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kuāng zhèng
  • correct;rectify;assist
匡正 [kuāng zhèng]
  • (1) [correct;rectify]∶纠正;改正

  • 匡正纲纪。--《后汉书.何敞传》

  • (2) [assist]∶扶正;辅佐

  • 匡正王室。--《左传.哀公十六年》

匡正[kuāng zhèng]
  1. 学是用人性匡正人之思想行为的重要手段。

    Learning is the important means to rectify the thoughts and behaviors of people with humanity .

  2. 因此积极引导青少年匡正励志误区,明确励何志,如何用榜样对青少年进行励志教育就显得非常重要。

    Thus actively guide teenagers rectify aspiration education ; clear how to use models for teenagers ' aspiration education appears very important .

  3. 总统为匡正政府弊端而做的努力颇有成效。

    The president 's attempt to correct governmental abuses is successful .

  4. 大学生问题意识的缺失与匡正

    On the Correction of the Absence of Students ' Problem Consciousness

  5. 这是对传统文学观的一次有力匡正。

    It is a forceful rectification of the traditional literary concept .

  6. 高等教育产业理念比较及匡正

    Comparison and review on the industrial idea of higher education

  7. 期待可能性理论研究诸失误之匡正

    Rectification on Lapses About the Theory of Probability of Anticipation

  8. 凡有不公正的地方,我们都竭力相助匡正。

    Wherever there is injustice , we try to help .

  9. 坚持科学唯物论匡正宗教破除迷信

    Upholding Scientific Materialism , Rectifying Religion , Abolishing Superstitions

  10. 本文仅就其中的一些失误试作匡正。

    This paper tries to correct some of these errors in this book .

  11. 永州地区的气候类型名称匡正

    Correcting the name of climate type in Yongzhou

  12. 审计判断偏误的认知心理探源及匡正策略研究

    Research on the Origin and Rectification Strategy of Audit Judgment Bias in Cognitive Psychology

  13. 改革,匡正弊端;革命,权力转移。

    A reform is a correction of abuses ; a revolution is transferred of power .

  14. 合同自由原则的衰落与匡正

    On the Degeneration of the Principle of the Freedom of Contract and the Correction of it

  15. 必须从诚信的经济人格生成的基础性和制度性要素两方面入手,来匡正市场主体的行为。

    The basic and institutional factors for the growth of economic character are two ways started with .

  16. 论体育课程改革偏差理念的匡正与目标的实现

    The Principle of Talk About the Athletics Course Reform Deviation Corrects with the Realization of the Target

  17. 第二节戴震思想的基本内涵,分别从五个方面加以论述。1.戴震义理思想&承传元典儒学,匡正程朱流弊。

    The second quarter the basic connotation , Dai zhen thoughts from five aspects respectively . 1 .

  18. 《百苗图》对《贵州通志·苗蛮志》(乾隆)的批判与匡正(下)

    The Criticism and Rectification of the book Baimiao Paint on Guizhou Annals · Miao Annals ( The Second Half Part )

  19. 我们的责任是清除、审察、纠偏、匡正邪恶而不损害善与美,

    Our duty is to cleanse , to reconsider , to restore , to correct the evil without impairing the good ,

  20. 因此,只有从主体间性的视角中去审美,匡正人的主体性,建构起反映人与自然和谐共生的生态美学,才能真正地解决生态危机,重建人类美好的生存家园。

    As a result , the ecological crises can be truly solved and the comfortable and harmonious homeland can be rebuilt .

  21. 每当统一的信仰受到威胁或破坏时,总是有足够的力量去匡正它,恢复它。

    Whenever the notion of unification was challenged or undermined , there were always sufficient strengths to recover and resume it .

  22. 培养自身的善,克服自身的恶,加以匡正。

    I develop in myself what is good , and I seek to correct what is evil , by overcoming it in myself .

  23. 该研究的作者提出建议,为了匡正这种平衡,八月出生的孩子应该在学校多待一年。

    To redress the balance , August-born children could spend a year longer at school under proposals put forward by the study 's authors .

  24. 他的叙事理论包含了两种叙事:政治叙事与哲学叙事,哲学叙事在一定程度上可以匡正政治叙事。

    The theory of narrative include two parts , politic narrative and philosophic narrative . The later can correct politic narrative to a certain extent .

  25. 法律开始关注社会中的不平等的具体的人,关注处于弱势地位的人的权利保护,以匡正契约自由,实现社会正义,维护社会的良性运转。

    The law started to concern about the unequal and concrete persons and the protection of the weak for the social justice and good running .

  26. 为了匡正宏观调控行为中的“政府失败”,迫切需要加强对宏观调控行为的法律规制,建立和完善宏观调控法律体系。

    Aiming at avoid " government behavior misplay " in economy development , we need to constitute interrelated laws system and improve macroscopical regulation and control .

  27. 这本书的开头部分有一张勘误表。要求读者根据勘误表匡正。

    There 's a list of corrigenda at the beginning of the book . Readers are requested to make the corrections pointed out in the errata .

  28. 如果选民很无知、容易轻信蛊惑人心的政客兜售的有欠考虑的短视政策,那么匡正资本主义经济进程的希望就很渺茫。

    If voters are uninformed and easily swayed towards demagogues peddling short-term ill-considered policies , there is little hope for righting the course of capitalist economies .

  29. 在现代公司法上,通过对资本多数决原则进行补充和匡正,该项权利被赋予了监控大股东和管理层的新功能,从而可以更好地平衡股东权益,维护公司正常经营运转。

    Whereas in modern corporate law , the appraisal rights serve a new function of monitoring management 's conduct through the remedy and adjustment to the majority rule .

  30. 与中国的其他几部古典名著不同,《西游记》是一部神魔小说,在匡正了一些过分的谬说之后,它被视为一部玩世之作。

    Different from other Chinese classical novels , The West is a deity and monster novel , it was considered a bantering novel after strained many false ideas .