
qù nián dōnɡ tiān
  • last winter
  1. 我们去年冬天去了新西兰。

    We went to New Zealand last winter .

  2. 去年冬天天气变化无常。

    The weather was very changeable last winter .

  3. 他去年冬天还回家来着。

    He was home only last winter .

  4. 他在去年冬天严寒期内滑倒,摔断了腿。

    He slipped and broke his leg during the big freeze .

  5. 去年冬天雨雪充足。

    There was adequate rain and snow last winter .

  6. 去年冬天比较暖和。

    We had a moderate winter last year .

  7. 去年冬天,她被一辆铲雪车撞到了。

    Last winter she was knocked down by a snow plough .

  8. entertain招�七月再来去年冬天,为了招待我来自加州的生意伙伴,我带他到波士顿的一家餐馆吃饭。

    To entertain a business partner from California last winter , I took him to a restaurant in Boston .

  9. 据巴亚德和弗兰斯介绍,二人年龄都在35到40岁之间。去年冬天,两人结识于圣地亚哥(SanDiego)的一家咖啡店。

    France and Jayad , who gave their ages as " 35 to 40 , " met last winter at a coffeehouse in San Diego .

  10. 去年冬天,马奎斯在华盛顿与国家地理演讲局(NationalGeographicSpeakersBureau)的工作人员见面,因为探险家就是这样(他们基本都试过):回家,把自己的故事写成书卖掉。

    In Washington last winter , Marquis met with people from the National Geographic Speakers Bureau , because that 's what explorers do ( and pretty much have always done ) : come home and sell their stories .

  11. 去年冬天,阿拉斯加大学的KateyWalter教授结队去了一个浅湖。

    Professor Katey Walter from the University of Alaska went out with another team to another shallow lake last winter .

  12. 他们去年冬天开始约会后,她开始在Showtime的节目扮演一个看手相的女同性恋角色。

    After they began dating last winter , she took a role in the Showtime show as a lesbian palm reader .

  13. 去年冬天在波士顿,27岁的苏珊•扎尔金德成功地在Tinder上找到两个男人帮她把两次陷在雪里的车抬出来。

    Susan Zalkind , 27 , managed to find two men on Tinder to help dig her car out after it was twice buried in snow in Boston last winter .

  14. 去年冬天,雅芳推出了抗皮肤衰老的护肤品Retroactive,并一举获得巨大成功。1999年11月,43岁的钟彬娴接管了雅芳,而此时公司正处于困境之中。

    Last winter , Avon launched Retroactive , an anti-aging skin cream that has been a runaway hit . When Jung , 43 , took over Avon in November 1999 , the company was in deep trouble .

  15. Valleywag诞生于2006年,当时Gawker正在扩张一个博客帝国,Valleywag是其中的一员,它于去年冬天倒闭。

    Valleywag was born in 2006 , an arm of Gawker 's then-expanding empire of blogs , and it died last winter .

  16. 去年冬天,准军事力量组织Basji(伊斯兰武装力量动员队)的指挥官Naghdi将军就曾就这个方面来批评伊朗与美国进行的核谈判。

    Last winter the commander of the Basij paramilitary force General Naghdi used this theme to criticize nuclear negotiations with the Americans .

  17. 消费税:没有,因为所有这些规定被推倒,但你可以看到的Montecito在两个小时的电视电影霹雳游侠从去年冬天。

    GST : No , because all those sets were torn down , but you can see the Montecito in the two hour Knight Rider TV movie from last winter .

  18. 去年冬天,我将大衣从衣柜里拿了出来。

    Last winter , I got the coat out of storage .

  19. 我去年冬天参加旅行团去云南旅游了四天。

    I went on a four-day tour to YunNan last winter .

  20. 而去年冬天我们在燃油上却分文未花。

    This last winter , we spent nothing on fuel oil !

  21. 菲力浦与那个女孩在去年冬天旅行的时候订婚了。

    Phili got engaged to the girl when traveling last winter .

  22. 去年冬天孩子们又是咳嗽又是打喷嚏。

    The children were full of coughs and sneezes last winter .

  23. 地球需要雨水:去年冬天没下雨。

    Earth needs rain : there was no rain last winter .

  24. 他说他们去年冬天在挖-条水渠。

    He said that they were digging a canal last winter .

  25. 我听说他们去年冬天到那山上滑了雪。

    I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter .

  26. 从某种意义上来说,去年冬天的梦想实现了。

    In a certain sense last winter 's dream came true .

  27. 从去年冬天穿过的外套里发现一张20美元的钞票。

    Finding a20 dollar bill in your coat from last winter .

  28. 去年冬天的一场大雪,导致希思罗机场航班长时间延误。

    Heavy snowfall last winter caused long delays at Heathrow airport .

  29. 第一次听到这名字,是去年冬天。

    Katahdin : last winter I learned this name the first time .

  30. 发现一张去年冬天留在上衣口袋里的20元钞票。

    Finding a $ 20 bill in your coat from last winter .