
  • 网络when to go;praeterium;Simple Past Tense
去时 [qù shí]
  • [weet out] 结束

  • 三月来时如猛狮,去时如羊羔

  1. 当我朝克莱夫看去时,他刻意地避开了我的目光。

    When I looked at Clive , he studiously avoided my eyes .

  2. 一个人开始把遗嘱改来改去时总让人感到诧异。

    One always wonders when a man starts fiddling about with his Will .

  3. 潜水员向海岸走去时,铅坠和氧气罐使他们步履维艰。

    Lead weights and air cylinders encumbered the divers as they walked to the shore

  4. 我们的轮船开出去时,海面逐渐平静下来了。

    The sea gradually calmed down as we steamed out .

  5. 每当杰瑞请我到她屋子里去时,我总是借口推托。

    When Jerry asked me to her house I usually made some excuse .

  6. 我朝那条狗走去时,它狂吠着向我扑来。

    As I advanced towards the dog , it snarled and struck at me .

  7. 4月去时猛如狮。

    April went out like a lion .

  8. 当发言人第三次扯到题外去时听众发出喊声,使他讲不下去。

    The audience cried the speaker down as soon as he started on a third digression .

  9. 当我在晚会上遇见她并向她走去时,她转回身,故意不理睬我。

    When I met her in the party and walked to her , she turned around and gave me the cut direct .

  10. 我朝那条狗走去时,它狂吠着向我扑来

    As I advanced towards the dog , It'snarled and struck at me .

  11. 当理查德夫人向他走去时,他把门“砰”的一声关上就跑开了

    When Mrs. Richards walked towards him , he fled , slamming the door behind him .

  12. 当财神向他走去时,他却低下头盯着地面看,然后转身走开了,假装没有看到他。

    When Plutus approached him , he cast his eyes upon the ground , and turned away and pretended not to see him .

  13. 当某人离你而去时,爱收到的伤害更大。

    It hurts even more when someone breaks up with you .

  14. 当我沿街走去时,雨势逐渐增强。

    As I walked up the street , the rain increased inforce .

  15. 当我朝车站奔去时,

    As I was running towards the regular bus stop ,

  16. 这个东西在你还留连不去时是不会安定下来的。

    This thing won 't be settled while you linger about it .

  17. 他弯下身去时,把裤子接缝处绷裂了。

    He split his pants at the seams when he bent over .

  18. 百合拉着她往门口走去时,小菊还在看书。

    Daisy read while Lily pulled her to the door .

  19. 就像上个星期你到医务室去时。

    Ls this like last week , when you went into sick bay .

  20. 只有你也去时我才要去。

    I will go only if you go too .

  21. 我们涉水走出去时他却涉水而入。

    He waded in as we waded out .

  22. 我打电话去时,他已走了。

    He had already left when I called .

  23. 机不可失,时不再来!来时容易,去时快!

    There is no time like the present ! Easy come , easy go !

  24. 她到屋外去时我偷看了一眼那封信。

    I snuck a look at the letter while she was out of the room .

  25. 当他母亲说他不能去时,他一付不高兴的样子。

    When his mother said he couldn 't go , he pulled a long face .

  26. 它是我们不想到其他地方去时所呆的地方。

    It is the place we go to when we don 't feel like going anywhere .

  27. 当他向吉米躺着的方向望去时,他发现吉米还活着。

    As he looked in the direction of where Jimmy lay , he realized that Jimmy was still alive .

  28. 当他朝旅馆走去时,突然转身发现一个老妇人跟着他。

    As he walked towards the hotel , he suddenly turned around and found an old lady following him .

  29. 比琳达走出去时,从她的神色我看得出来她在暗中捣鬼。

    As Belinda went out I guess by the look on her face that she is up to something .

  30. 也即,他必须改正程序中的错误,或者更正把程序送到机器中去时产生的失误。

    This is , he must remove the error or correct the omission in his instruction to the machine .