
  • 网络decentralization;decentration;decentralize;decentering
  1. 另一方面,SOA中资源的去中心化使我们更难实现一个完整的规划。

    On the other hand , the decentralization of resources in SOA may make a comprehensive plot harder to implement .

  2. Web2.0的出现,终于使得互联网回归到了Internet的本质,即:去中心化、开放性、共享性。

    The presence of Web 2.0 finally made the Internet returning to its essences , namely decentralization , opening and sharing .

  3. 我相信它对任意Web或去中心化系统上所用的格式都是适用的,而不限于XML。

    This applies I think to any format for use over the web or in a decentralised system , not just XML .

  4. P2P网络以其文件共享和去中心化等特点不断引起人们的广泛关注。

    P2P networks , with the features of file-sharing and no centralized servers , have caused wide public concern .

  5. P2P带来的去中心化特点将使互联网管理的难度进一步增加;

    P2P will bring goes to the core characteristic to make the difficulty which the Internet will control further to add ;

  6. Voldemort完全是分布式且去中心化的,支持分区与容错。

    Voldemort is fully distributed and decentralized , and supports partitioning and fail over .

  7. 比特币区块被讨论得最多的一项潜在用途,是去中心化的打车服务Uber。

    One of the most discussed potential use cases of the block chain is as a decentralized Uber .

  8. Web2.0的影响,不仅仅是目前所带来的新的信息共享方式,新的社会性软件的应用,更重要的是Web2.0背后所代表的思想,即去中心化理念的推广。

    The influences of Web 2.0 include not only a new method for sharing information , but also generalizing the concept of decentralization .

  9. 我们的核心假设是:今天,在全球范围内,一种新的主权(sovereignty)形式,一种去中心化、网络型的主权正在出现,我们称之为帝国(Empire)。

    Our central hypothesis is that there is emerging today at a global level a new form of sovereignty , a decentered , network form of sovereignty that we call Empire .

  10. Bitcoin是一种纯P2P的虚拟货币,能够满足去中心化,预估货币流通总量,遏制通货膨胀的可能的需求。

    Bitcoin is a kind of pure P2P digital cash which can meet the need of decentralization , and the total amount of the currency can be evaluated , thus it will limit the probability of inflation .

  11. 由于基于DHT的P2P网络具有去中心化的资源利用和去中心化的自组织结构特性,使得在其上构建的文件存储系统具有良好的扩展性和动态性,并成为了国内外研究的热点。

    The feature that DHT-based P2P networks have decentralized resource use and the decentralized self-organizing structure makes the file storage system which bases on DHT network good scalability and dynamic . And it has been a research hotspot at home and abroad .

  12. 去中心化是否网络发展的唯一的必然趋势?

    Whether decentralized is the only tendency in the network ?

  13. 随着去中心化的可再生能源网络的发展,我们将不再需要选用昂贵的电网解决方案。

    And with a decentralised renewable network there would be no need for expensive grid solutions .

  14. 西方戏剧出现了弃绝文本、去中心化的戏剧观念。

    Western drama appeared " rejected " text " to the center " of the concept of drama .

  15. 在后门户时代,传播去中心化,受众分散化是一个不可逆转的趋势。

    In the post-portal era , the de-centralization of communication and the diversification of audiences will be an irreversible trend .

  16. 由于互联网本身具有的交互性、参与性、去中心化等特性,网络对于文化的影响更为显著。

    As the internet is interactive , participatory , decentralized etc , it has a more significant impact on culture .

  17. 这些特点,和互联网自身的开放性、互动性、去中心化等特点密不可分。

    These features , and the Internet 's own openness , interactivity , to the Center of features such as inseparable .

  18. 大文件类型的处理方案设计成去中心化结构,消除大并发处理过程中的性能瓶颈,并对所提出的方案进行了有效性和优越性的验证。

    Large file type was designed as a decentralized structure to eliminate performance bottlenecks in the process of the concurrent processing .

  19. 去中心化、次级城市的增长以及城乡联系的增强都有助于城市人口的地理扩散。

    Decentralization , the promotion of secondary cities , and strengthened rural-urban linkages could help to broaden the geographic spread of urban populations .

  20. 微博的去中心化、多节点化及可接近性在一定程度上对我国现今的舆论环境和网民意公民意识产生了影响。

    Micro-blog decentralized , multiple sections of attunement and accessibility to some extent to our current environment of public opinion and public citizen consciousness influence .

  21. 网络的一些特性如参与主体多样性、交流方式多样性、去中心化等特征,具备公共领域建构的条件。

    Some of the features such as diversity of communications way , participating subject characteristics , counter-centralization , fit the conditions of the public sphere construction .

  22. 在全球化过程中,现代民族国家尤其是后发展国家面临着去中心化的威胁,国家认同出现严重危机。

    During the process of globalization , modern nation states , in particular the underdeveloped countries , are undergoing a crisis of national identity resulting from decentralization .

  23. 正文的第一部分是基础介绍,包括微博传播的公共性、去中心化、裂变式传播特征以及微博图片传播的条件与功效。

    Basics is the first part of the body , including microblog communications public , decentralized , fission dissemination characteristics and conditions for microblog images spread and effect .

  24. 舆论被誉为社会的皮肤,然而,与传统舆论相比,在以去中心化为特征的网络平台上,这一支重要的意识形态力量更经常地呈现出分散难控性。

    The public opinion is regarded as the skin of the society , but it presents dispersion and uncontrollable feature morely on the network , which is marked by decentralization .

  25. 学校学位奉行去中心化后的自主运行机制,由培养单位自主决定是否进入或以怎样的姿态进入学位教育领域。

    School degree employs decentralized auto-run mechanism which means the foster institute makes the decision whether to enter the field of degree education or not and what attitude it chooses .

  26. 为了实现这一目标,这组作者提出了一个类似于人类基因组计划的模式。人类基因组计划建立了一个去中心化的科研结构,由一个数据管理的中心节点加以支持。

    To achieve this , the authors propose a model akin to the Human Genome Project , built around a decentralised research structure , supported by a central hub for data management .

  27. 区块链技术主要和比克币相关,它让应用开发人员能够开发出具有无与伦比的安全性和网页透明度的去中心化应用——对比克币这样的加密货币非常有用。

    Most commonly associated with Bitcoin , blockchain technology allows developers to create decentralised apps that boast unrivaled security and transparency on the web - which makes it great for cyrptocurrencies like Bitcoin . 5 .

  28. 教师生态文化要体现生命存在的本真意义与价值关怀,要凸显体制文化的边缘效应与去中心化,要形成交往创生与主体间性的人文生态环境。

    The teacher 's ecological culture should actual significance and value solicitude of life existence , embody the edge effect and counter-centralization of institutional culture and form the humanism ecological environment of intercourse , creation and inter-subjectivity .

  29. 要克服这些弊端,使新课程理念能真正落实到基础教育教学实践中,新课程培训者应具有几种具有建设性的后现代意识:去中心化意识、对话意识、建构意识和创新意识。

    In order to remove all those disadvantages and put the thought of newly-curriculum to the basic-education practice , the trainer of newly-curriculum should have the consciousness of the post-modernism , such as the decentralization , interlocution , construction and innovation .

  30. 蒂姆爵士上周是在旧金山举行的一场“去中心化网络”峰会上发言,用他的话说,峰会旨在鼓励软件工程师“稍稍调整互联网架构”,从而恢复其个人对个人的本源。

    Sir Tim was speaking at a " decentralised web " summit in San Francisco , an event intended to rally software engineers to , in his words , " tweak internet architecture a little bit " and thus restore its peer-to-peer roots .