
  • 网络Internet Radio;net radio;network radio;Web Radio
  1. 谢谢收看本期“psp收听网络电台”节目

    Thanks for watching video How To Listen To Internet Radio On Psp

  2. 以上内容就是使用PSP收听网络电台的方式。

    That is how you listen to internet radio using your psp .

  3. 基于HelixUniversalServer的网络电台的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Network Radio Based on Helix Universal Server

  4. 汽车行业正在经历一场技术变革,而且不止是网络电台应用和声控Facebook更新那么简单。

    There 's a technology revolution in the auto business , and it involves more than streaming radio apps and voice-activated Facebook updates .

  5. 流媒体的应用是近几年来Internet发展的产物,特别是视频流技术,广泛应用于远程教学、网络电台、视频点播、收费播放等。

    Stream media technology was widely employed along with the prevalence of internet , especially was stream video technology , which can be used in e-learn , Web Broadcasting Station , Order Video Programme , and Viewing by Pay .

  6. 他说,苹果这款产品主要的区别在于,消费者的音乐下载、流媒体音乐服务和网络电台服务都可以在AppleMusic里找到。

    The main difference with Apple 's offering is that a customer 's music downloads , the streaming music service and an Internet radio service can all be found inside the Apple Music app , he said .

  7. 流媒体技术广泛应用于远程教育、网络电台、视频点播、收费播放等,是目前在Internet上相当流行的跨平台的客户/服务器结构的多媒体应用标准。

    Streaming media is widely applied to long range education and the network broadcasting station and video dot broadcasting collect fees broadcasting etc. It is the standard of multimedia application to current platform client and server structure on the internet now .

  8. 使用网络电台MP3录音客户端,作为送给爱人的礼物,或者请别人帮你制作一段性感的视频,发送给爱人。

    Post a custom playlist of MP3s online and gift it to your love or have someone help create a sultry video and email it to them .

  9. 介绍了如何利用LINUX操作系统来架设小型网络电台和建立音乐MP3数据库的实现方案。

    This paper presents the schemes of how to set up a small radio broadcasting station on the web and how to create music database of MP3 base on Linux operating system .

  10. 我来告诉你一些PSP的诀窍吧,这次是关于如何使用它来收听网络电台的。

    I am going to teach you about the psp . In this video I am going to show you how to play internet radio on your psp .

  11. 除了早就推出的iTunes下载商店,苹果还将推出售价10美元(约合62元人民币)的流媒体订阅服务套餐,一个免费的网络电台和一个媒体平台,艺术家可以通过这个平台上传歌曲、视频及其他内容供粉丝使用。

    Besides its longstanding iTunes download store , it will include a $ 10 streaming subscription plan , a free Internet radio station and a media platform that will let artists upload songs , videos and other content for fans .

  12. 他们已在2008年开通了线上网站“网络电台”(iHeartRadio),该网站靠广告而不是靠听众付费赚钱。

    It already has iHeartRadio , an internet network launched in 2008 , which relies on ads rather than subscriptions .

  13. 2011年9月“网络电台”开始像潘多拉一样提供可由听众点播的播放列表,表中包括1100万首歌。

    In September 2011 the network began offering customisable playlists , like Pandora .

  14. 真心地希望这个网络电台会成为您永远的朋友。

    I do hope this online radio program / could be your forever friend .

  15. 在PC机上,用户可以通过专用软件来收听网络电台。

    People can listen to these programs with PC , which has special software .

  16. 那时,我们是网络电台、音乐视频和收费音乐行业的领先者。

    We were the leader in online radio , music videos , and subscription music .

  17. 一加一网络电台主持人兼编辑,孙致远正在为自己拍摄。

    Sun Zhiyuan , a host and editor for One Plus One 's radio program , takes a self-portrait .

  18. 相比之下潘多拉的播放列表中只有90万首歌,但听众却是网络电台的10倍。

    It offers 11m songs , compared with Pandora 's 900000-but has only a tenth of its rival 's listeners .

  19. 同时,应积极构建网络电台,弥补广播作为传媒的不足之处。

    Meanwhile it is necessary to establish network radio stations and make up for its inadequacy as a mass medium .

  20. 只想告诉你,不管何时何地当你悲伤时,这个网络电台节目一直在你身边。

    Just let you know , whenever or wherever you 're sad , this online radio program is always by your side .

  21. 为了让全世界孤独的小狗小猫不再寂寞,美国加利福尼亚州的一位宠物爱好者近日别出心裁的创办了一家宠物网络电台。

    California pet lover has founded an Internet radio station designed to ease the lives of lonely dogs and cats around the world .

  22. 现年34岁的网络电台创始人艾德里安·马丁内兹说这个电台要在宠物“家长”外出工作时跟宠物作伴。

    Founder Adrian Martinez , 34 , says the station aims to keep pets company while their " parents " head out to work .

  23. 在他听说了美国的一个低成本的宠物网络电台的故事后,他便将自己的想法付诸实践了。

    He was able to bring his project to fruition after hearing an international news story about a low-cost Internet radio station for pets in the United States .

  24. 最近,泰国一所宠物犬训练学校的校长建立了一家“泰国狗网络电台”,该电台专门为心情郁闷的狗狗播放音乐改变心情。

    Anupan Boonchuen , director of a dog grooming school , said he launched Dog Radio Thailand this week because he has seen music improve the mood of dogs he grooms .

  25. 利用ActiveX技术制作了播放器,实现了播放数字网络广播电台、播放本地音频文件的功能。

    A player is designed using ActiveX technology . The player can play both digital network radio and local audio files . 4 .

  26. 华流至尊,史上唯一致力于奉献全中文流行新锐、榜单金曲、怀旧经典的网络广播电台!惟中文独尊,无暇其余!

    All Chinese Hits , the one and only Internet radio station devoted to All Chinese chart-toppers , hottest hits , and retro classics ! Nothing but All Chinese !

  27. 记者们不但接了波,而且大肆鼓吹之,以致过去的一周,报纸、网络和电台都在大肆报道日益临近的交易,一个个忙得气喘吁吁。

    Media members both embraced and enhanced these hints , to the point that there were breathless newspaper , Internet and broadcast reports of an impending trade almost daily for the last week .

  28. 在今天节目的开始,我想谢谢大家的到来,我很高兴你们在新的一周又来到了这个网络英语电台节目。

    At the beginning of today 's program , I would like to thank you for dropping by ! I 'm glad that you 've come to visit this online radio program in this new week .

  29. 同时由于在作战时电台处于移动状态,所以数据传输时还应该可以动态的选择传送路径,即要求组成网络的高速电台都具有动态路由的功能。

    At the same time because the super-speed radio station may hold in moving state when it 's working , the radio station should dynamically select the path for the data transmitting , it indicates that the radio station should have dynamic routing function .

  30. 音频网络系统在广播电台的实现与发展

    The Realization and Development of the Audio Network System in Radio Stations