
  1. 人们认为龙会行云布雨。

    People think dragons can make clouds and bring them rain .

  2. 龙会帮助帝国吗?

    Will dragons come help the Empire in its time of need ?

  3. 变色龙会根据它们周围的环境改变身上的颜色

    Chameleons change colour to match their surroundings

  4. 一位研究者表示,在此之前,没有任何显示三角龙会一起行动的证据。

    One researcher says before now there wasn 't much evidence that triceratops moved in groups .

  5. 然后红色的龙会回复它真正的习惯,努力地把自己撕成碎片。

    Then the Red Dragon will revert to its true habits and struggle to tear itself to pieces .

  6. 例如,过去我以为霸王龙会高高把头昂起,把尾巴拖在地上。

    For example , we used to think that T. rex held its head high , with its tail dragging along the ground .

  7. 咖啡是由咖啡豆制成,变色龙会根据它们周围的环境改变身上的颜色,珠穆朗玛峰是世界上最高的山。

    Coffee is made from beans , chameleons change colour to match their surroundings and Mount Qomolangma is the ' tallest ' mountain in the world .

  8. 不知道为了公平起见,同为雄性的木须龙会不会也难逃被淘汰的命运。原版电影中李翔对于木兰的喜爱与日俱增(木兰在军队中女扮男装),木兰从军对退役以后,电影中有几处两人暗送秋波的场景。

    Shang is shown clearly to possess a growing affection for Ping ( Mulan disguised as a man in order to join the army ) , one not reserved for the rest of the soldiers , with the film definitely slotting in a few stolen glances between the pair .

  9. 如果事情遂了谷歌(Google)的心愿,那么双髻鲨就可以在你的办公室里游动,大象可以站在你的手心里,龙也会和群鸟一起飞翔。

    If Google has its way , hammerhead sharks will swim through your office , elephants will fit in the palm of your hand and dragons will fly among the birds .

  10. 而这个龙后会将那唯一的安慰也夺走。

    This dragon queen would rob him of that consolation .

  11. 龙大概会笑,应该是无笑的笑!

    He might laugh with the non-laughable .

  12. 这是一只变色龙,会把自己伪装成真正有威胁的东西,这就是它的魔法。

    It was a chameleon , using its magic to mimic creatures of genuine threat .

  13. 但至少在未来几年,中国龙似乎会占据上风。

    But the dragon looks like having the upper hand at least for the next few years .

  14. “社交变色龙”会吸纳并反应所处环境的情绪和状态,而压抑本身的情绪。

    A social chameleon will adopt and reflect the mood and sentiment of the situation and suppress their own .

  15. 到12月份,反弹将会结束,龙年剩余的几个月,龙可能会安静休整。

    The rally will run out of steam by December , and dragon is likely to rest for the remainder of the lunar year .

  16. 雌性蓝龙时常会在将自己的感情公之于众之前以许多不同的形式悄悄地进行跟踪并观察来评估他的价值。

    Female blue dragons sometimes stalk and observe a potential mate in a number of different forms to gauge the male 's worth before revealing themselves .

  17. 谁能料到一个龙骑兵会喝六便士一瓶的啤酒,抽蹩脚得可怕的鸟眼牌烟草,会让他的妻子戴一顶破破烂烂的帽子啊?

    Who could have ever expected that a dragoon would drink sixpenny ale , smoke horrid bird 's-eye tobacco , and let his wife wear a shabby bonnet ?

  18. 现在,他们又有新的事情要操心了:如果有人发现海格在他的小屋里非法养龙,会把他怎么样呢?

    So now they had something else to worry about : what might happen to Hagrid if anyone found out he was hiding an illegal dragon in his hut .

  19. 不要低估了黄金的邪恶,毒蛇早已在这黄金上孵化,龙症会侵蚀所有接近这座山的人的心灵。

    Don 't underestimate the evil of gold.Gold over which a serpent has long brooded . Dragon 's Sickness seeps into the heart of all who come near this mountain . 3 .

  20. 你可能已经听说过该主题公园内部的机器人旅馆了,在该旅馆中,女性机器人和霸王龙机器人会帮助客人入住,甚至搬运行李。

    You may have already heard about the robot hotel inside the theme park , where animatronic women and T.rex dinosaurs help guests check in for their stays and even carry luggage .

  21. 龙的毒素会引起瘫痪、肿胀和恶心。

    Poison from the weaver fish causes paralysis , swelling , and nausea

  22. 伊莎贝尔:你提到了龙-它们会在这栖生吗?

    Isabel : You spoke of the dragons-will they breed here ?

  23. 而且,你知道我喝了龙舌兰后会怎么样。

    And besides , you know what tequila does to me .

  24. 但是,你知道,龙队可能会赢。

    But , you know , the Dragons are likely to win .

  25. 龙是基督教会之敌人的象征。

    The dragon symbolizes the enemies of the church .

  26. 他如果没有去研究龙,肯定会代表英国队参赛的。

    and he could have played for England if he hadn 't gone off chasing dragons .

  27. 正义的狮子下一步会来到,在它的怒吼下,高卢的塔会震动,龙的岛屿会擅抖。

    The Lion of Justice shall come next , and at its roar the towers of Gaul shall shake and the island Dragons tremble .

  28. 龙兮龙兮风云会。

    Dragon wind and cloud meeting .

  29. 咕噜喝下一加仑龙舌兰酒当时会感到开心,但最终,它会让你感觉如地狱一般糟糕。

    Guzzling a gallon of tequila may be fun for a while , but eventually , it 's going to make you feel like hell .

  30. 他以嗅觉感觉到,如果现在与骠骑兵一起冲向法军龙骑兵,他们会站不住脚的;可是,如果要冲锋,就得即刻冲锋,一分钟也不能拖,否则就迟了。

    He felt instinctively that if he were to charge with his hussars on the French dragoons now , they could not stand their ground ; but if he were to charge it must be that very minute or it would be too late .