首页 / 词典 / good


qù jiù
  • hold or not hold the post of;resign or remain in office
去就 [qù jiù]
  • (1) [assume or not assume the office]∶担任或不担任职务

  • 无意去就

  • (2) [leave or stay]∶离去或留下

  • 去就之际。--南朝丘迟《与陈伯之书》

  1. 一个正在耕田的农夫看见它们趴在那儿一动不动,走过去就将猎狗和兔子拎回家里,美美地享用了一顿。

    A passing-by farmer espird them lying on the ground without a move and went up to pick them up home and had a nice meal .

  2. 他不去就拿不到钱。

    He 's not getting paid till he does exactly that .

  3. 我从来没有像相信你那样去就相信别人。

    I have never trusted anyone the way I trust you .

  4. 你要去就去吧,我不在乎。

    You go if you want to . I don 't care .

  5. 到地铁的售票处去就行了。

    Just go to the ticket office in the subway .

  6. 如果不想去就直说。

    Just say you don 't want to come .

  7. 这个村子离伦敦没有多远,乘公交车去就可以。

    The village is within commuting distance of london .

  8. 意思是一眼望去就看到千万朵水仙。

    I saw ten thousand at a glance .

  9. 等会儿跟我一起去就知道了。

    Go with me you will know .

  10. 现在海尔到国外去就属于这种,非常努力,但是气质不行。

    Haier to go abroad now belongs to this , very hard , but temperament .

  11. 鲍比:你就这么去就行了,剀莉。你已经够可怕的了!

    Bobby : Just go as yourself , Kelly . You 're already pretty spooky !

  12. 电风扇的声音他听去就宛然是女工们的怒吼。

    The hum of the electric fan reminded him of the angry roar of the crowd .

  13. 他说:市场是现成的,只要把产品推出去就行了。

    ' The market is out there , it 's just getting the product to them , ' he said .

  14. 妈妈,你是不是出门去就想看看我们会怎么办?麦格问。

    Mother , did you go out and leave us just to see how we would manage ? asked Meg .

  15. 有些人还没有去就开始想象美好的渡假,等真正到了以后就感到很失望。

    Some of you have better vacations before you actually go , and then you get to be disappointed when you arrive .

  16. 去就去真正的峨眉山,师从真正的峨嵋气功吧。

    Just go to Emei Mountain , study with the great masters there and taste the fruit of the real Emei teachings .

  17. 如果你有时间,到周末玉市去就可以找到“有虫虫的翠玉白菜”。

    When you have time , visit the Weekend Jade Market and you may find the " Green Cabbage with Cicadas " there .

  18. 此时,架构师们将会离场,只留下各个领域的专家去就策略进行谈判,从而形成一个“战术性”的集成方案。

    Then , those architects leave and the domain owners are left to negotiate those policies to create a " tactical " integration plan .

  19. 每一个活动不要能去就去,而是讲策略地考虑,然后去那些最有可能是真正有价值的聚会。

    Instead of hitting every single event you could go to , think strategically and go to just those get-togethers that are most likely to be truly worthwhile .

  20. 好啦,我不去,就这么定了。

    Well I 'm not going , and that 's that .

  21. 你不能去,就这样!

    You can 't go and that 's flat !

  22. 我们买了一辆野营车,所以我们啥时想去野营就可以去。

    We bought a camper van so we could go away whenever the fancy took us .

  23. 你要想去旅行就必须征得父母的同意。

    You 'll have to get your parents ' agreement if you want to go on the trip .

  24. 他们可以想去哪儿就去哪儿,谁给的钱多就给谁干活儿。

    They could wander where they wished and take jobs from who paid best .

  25. 我正出门朝我的车走去,就在这时这家伙企图对我进行抢劫。

    I was walking out to my car when this guy tried to mug me

  26. 就好像去夏威夷就一定要开心似的,如果你不开心,你会一个劲儿地感到愧疚。

    There 's such pressure to be happy in Hawaii , if you 're unhappy you 're on a guilt trip

  27. 我去一会儿就回来。

    I 'll be back in a moment .

  28. 可是他说亲戚到底是亲戚,既然答应了去,就只能去一趟,住上一两天也就算了。

    But he said kinsfolk was kinsfolk , and promises was promises , so he 'd go for a day or so , and then it would be over .

  29. 从我站着的地方抬眼望去,就可以看到十二种深浅不一的绿色。

    I count twelve shades of green from where I stand .

  30. 要是你们想去,就自己走去吧。

    So if you want to go , you are going to have to walk yourselves .