
  • 网络come to class
  1. 他昨天没来上课。

    He didn 't come to class yesterday .

  2. 如果你经常不来上课,学习成绩就会落在别人后面。

    If you don 't come to class regularly , you will fall behind in your studies .

  3. 有些人不愿来上课,部分原因是所需的费用问题。

    Some people are unwilling to attend the classes partly because of the cost involved .

  4. 起初,迪克每天按时来上课。

    At first , Dick came lo have lessons on time every day .

  5. 老师:吉米,你上星期五没来上课(你很遗憾没来上课;miss缺勤;因为没有……而感到遗憾)

    TEACHER : Jimmy , you missed school last Friday .

  6. 约翰昨天没来上课是因为他在踢足球,他伤到了生长的部分【应为growingpains(医)发育期痛】

    John was absent yesterday because he was playing football . He was hurt in the growing part .

  7. 在今天的课程中,和婴儿一起来上课的是Natasha。

    In class on this day , with her baby son , is Natasha .

  8. 他经常试着吓唬我们,通过他承诺的不可能的分数等级,所以每个人都虔诚的来上课/D/不及格,当我们几乎都已As或Bs结束时。

    He tried to intimidate us too much with his promise of impossible grading so that everyone took the class credit / D / fail , when we all probably ended up with As or Bs .

  9. 他已经三天没来上课了。

    He has been absent from school for three days now .

  10. 请你每次来上课时带好你的计算尺。

    Will you please bring your slide rule to every class .

  11. 他们没来上课,真是出乎意料。

    They , unexpectedly , did not come to the class .

  12. 他没来上课,是因为他病了。

    The reason for his absence was that he was ill .

  13. 克文病得严重以致无法来上课。

    Kevin is so sick that he cant come to class .

  14. 带着你的问题、活力,及自动自发来上课吧。

    Come with questions , energy , a willingness to talk .

  15. 他不能来上课,因为他病得很重。

    He cannot come to class because he is seriously ill .

  16. 接下去那个星期一,卞老师没来上课。

    The next Monday , Miss Benson was not in class .

  17. 他没来上课是因为感冒。

    He did not come to class because of the cold .

  18. 每天早上来上课的时候总带着黑眼圈

    she walks in every morning with circles under her eyes ,

  19. 因为生病,他没来上课。

    He is absent from school because he is ill .

  20. 你可以走了,我留下来上课。

    You can go . I 'll get the information .

  21. 我从来没见过家长来上课的!

    I 'd never had parents come to class before !

  22. 珍妮花你今天怎麽没来上课?

    Jennifer : why weren 't you in class today ?

  23. 新老师是什么时候到教室来上课的?

    When did the new teacher come on the scene ?

  24. 虽然他感到不适,今天还来上课。

    He came to class today although he is not feeling well .

  25. 谢谢你来上课,我们明天再见。

    Thank you for coming to class , and see you tomorrow .

  26. 老师生病了,因此今天由一位代课老师来上课。

    The teacher 's ill , so a substitute is teaching today .

  27. 你没来上课,我很担心。

    Elena : You weren 't in class . I was worried .

  28. 上个月她因病没来上课。

    She missed her classes due to illness last month .

  29. 约翰昨天没来上课是因为他没被打着。

    John was absent yesterday because he missed his bust .

  30. 到周五,来上课的学生达到了60名左右。

    By Friday , about 60 students had showed up .