
qínɡ tiān zhù
  • mainstay;the most important leader of a cause/enterprise/etc.;sb.in a responsible position;pillar of strength
擎天柱 [qíng tiān zhù]
  • [(of ancient legend) one of the eight pillars used to prop up the sky-Atlas] 古代传说昆仑山有八根柱子支撑着天,后来用擎天柱比喻担负重任的人

  1. 总工程师是这项工程的擎天柱。

    The main engineer will be the pillars of the project .

  2. 威震天:不,只是我一个人的事,擎天柱。

    Megatron : no , it 's just me , prime .

  3. 擎天柱:这是我们俩之间的事,威震天。

    Optimus prime : it 's you and me , megatron .

  4. 连接是安全的。擎天柱,你去。

    Connection is secure . Optimus , you are to go .

  5. 算你走运,擎天柱.现在来对付我!

    Scourge : Lucky move , Optimus . Now face me !

  6. 真滑稽,来了个花脸冒牌擎天柱。

    That 's funny , coming from a spray-painted Optimus imitation .

  7. 擎天柱:为这星球的和平,牺牲是在所难免的(无论擎天柱的造型怎么变换,不变的总是他那博爱的胸襟和无畏的精神)。

    Optimus : A necessary sacrifice to bring peace to this planet .

  8. 只有一张古怪凯丽吸擎天柱的。

    Only one of kinky Kelly sucking off Optimus prime .

  9. 能量值要到最高峰了!擎天柱,赶紧离开这!

    Power levels are spiking ! Get out of there , Optimus .

  10. 啊哈,星之擎天柱。让我来揍你个眼冒金星吧!

    Hah , star convoy . I 'll show you some stars !

  11. 擎天柱:在时代的开始之前,这里有一个立方体。

    Optimus Prime : Before time began , there was * the cube .

  12. 擎天柱:铁皮,你知道我们不伤人的!

    Optimus prime : ironhide , you know we don 't harm humans !

  13. 擎天柱怎么在我床底下呢

    what is Optimus Prime doing under my bed ?

  14. 我,惊破天,要把你砸烂,就像威震天砸烂擎天柱一样!

    I , galvatron , will crush you just as Megatron crushed prime !

  15. 不周山原是八根擎天柱之一,撞倒之后,西北方的天就塌了,东南方的地也陷了下去。

    As a result , the northwest sky collapsed and the southeast earth sank .

  16. 各位,容我介绍我的朋友擎天柱

    Gentlemen , I want to introduce you to my friend , Optimus Prime .

  17. 擎天柱与威震天一同坠落地球。

    Prime and Megatron lost on Earth .

  18. 不要,擎天柱,仁慈一点,我求你!

    No more , Optimus Prime ! Grant me mercy , I beg of you !

  19. 萨姆威特维奇(通过车窗对“擎天柱”说):好吧,听着!

    Sam'Spike'Witwicky : [ speaking to Optimus Prime through his window ] Okay , listen .

  20. 擎天柱只能有一个声音。

    Prime only has one voice .

  21. 我的名字叫擎天柱。

    My name is Optimus prime .

  22. 我是擎天柱!

    I am Optimus Prime .

  23. 擎天柱与威震天于太空桥爆炸中一同失踪,生死未卜。

    Optimus Prime and Megatron are caught in the destruction of an experimental Space Bridge and presumed dead .

  24. 我记得小时候,我哥哥有一个变形金刚的玩具,是一个擎天柱。

    I remember when I was a kid , my cousin had a Transformers toy which was an Optimus Prime .

  25. 他的继任人擎天柱,用心来领导且以自身武力作为后盾&一个更加适合的组合。

    His successor , Optimus Prime , leads with his heart , backed by his fists & a much more suitable combination .

  26. 有许多这样的真实故事:2001年,一位来自俄亥俄州凯霍加福尔斯市30多岁的国民警卫队士兵,依据法律把自己的名字改成了“擎天柱”。

    Some quite literally : In2001 , a30-year-old National Guardsman from Cuyahoga Falls , Ohio , legally changed his name to Optimus Prime .

  27. 我是擎天柱,我在一去不复返的时代中怀念着我的世界,哀悼着我的星球曾经的模样。

    I am Optimus Prime , and I remember my world from ages long gone and mourn for what my planet had been .

  28. 然后,她又将一只万年巨龟的四足斩下,把它们用作擎天柱,支撑住了天地的四方。

    To replace the broken pillars , she cut off the four legs of a huge turtle and used them to support the fallensky .

  29. 他是唯一个结构强度上能够承受火焰喷射的汽车人,擎天柱勇敢的接受装备。

    Being the only Autobot with the superstructure strong enough to withstand the bonding process , Optimus Prime courageously accepted to be outfitted for it .

  30. 擎天柱是汽车人的领袖,作为这支强大的正义力量的领导,他在与霸天虎的战斗中变现出了非凡的勇气和智慧。

    OPTIMUS PRIME is the leader of the AUTOBOTS and a powerful force of goodness , courage and wisdom in the battle against the evil DECEPTICONS .