
  1. 善恶到头终有报,只争来早与来迟。

    Good and evil will always be rewarded ; it is only a question of time .

  2. 大姨妈Sally来早了&不管她怎么点击按钮都没有任何反应,Sally很失望。

    Aunt Sally turned out to be too fast for you-she clicked the button , and nothing happened , and she was disappointed .

  3. 你今天早走是有原因的。这就是我来早了的原因。

    That is ( the reason ) why I came early .

  4. 她答应明天稍微来早一点。

    She promised to come here a little earlier tomorrow .

  5. 我原来挺担心的。因为我比预约时间来早了。

    I was worried I was early for my appointment .

  6. 我来早了&准是我的表快了。

    I 'm early my watch must be fast .

  7. 来早了就会被杀掉。

    To come before that would have been murder .

  8. 孩子,我说过,你来早了

    Now , son , I already told you . You 're early .

  9. 很多人都借口说起不来早。

    Many people use the excuse that they can 't get up early .

  10. 你来早了,我很准时

    You 're early . I 'm on schedule .

  11. 但是下次上学要来早一点。

    But come to school earlier next time .

  12. 对不起。我们来早了吗没,没有。

    I 'm sorry , are we early ? No , not at all .

  13. 天呐,我们来早了吗?

    Oh , God , are we early ?

  14. 第一次,他来早了!第二次,他却来晚了

    The first time , he was early.The second time , he was late .

  15. 因为我来早了?

    Vanessa : cause I 'm early ? -

  16. 我们是来早了还是来晚了

    We early or are we late ?

  17. 你来早了一星期。

    You 're a week early .

  18. 他来早了点。

    He helped us out earlier .

  19. “如果我来早一点的话,我就很快看到医生了,”她想着。

    " If I get there early , I can see the doctor quickly ," she thought .

  20. 本来尼摩船长已经向我说过,我们到这一带海中来早了一个月。

    As Captain Nemo had commented , we were arriving in these waterways a month too soon .

  21. 他开会来早了,他不得不干等了半小时。

    He arrived early for the meeting so he had to twiddle his thumbs for half an hour .

  22. 丽兹:不,是我来早了,我帮你倒杯咖啡,要加块糖吗?

    Liz : No , I 'm early . I make you some coffee . once cubic , right ?

  23. 我们只是来早了,那么,你觉得她家的房子怎样?

    We 're just early , that 's all . so , What do ya think of her house ?

  24. 你来早了一小时,他说,一面拿起家里的电话,他家住在伦敦附近的科尔切斯特。

    " You 're an hour early ," he says , picking up the phone at home in Colchester , near London .

  25. 哦抱歉我只是来早了我是下周的嘉宾5月29号我只是习惯早到

    I am sorry . I am just , you know , early . I am on next week . I am on May 29 . I just like to get here early .

  26. 哦哦不不不不,先生,你送错房间了哦,不,你来早了。

    Serena : Oh . oh , no , no , no , no , sir . You have the wrong room . - Lily : Oh , no , you 're early .

  27. 我正等待结果来早,但它还是不来,我会去很早上床睡觉,今晚,我会知道它,当我醒过来,在今天上午的明天。

    I am waiting for the result coming early but it still doesn 't come , I will go to bed early tonight and I will know it when I wake up in the morning tomorrow .

  28. 现年29岁的斯瓦内普尔周五在社交媒体上晒出捧肚照,并在美照旁配文“圣诞节来早了#2”。

    Swanepoel , 29 , announced her pregnancy on Friday , posting a photo on social media of herself cradling her belly . " Christmas came early \# 2 , " she wrote alongside the sweet photo .

  29. 青野指出,京都市中心的樱花在3月26日达到全盛,这是1200多年来最早的一次。

    In the central city of Kyoto , cherry blossoms peaked on March 26 , the earliest in more than 1200 years , Aono said .

  30. 随着一个暖春的来临,今年京都市迎来了1200年来最早的花期。

    Following a warm spring , this year , the blossom has emerged in the city of Kyoto at its earliest date for 1200 years .