
  1. 第三章:分别从民事诉讼主体角度和程序法角度探讨了司法会计在民事诉讼中的应用。

    Thirdly , inquired into the application in the civil case in court in different angle .

  2. 在各种民事诉讼主体的法律问题中,无独立请求权第三人一直是一个争议较大,理论界分歧较多的问题。

    A third party without independent claim is always a problem with much dispute and theory divergence among the counterparts existing in litigant participants .

  3. 业主委员会能否作为民事诉讼主体提起民事诉讼,立法界和司法界一直存在争议。

    It has been controversial in the legislation and judicial circles that whether the Committee of Owners can bring a civil action to the Court as a civil litigating party .

  4. 随着民事诉讼主体数量上的扩大,群体性纠纷诉讼在世界各国引起了学者、司法实践者的广泛关注。

    Along with the enlargement of the quantity of the subjects of civil action , the suing of solving colony disputes is widely attracting scholars , judiciaries all over the world .

  5. 然而,从目前我国业主委员会民事诉讼主体资格的现状来看,明确业主委员会的民事诉讼主体资格是必需的、迫切的。

    However , from the current owners of the Committee of Our current situation of Civil Procedure Qualification , owners of the Committee of Civil Procedure clearly the main qualification is necessary and urgent .

  6. 此外该制度设计的另一大弊端还体现为检察机关作为被害人之外的另一刑事附带民事诉讼主体,其法律地位与实际作用严重不相符。

    Another disadvantage of the system is the serious inconsistence between the legal status and actual function of the procuratorial organizations , which are another object in the civil suit collateral to criminal proceedings besides the victims .

  7. 刑事附带民事诉讼主体资格的确定,是关系到附带民事诉讼能否正常进行和正确进行的问题,关系到当事人实体权益和诉讼权益的保护问题,甚至关系到社会稳定、和谐问题。

    Determination of incidental civil litigation subject qualification of criminal incidental civil action , is related to whether the normal and correct problems , related to the problem of protecting the rights and litigation rights , even to the social stability , harmony .

  8. 首先从民诉成本的理论论证运用经济学分析的合理之处,即可以保障民事诉讼主体的基本权利,提高民事诉讼的效率,降低民事诉讼当事人的支出成本。

    First , to demonstrate reasonable places of using economics analysis based on the theory of civil procedure cost , those are protecting essential rights of the main part of civil procedure , making civil procedure more efficiency , reducing the cost of persons involved .

  9. 民事诉讼当事人主体地位的程序保障

    Procedural Guarantee for the Parties ' Initiative in Civil Action

  10. 谈民事诉讼中的诉权主体范围对民事诉讼中证明的思考

    On the Scope of Subject of Suit Rights in Civil Action

  11. 建筑物区分所有权人组织的民事主体地位、诉讼主体地位以及责任能力的探讨揭示了其法律性质的特殊性。

    The exploration of the status of civil entity , the status to claim and to be claimed , and the ability for liability reveal the special nature of the legal status of condominium association .

  12. 而对于检察机关,从我国对检察机关的定位以及外国检察制度与我国的差异,笔者认为在现阶段我国检察机关尚不适宜成为民事公益诉讼的起诉主体。

    But as for procuratorial organ , the author thinks that the procuratorial organ is not suitable for the prosecution subject of civil public litigation in light of orientation of the procuratorial organ and differences between foreign procuratorial system and that in our country .

  13. 民事诉讼失权是指民事诉讼主体在民事诉讼活动中享有的诉讼权利因出现法定的程序事由或原因而丧失的情形。

    Civil lawsuit right loss refers to the loss of lawsuit right in civil lawsuit proceeding due to the legal procedure cases or reasons .

  14. 与传统的民事诉讼相比,环境民事诉讼具有诉讼主体广泛、损失计算复杂、诉讼时效长等特点。

    Compared with traditional civil lawsuit , environmental civil lawsuit has such characteristics as broadness in lawsuit subjects , complex loss calculation , long lawsuit limitation .

  15. 第四章为本文的核心章节,在这一章中,笔者从民事诉讼法律关系成立要件、民事诉讼法律关系主体、民事诉讼法律关系客体、民事诉讼法律关系事实五个部分进行论述。

    The fourth chapter is the core chapter of this article . In this chapter , the civil litigation law relationship established condition and civil litigation law relations subject , object , the content and the facts of civil procedure will be discussed .

  16. 相应地,在民事诉讼法律关系中,合伙也必然获得独立的民事诉讼主体资格。

    Accordingly , it should gain an independent procedure subject qualification in the civil proceedings legal relation .

  17. 建构民事诉讼成本分担制度的目的是实现民事诉讼成本在相关主体间的优化分配。

    The construction of cost-sharing system of civil procedure is designed to realize the goal of optimal allocation among the relative parties in terms of civil litigation costs .

  18. 首先确立了民事公益诉讼制度的从本原则;其次明确了民事公益诉讼制度的主体资格、受案范围和法院管辖;最后对民事公益诉讼的特殊规则进行了相应的设计。

    Firstly , it established the basic principles of the Civil Public Interest Litigation , and then it defined the main qualifications of the Civil Public Interest Litigation System , the legal scale and the jurisdiction of the court .

  19. 因此,民事诉讼分担制度就要在控制诉讼成本的基础上,在民事诉讼相关主体间合理分配。

    Therefore , the cost-sharing system of civil procedure , based on the control of litigation costs , is to distribute reasonably among the relative parties of civil litigation .

  20. 但是,在现有的法律框架中,这些主体对置身其中的民事法律行为或事实都没有权利主动干预,出于现实的迫切需要,民事公益诉讼主体范围有待扩张。

    However , within the current legal framework , the subjects involved in the civil juristic acts or facts have no rights of active intervention . This reality makes emergent the need to extend the subject scope in public interest litigation .