
lónɡ tóu chǎn pǐn
  • leading product
  1. 微软公司的ProjectServer2003是企业项目管理的龙头产品,被国内外很多大公司应用。

    The Microsoft Project Server 2003 is the symbolic product of EPM and it has been applied in many big company in the local and oversea .

  2. 孔子学院是中国当前文化走出去战略的重大项目,也是汉语国际推广的龙头产品。

    Nowadays , Confucius institute plays an important role in Chinese culture " going out " strategy as well as Chinese language spreading .

  3. 实证研究表明,绵阳大一统旅游对提升绵阳形象,促进绵阳旅游业形成龙头产品,增强绵阳旅游业的竞争力等具有积极作用。

    The result shows that to develop Mianyang 's grand unified tourism plays an active role in promoting Mianyang 's status and strengthening the competitive ability of Mianyang 's tourism .

  4. 安徽省作为一个农业生产大省,主要龙头产品有蔬菜、茶叶、天然蜂蜜等,每年的产量占全国重要席位。

    Anhui province , As an big province of agricultural production , owns vegetables , tea , natural honey as its main products with a big percent of the output in the whole nation .

  5. 战略重点包括:以加强电子信息、新材料、先进制造和生物领域为主的技术重点,以发展新兴产业和产业链龙头为主的产品重点,以沿319国道长沙高新技术产业带为主的产业布局重点。

    Strategic focal point includes : technology focal point of strengthening electrical information , new material , advanced manufacture and biology field ;

  6. 新材料产业缺乏龙头企业,产品质量不高造成产业链中断等。

    Thirdly , the new material industry is lack of the leading enterprise and the unqualified products break off its industrial chain .

  7. 据《西安晚报》报道,国内多家食用油龙头企业将保持产品价格稳定,在明年3月的“两会”之前不会上调价格。

    Leading producers of cooking oil will not raise product prices over the next four months leading up to the annual congressional sessions next March , Xi'an Evening News reports .

  8. 甚至连法国国家铁路公司也在考虑购买,以用于跨越海峡的交通项目欧洲之星的运营,而并没有购买法国国内的龙头老大阿尔斯通的产品。

    Even SNCF , France 's national rail company , is considering buying them for the Eurostar , its trans-channel service , rather than patronising Alstom , the French national champion .

  9. 除了由分散的农户经营的农产品物流外,由于我国第三方物流不发达,农业龙头企业是农产品物流从农户到加工、批发环节包括部分零售环节物流的承担者。

    They are logistics service providers except small fanners and 3PL , which is undeveloped . The key agricultural Enterprises are the logistics service provider and manager from farmers to process and wholesale . It also includes some retail logistics .

  10. 政策保障主要包括做大做强绿色龙头企业;提高产品质量及培育绿色农产品市场体系等。

    Policy guarantee includes upgrade of green leading enterprises to stimulate agricultural economy development ; improvement of product quality and competitiveness of agricultural products ; cultivation of market system and market circulation of green agricultural product ; construction of agricultural infrastructure for establishing a firm base on recycling agricultural development .

  11. 公司专业生产高档面盆龙头、厨房龙头、浴缸龙头、淋浴龙头等系列产品。

    We are specializing in manufacturing top-grade series faucets , including for washbasin , kitchen , bathtub , shower and so on .