
mín shì cái pàn
  • Civil Judgment;civil decision
  1. 对于民事诉讼理论而言,民事裁判理论无疑乃最为重要的一环,诉讼标的、证明责任、既判力等理论,无非都是服务于民事裁判这一终极命题。

    In the area of civil procedure , the theory of civil decision is undoubtedly of the greatest consequence in that not only the object of litigation , but also burden of proof and res judicata all contribute to the ultimate proposition & civil decision .

  2. 因为民事诉讼中法院对其无法评判,所以行政行为决定应属于民事裁判的依据。

    Because court cannot judge the administrative behavior in civil action , the administrative behavior actions should belong to the base of the civil decision .

  3. 关于民事裁判文书的改革。

    Part ⅳ About the reform of civil adjudication documents .

  4. 民事裁判文书的改革早已提上了议事日程。

    The reformation of the civil judgment writ has began .

  5. 论民事裁判中的事实推定的困境与出路&以南京彭宇案为视角

    On the Predicament of Fact Presumption in Civil Judgment and Its Way-out

  6. 首先,对民事裁判文书的内涵进行了解释。

    First of all , the connotation of civil jurisdiction instruments were explained .

  7. 试论民事裁判文书的公信力

    On Public Confidence in Paper of Civil Judgment

  8. 论民事裁判文书改革的目标价值与基本原则

    On the Objective Value and Basic Principles in the Reform of Civil Judgment Document

  9. 民事裁判中事实认定的对象

    Object of Fact - Finding in Civil Litigation

  10. 然而,民事裁判瑕疵却是审判实践的客观存在。

    However , flaws in civil judgment are the objective existence of trial practice .

  11. 民事裁判文书的功能与风格

    The Functions and Style of Civil Judicial Decisions

  12. 民事裁判文书的理性探析

    Reasoning Research on Civil Judgment Documents

  13. 正确引用法律、法规,充分体现裁判文书的权威性等三方面提高法院民事裁判文书的公信力。

    The public confidence could be improved by applying correct law and regulations and showing the authority of them .

  14. 对于其他民事裁判瑕疵,当事人只能寄希望于上诉或再审程序加以解决。

    As for other civil judgment flaws , the parties can only place hopes on the appeal or retrial procedures .

  15. 结合现行立法中关于民事裁判文书公开的有关规定,汇总有关理论综合评析。

    Introduction to the relevant provisions of existing legislation on civil judicial public , combined with the comment about theory .

  16. 作为民事裁判文书重要组成部分的民事判决书要做到无懈可击,就必须充分说理。

    If the civil judgment as the main part of the civil judgment writ is watertight , it must argue enough .

  17. 有鉴于此,我国应当尽快立法完善民事裁判瑕疵救济程序。

    Herein , China should perfect its legislation on the remedy procedure of flaws in civil judgment as soon as possible .

  18. 此外,生效民事裁判可以通过再审程序予以纠正,但目前再审仅属于事后救济。

    In addition , when a wrong award or judgement comes into operation , it can be corrected through re-trial procedure .

  19. 其次,从功能论出发,多方面多角度分析民事裁判文书公开的功能。

    Second , proceeding from the function , a comprehensive analysis of civil judgment documents open for a variety of functions .

  20. 行政机关处理争议程序的本身是一种民事裁判程序,而非行政法意义上的具体行政行为。

    The dispute resolution procedure by administrative authority is civil proceeding , not specific administrative act in the sense of administrative law .

  21. 再次,着重分析了我国民事裁判文书说理性方面存在的问题及其成因。

    Third , the thesis mainly discusses the problem of civil judgment existing in reasoning perspective and the cause of the problem .

  22. 在民事裁判基础事实的两种状态下,作出的裁判结果都是正确的裁判结果。

    In a civil magistrate basis of the fact that two states , the referee made the right decision results are results .

  23. 避免最轻微的对良知权利和宗教功能的干涉,这些在民事裁判中豁免;

    To avoid the slightest interference with the right of conscience or the functions of religion , so wisely exemped from civil jurisdiction ;

  24. 民事裁判请求权作为一项基本权利,在公民权利体系中具有举足轻重的作用。

    Right of access to civil justice , as a basic legal right , plays a critical role in the civil right system .

  25. 民事裁判文书,是民事案件裁判结果的载体,体现的是人民法院的法官对民事裁判权的运用。

    Civil jurisdiction instruments , are the vectors of the result of civil cases referees , which embody the use of civil Jurisdiction .

  26. 民事裁判认定事实和适用法律具有不确定性,抗诉违反了这一诉讼原理;

    The indeterminacy happened between the determined facts and the applied laws in civil judgment , and the prosecutor-protested was against that lawsuit theory ;

  27. 利益衡量在民事裁判中有重要意义,是民法方法的重要组成部分。

    Evaluation of interest plays a significant role in the civil jurisdiction and is an important part of the method of the civil law .

  28. 作为审判程序的集中体现,民事裁判的作出是极其严肃而神圣的法律工作。

    As the concentrated expression of the trial procedure , civil judgments ' make is an extremely serious and sacred piece of legal work .

  29. 首先,从价值论入手,深入分析民事裁判文书公开的价值构成、价值冲突及价值衡量。

    First of all , starting from the value , in-depth analysis of a civil judgment document public value , value conflicts , and value .

  30. 民事裁判中事实认定对象的准确确定,是作为裁判基础的事实得以正确、及时认定的前提。

    In civil litigation , the object of fact-finding to be correctly confined , is the premise of judicial basis facts correctly and timely found .