory data of 21 cases of premature menopause are presented . It occured in 17.65 % of secondary amenorrhea treated in the gynecologic endocrinology clinic ( those due to uterine cause had been ruled out ) .

  16. 本文报告了应用长效尼尔雌醇和甲地孕酮序贯周期疗法治疗84例闭经患者,其中原发闭经者13例,继发闭经者71例,后者中有47例诊断为高促性腺激素性闭经。

    A clinical study was carried out on sequential treatment with long-acting Nylestriol - Megestrol acetate in 84 amenorrhea patients . The patients included 13 cases of primary amenorrhea and 71 cases of secondary amenorrhea , of which 47 cases were hypergonadotropic amenorrhea ( HGA ) .

  17. 中西医结合治疗继发性闭经

    Therapy of combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine for secondary menopause

  18. 腹针疗法治疗继发性闭经40例疗效观察

    The Observation on Abdominal Acupuncture Treating 40 Cases of Secondary Amenorrhea

  19. 腹腔镜对原发性闭经和继发性闭经的诊断价值

    The Diagnostic Value of Laparoscopy for the primary and Secondary Amenorrhea

  20. 联检血清性激素水平在继发性闭经中的临床意义

    Clinical Significance of Combined Measurement of Serum Sex Hormones in Secondary Amenorrhea

  21. 150例继发性闭经患者的相关因素分析

    The Analysis of Correlative Factor of Secondary Amenorrhea Patients Through 150 Cases

  22. 结果(1)本组神经性厌食者均为女性,平均年龄(18.4±2.1)岁,病程1~6年。临床表现为厌食、严重营养不良和继发性闭经;

    Results Anorexia , serious malnutrition and secondary amenorrhea were the main clinical manifestations .

  23. 养血通经方治疗继发性闭经50例疗效观察

    Treatment of Secondary Amenorrhea by Yangxue Tongjing Fang : A Clinical Observation of 50 Cases

  24. 化学发光法检测性激素水平诊断继发性闭经

    Diagnosis of the secondary amenorrhea by chemiluminoimmunoassay

  25. 结论严重营养不良和继发性闭经为神经性厌食患者的主要临床表现,伴有多种内分泌功能紊乱,继发性闭经是显著体重下降和下丘脑垂体性腺轴功能紊乱共同作用的结果。

    Conclusion AN has multi endocrine disorders , accompanied with the serious malnutrition and secondary amenorrhea .

  26. 73例继发性闭经、月经稀发的临床和血清催乳素分析

    Evaluation of Clinical and Serum Profile of Secondary Amenorrhea and Oligomenorrhea : Report of 73 Cases

  27. 继发性闭经的实验诊断

    Laboratory Diagnosis of the Secondary Amenorrhea

  28. 补肾活血法治疗继发性闭经伴牙周病20例

    Treatment of 20 Cases of Secondary Amenorrhea Accompanied by Periodontal Diseases by Tonifying Kidney and Activating Blood Circulation

  29. 目的:探讨了继发性闭经患者血清性激素水平的变化和意义。

    Objective To explore the clinical significance of changes of serum sex hormones levels in patients with secondary amenorrhea .

  30. 中药人工周期治疗稀发月经和继发性闭经80例疗效观察

    Observation of therapeutic effect on 80 cases of oligohypomenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea with artificial menstrual cycle with Chinese herbal medicine