
  • 网络Red blood cell disorders
  1. 低龄儿童镰刀红细胞疾病中维生素A的含量、住院治疗及其他结果

    Vitamin A status , hospitalizations , and oth - er outcomes in young children with sickle cell disease

  2. 这种RTS疫苗能够防止肝脏内的疟原虫感染,变成熟及增加,它通常会再次进入血液及感染红细胞,导致疾病。

    The RTS vaccine prevents the malaria parasite from infecting , maturing and multiplying in the liver , from which it normally re-enters the blood and infects red blood cells , leading to the disease .

  3. 让准父母避免将导致如镰状红细胞贫血症等疾病的基因传给下一代。

    Enabling prospective parents to be screened for genes that pass on lethal disorders such as sickle-cell anemia .

  4. PNH通常发生于成年人,是一种红细胞发生异常的疾病。

    PNH , which usually develops in adults , is a disease characterized by red blood cells that develop abnormally .

  5. 培养孕妇外周血中胎儿有核红细胞在性连锁疾病产前诊断中的应用

    Culture of the fetal nucleated red blood cells from Peripheral blood of pregnant women was used for noninvasive sex-linked disease in prenatal diagnosis

  6. 结论:红细胞膜结构和功能异常与人类疾病关系密切,中药可以防治红细胞膜异常相关疾病。

    Conclusion : Abnormal structure and function of erythrocytic membrane is intimately correlated with human diseases . Chinese materia medica can prevent and cure the diseases of abnormal erythrocytic membrane .