
lóng tào
  • utility man;actor playing a walk-on part in old-style opera;actor playing a walk-on part in Chinese old-style opera
龙套 [lóng tào]
  • (1) [actor playing a walk-on part in Chinese old-style opera]∶中国戏曲中成队的随从或兵卒所穿的戏装,上面绣有龙纹

  • (2) [utility man]∶演各种配角兼做戏院杂工的演员

  • 跑龙套

龙套[lóng tào]
  1. 他和家人在最新的这部电影中有跑龙套的角色。

    He and his family have walk-on parts in the latest film .

  2. 他只是个跑龙套的。

    He is a mere walk-on .

  3. 《Knight’sGlove》的导演是一个头发漂成金色的年轻男子。下午的时候,他招募我跑龙套,在一个场景中和科斯-瑞德配戏。

    In the afternoon , the director of " Knight 's Glove , " a young man with bleached blond hair , recruited me to play an extra in a scene with Kos-Read .

  4. 他是那种最没有前途的龙套演员。

    He was merely a utility cast member with no bright future .

  5. 很多著名影星的事业都是从跑龙套开始的。

    Many famous movie stars started their careers by playing bit parts .

  6. 他们可能是《银翼杀手》跑龙套的,在电影里参加一场消防演习。

    They could be extras from blade runner forced into a fire drill .

  7. 他们想不通一个堂堂普林斯顿的毕业生,为什么要去好莱坞跑龙套?

    They think impassability a high-profile Princeton graduate , why go to Hollywood ?

  8. 新年庆祝的时候,其中一个节目是跑龙套。

    There are parades with dragons as part of the new year celebrations .

  9. 为什么当韦恩跑龙套跑的时候,罗恩不跑呢?

    Why will not Ron run while Wayne runs ?

  10. 甚至像布拉德·皮特这样的一些著名演员都是从龙套演员开始的。

    Even some famous actors started out as extras , like Brad Pitt .

  11. 好莱坞在周日的第80届奥斯卡奖中扮演了一个新的角色:龙套。

    Hollywood took on a new role in Sunday's80th annual Academy Awards : bit player .

  12. 其他人都是跑龙套的。

    All the others had walkon parts .

  13. 在职场上,总把自己当最聪明的人,一定是做龙套的命。

    Field , always regard themselves as the most intelligent person , must be used .

  14. 跑龙套这事,如果干得好,叫友情客串。

    Playing a small role that if well done , named playing a role for friendship .

  15. 拜托你们,跑龙套的也要找些专业的嘛。

    I 'm begging you , you 'd better find a professional extra for this role .

  16. 还有台迷你打字机,那个无台词的女龙套就坐在这里

    There 's the tiny typewriter thing where the actress who never gets to speak sits !

  17. 在汉语里有个词很奇怪,叫做“跑龙套”,是什么意思?

    There 's a strange word called " Paolongtao " in Chinese , what does it mean ?

  18. 孙悦,一开始就是尽对的龙套,尽对角色球员,尽对的被裁型!

    Sun Yue , a beginning absolute bit-part player , absolute role players , the absolute dismissed type !

  19. 一部出色的电影有不同的元素构成,包括闪耀的明星和默默无闻勤奋的跑龙套的。

    A great movie is based on different elements , including glittering star and some silent industrious walk-on .

  20. 作龙套的坏处就是:送死你先去,功劳全没有,裁员先考虑。

    As a small downside is : die you go , all the credit no layoffs , first consider .

  21. 在风险投资界,科技风投公司好比是电影明星,生命科学风投公司则是跑龙套的。

    In the world of venture capital , tech is the movie star and life sciences the second banana .

  22. 他们无名无姓,每日在我的剧本&热闹非常的活剧中跑龙套。

    They are the nameless actors who have a daily walk-on part in my play & the greatest of dramas .

  23. 她第一次在荧屏上亮相是在英国的一部肥皂剧《最强医生》中扮演一个跑龙套的角色,这部电影是基于一个虚构的医院中发生的事。

    Her first television appearance was a walk-on role in Doctors , a UK soap opera based in a fictitious hospital .

  24. 龙套&临时表演,这些,那些,他们,我们,一如早就熟悉的每一个狂欢的节日画面。

    Lucky Star is a temporary performance , this and that , them and us , like the revelry of familiar festivals .

  25. 职场上,想要过的轻松,不想往上爬,那就只能做一辈子的龙套。

    The workplace , want to live easily , do not want to climb , it can only do a lifetime pass .

  26. 我作为一名龙套橄榄球运动员来到洛根希望在新教练布鲁斯.斯奈德

    When I arrived here in Logan , as a " walk on " football player hoping to earn a scholarship in new coach .

  27. 中国的网民已将《建国大业》称之为“历史上跑龙套超级明星最多”的一部影片。

    Chinese Web users have taken to calling the film the one with the ' the largest number of superstar utility men in history . '

  28. 共同创立美国食品基金会的莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥拍卖了他和罗伯特·德尼罗的下一部电影中的一个跑龙套角色。

    Leonardo DiCaprio , who co-founded America 's Food Fund , is auctioning off a walk-on role in his upcoming movie alongside Robert De Niro .

  29. 但斯金纳对自己的领导能力却充满了信心&好像这位“龙套”一直在默默磨练演技,时刻在为大制作做准备。

    But Skinner 's leadership has been utterly self-assured & it is as though the walk-on had been quietly practicing for his big shot all along .

  30. 在职场上,你若没有一个奋斗目标,就不可能进取的往上爬,到最后只能沦为龙套,成为别人的牺牲品。

    Field , if you have a goal , can not be aggressive to climb , to finally can only become a bit , become another victim .