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kuānɡ jì
  • relieve distress;help over a difficulty
匡济 [kuāng jì]
  • [save] 匡时济世的略语。即挽救艰难时势,救助当今人世

  • 公抱匡济之才,何往不利?--《三国演义》

  1. 他经常匡济灾民,是一位有名的慈善家。

    He is a famous man of charity and always assists disaster victims .

  2. 他忧国忧民,用师夷长技以制夷来自救,再次证明了他以匡济天下为己任的经世情怀。

    His concern for the state and the people of fate , with the learn from foreigners to compete with foreigners to rescue China , proved his economic statecraft feelings once again .