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jì zǐ
  • stepson;stepchild;adopted son
继子 [jì zǐ]
  • (1) [stepchild]∶某人的妻或夫在前次婚姻关系中所生的孩子

  • (2) [stepson]∶丈夫与前妻或妻子与前夫所生之子

  1. 刘特佐在比佛利山(BeverlyHills)买下了一座1750万美元的现代豪宅,然后转手把它卖掉,还是卖给了总理的继子。

    Mr. Low bought a contemporary mansion in Beverly Hills for $ 17.5 million , then turned around and sold it , once again to the prime minister 's stepson .

  2. 家里仍有用于留学的钱。刘特佐在伦敦古老的精英学校哈罗公学(HarrowSchool)就读时,与纳吉布的继子阿齐兹成了朋友。阿齐兹当时在伦敦政治经济学院(LondonSchoolofEconomics)学习。

    There was money for education abroad , and in London , while attending the ancient and elite Harrow school , Mr. Low became friends with Mr. Najib 's stepson , Mr. Aziz , who was studying at the London School of Economics .

  3. OFDM中继系统的中继子载波对选择和功率分配

    Subcarrier Pair Selection and Power Allocation in OFDM Relaying System

  4. Mike舅舅结过两次婚,他有2个继子。

    Uncle Mike married twice , he has two stepsons .

  5. 包括纳吉布的继子、好莱坞制片人里扎·阿齐兹(RizaAziz),出品过《华尔街之狼》(TheWolfofWallStreet);阿齐兹的老友、金融家刘特佐(JhoLow);

    One , Riza Aziz , is the stepson of Najib and a Hollywood producer of " The Wolf of Wall Street . " Another , a financier named Jho Low , is a longtime friend of Aziz .

  6. 越来越多的关注正转向纳吉布的继子勒扎·阿齐兹(RizaAziz)以及阿齐兹与刘特佐的友谊上。

    Increasingly , the glare turns to Mr. Najib 's stepson , Riza Aziz , and so to Mr. Aziz 's friendship with Mr. Low .

  7. 除了妻子,他在世的亲人还有孩子亚当和朱莉·尼莫伊(AdamandJulieNimoy)、继子亚伦·贝·舒克(AaronBaySchuck)、六个孙子辈和一个曾孙辈,以及哥哥梅尔文(Melvin)。

    Besides his wife , he is survived by his children , Adam and Julie Nimoy ; a stepson , Aaron Bay Schuck ; six grandchildren and one great-grandchild ; and an older brother , Melvin .

  8. 为了精确估计端到端任务中的后继子任务的最大释放抖动,针对抢占阈值调度策略和EDF抢占式调度策略,分别提出了强实时任务最小响应时间的计算方法。

    To estimate the maximum release jitter of the sub-task in a transaction exactly , this thesis presents corresponding methods to compute the best-case response time of periodic tasks under the EDF preemptive scheduling policy and the preemptive threshold policy .

  9. 本片的副制片道格拉斯·格雷斯汉姆是原书作者C.S·刘易斯的继子。

    Co-producer Douglas Gresham is the stepson of C.S. Lewis , author of the novel upon which the film is based .

  10. 弄的像我要出卖我的继子一样。

    It feels like I 'm betraying my stepson .

  11. 他的继子对他仍然很疏远。

    His stepson is still very distant towards him .

  12. 她不知如何与富有对抗性的继子相处。

    She doesn 't know how to get along with her defiant step-son .

  13. 人们认为我自私,对继子不够关心。

    People think I 'm selfish or uncaring .

  14. 他感到十分可憎的继子。

    A stepson he found altogether detestable .

  15. 沙丹.胡笙继子遭美驱逐出境

    Saddam Hussein 's Stepson Deported by US

  16. 孝作为礼的核心组成部分,对继子财产承继制度的影响极其深远。

    Filial piety as the core part of ceremony , affects the stepson inheritance system deeply .

  17. 我继子就是在自己的生日宴会上被我们家一位世交相中,而找到了工作。

    My stepson was hired by a family friend after meeting him at a birthday party .

  18. 据称,这封电邮出自卡罗琳伯恩之手,她在信中警告继子的未婚妻没规矩。

    The email purportedly from Carolyn Bourne warned her stepson 's fiance about her poor etiquette .

  19. 然后利用匈牙利算法进行中继子载波对选择;

    Based on this , a subcarrier pair selection method is given by applying the Hungarian algorithm .

  20. 由于继子身份的差别,在继承财产时相应的继承份额也有所不同。

    Because of the difference of stepson identity , when they inherit the property they have different share .

  21. 很快地,她和她的继子们处得很和谐,而小男孩们也变得喜爱鸽子了。

    Soon she and her stepsons got along very well and the boys became fond of the birds , too .

  22. 除兼祧之外,继子财产承继制度对继子财产继承权进行了限制,以保障社会的和谐稳定。

    Besides the system , the system of stepson inheritance limits the power of stepson for keeping the society harmony .

  23. 在他妻子(即理查德•卡弗的母亲)去世后他写给其继子的信中,表达了他纯然的痛苦。

    The letter he wrote his stepson after the death of his wife ( and Richard 's mother ) is raw in its pain .

  24. 隋朝时开始娣的女儿成为慈禧太后的北周,她的继子为新皇帝。

    The Sui Dynasty began when Wendi 's daughter became the Empress Dowager of Northern Zhou , with her stepson as the new emperor .

  25. 我不会让我的继子上大学,因为上大学是件既浪费金钱又浪费时间的事情。

    I 've refused to allow my stepson Jim to go to university because it will be too expensive and a waste of time .

  26. 同治七年(1868),最终桑巴以已故贝勒继子身份承袭了扎萨克贝勒而纠纷结束。

    In the seventh year of the Tongzhi reign ( 1868 ), the dispute ended when Sangba inherited the position as Norburinqin 's adopted son .

  27. 仿真结果表明,相对于随机中继子载波选择以及平均功率分配,该文算法与其它几种方法相比中继系统容量有较大提高。

    Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm achieves a higher system capacity than both the random subcarrier pair selection and uniform power allocation scheme .

  28. 的确,继父继母不能给继子继女生命,但如果他们付出了爱与理解,他们就是好父母。

    True , step parents can 't give birth to a step child , but if they give love and understanding , they are good parents .

  29. 达到孝的标准,意味着继子完成了自己应尽的义务,也决定了继子可以主张自己的继承权。

    At a certain extent , reaching the standard of filial piety means the stepson finished his duty . And he could claim his inheritance power .

  30. 这名沙丹.胡笙的继子因未能取得学生签证,参加佛罗里达州飞行学校的课程,而遭到拘捕羁押。

    The stepson of Saddam Hussein was arrested and detained because he came to take a course at a flight school in Florida without a student visa .