
lóng chuán
  • dragon-boat
龙船 [lóng chuán]
  • [dragon boat] 龙舟,前面饰有龙头的细长条船,多桨,民间用于端午赛船

龙船[lóng chuán]
  1. 传说,吃了龙船上的食品,能消灾免难,百事如愿。

    It is said thateating food from a dragon-boat protects one from disaster and gives goodluck .

  2. 每年农历5月24日至27日,几十个村寨相继举行龙船节。

    The Miao Dragon-Boat Festivalis celebrated from the 24th to the 27th ofthe fifth lunar month .

  3. 苗族龙船节,与汉族的端午节不同。

    The Miao Dragon Boat Festival differs from the Han celebration .

  4. 最有趣的竞赛是:龙船赛。

    One of the most exciting events is the Onam boat race .

  5. 登记现在为第5年度诺思岸龙船节日是在进行之中的!

    Registration is now underway for the 5th Annual North Shore Dragon Boat Festival !

  6. 弗雷泽山谷龙船俱乐部是一个非盈利的社会,在2002建立了。

    The Fraser Valley Dragon Boat Club is a non-profit society , established in2002 .

  7. 你有没有看过伐龙船比赛?

    Have you ever seen dragon boat races ?

  8. 那儿有一艘竹编龙船。

    There is a plaited bamboo dragon-barge .

  9. 他们也在水中比赛龙船全部是为了取悦龙且安慰他们的龙。

    They also race dragon-shaped boats in water all to please and appease their dragons .

  10. 一只龙船几乎12米长,与在前面的一个龙头一起。

    A dragon boat is almost 12 metres long , with a dragon head at the front .

  11. 龙船花种子发育和成熟过程中脂肪酸组成的变化

    The Variation of Fatty Acid Composition in Ixora chinensis Seeds at Various Stages of Development and Maturation

  12. 粮船湾(明代称龙船湾)是西贡最古老的村落之一。

    High Island ( called Dragon Boat Ming Wan ) is one of the oldest villages in Sai Kung .

  13. 有多种造型的观音、狮子、花篮、龙船等,它综合了多种手法。

    It is usually made in the shape of lions , baskets , dragon boats and Bodhisattvas and it utilizes special carving techniques .

  14. 与登记在2007出卖,这个事件快速向西北在太平洋以内成为了首要的一天龙船事件之一。

    With registration selling out in2007 this event has quickly become one of the paramount one-day Dragon Boat events within the Pacific northwest .

  15. 在埃德蒙顿龙船节日协会或2007埃德蒙顿龙船都谢谢你你的参予节日。

    Thank you all for your participation in the Edmonton Dragon Boat Festival Association and / or the 2007 Edmonton Dragon Boat Festival .

  16. 从“龙船调”的演唱形式,衬词结构和调式上,可以看到其艺术特点主要表现为:1节奏丰富;

    The singing form , word formation and the type of " Dragon-Boat Melody " indicate the following artistic features : 1.rich rhythm ;

  17. 龙船节,是黔东南清水江上苗族人民最盛大的节日。

    The Dragon-Boat Festival is the most important celebration of the Miao people , who live along the Qingshui Rwerin southeastem Guizhou Province .

  18. 以往的五月节,在东江河畔,完成了赛前仪式的龙船队沿江分批举行龙舟赛。

    In the past May Festival , dragon boat teams participate the competition in batches along the river after the opening ceremony is finished .

  19. 我们的第五个年度诺思岸龙船节日只在角落附近,我们正在传动在上面为登记的开始。

    Our fifth annual North Shore Dragon Boat Festival is just around the corner and we are gearing up for the opening of registration .

  20. 在惠州,流传着一首民谣:“五月节,扒龙船,龙鼓响,大江边”。

    There is a ballad in Huizhou goes , May festival , row the dragon boat , dragon drum sounds , along river side .

  21. 有一天,国王和很多文武百官一起坐龙船出海游玩。

    One day , the King and all the top civil and military officials went to the ocean in a dragon boat to sightsee .

  22. 我们极其高兴多伦多加拿大被国际龙船联盟为冠军作为主办城市选择了。

    We are extremely pleased that Toronto Canada has been selected as the host city for the championships by the International Dragon Boat federation .

  23. 走廊西部的九龙池直接通向石舫,它很像一个游荡在水面上的龙船。

    The Nine-Bend Corridor West of the nine dragon pool leads directly to the marble boat , which resembles a dragon boat on the water surface .

  24. 加入我们在趣事的这个龙船季节,并且在那里得到你的队并且准备为奖金和光荣竞争。

    Join us this dragon boat season in the fun , and get your team out there and ready to compete for the prizes and the glory .

  25. 每年农历“五月节”,惠州多为河水涨满,“龙舟水”使各街(村)的龙船队兴趣倍增。

    May Festival , rivers around Huizhou mostly rise , the swelling rivers add interest to the dragon boat competition teams in various streets ( villages ) .

  26. 小伙伴们此时都差未几到齐了,由邻家的大姐姐当头,领着我们这一群小毛孩到河边看赛龙船。

    Small partners at this time are almost , and Sisters from the big head next door , led us to the river this group watch dragon-boat race .

  27. 下午四时左右,龙船靠岸休息,水手们将糯米饭团和肉类放置船帮上就餐。不用碗筷,双手捏出的糯米饭团格外清香可口。

    At 4 p.m. the boats stop alongside the riverbank . The drummers and oars ~ men on the boats eat glutinous rice balls and meat with their fingers .

  28. 在中国第22次南极考察过程中,采用大容量悬浮颗粒采样器收集了雪龙船航线海洋边界层气溶胶样品。

    During the22nd Chinese Antarctic Research Expedition , the aerosols in the marine boundary layer along the R / V Xuelong cruise route were collected using high volume samplers .

  29. 水手头上的那特制的马尾斗笠,原是清水江上游苗族姑娘出嫁时的陪嫁品,却成了龙船节水手们必备的一件装饰物。

    The hats , traditionally dowry gifts for girls from the upper reaches of theQingshui River , have become an essential feature of the costumes worn bythe dragon-boat oarsmen .

  30. 当地习惯,从16日开始,只要全寨薅完秧,本寨的龙船便可下水。

    But according to local custom , people are allowed to send their dragon boats down the river after the 16th , provided that they have finished weeding their fields .