
  • 网络screen ruling;lpi;Screen Frequency
  1. 选用不同目数的丝网,以加网线数30l/cm的灰梯尺阳图片印刷,研究龟纹现象,验证丝网的目线比对印刷品龟纹现象的影响。

    The effect of ratio of mesh count to screen ruling to moire is verified by printing grey scale ( screenruling : 307 / cm ) through using different mesh count to study moire ;

  2. 主要从印版版材、厚度、硬度,印刷压力,油墨粘度、pH值,网纹辊网线数这几方面综合分析研究。

    A comprehensive analysis of these studies has been made about the printed edition version of material , thickness , hardness , printing pressure , ink viscosity , PH value , the number of roller cable .

  3. 加网线数对网点复制特性影响的实验研究

    Experimental study on the influence of screen ruling to the dot reproduction characteristics

  4. 数字印刷中调频加网线数对印刷质量的影响

    Ideal print centerline Influence of Line Density of Frequency Modulated Screening on Quality of Digital Printing

  5. 对激光照排机进行线性化后,再对不同网点及其不同加网线数进行实验分析。

    After the laser imagesetter was linearized , the different dots and their different screen line number were analyzed .

  6. 导线间距-指定正方形,长方形或间距中心至中心,清除打开或网线数的专业配置。

    WIRE SPACING-Specify square , rectangular or specialty configuration with wire spacing center-to-center , clear opening or mesh count .

  7. 但是如果网线数较为合适的话,其效果与其它阶调相比相差不大。

    However , if the net number of lines is more appropriate , its effect is more or less compared to other tone .

  8. 为了避免产生这些莫尔纹,就有必要检察出原稿的半色调图像部分的加网线数,然后去掉半色调图像部分上存在的网点。

    In order to avoid these moire patterns , it is necessary to detect the image areas of the document and remove the screen patterns present in those areas .

  9. 通过对数字测试图像的加网实验,分析了不同记录分辨率和不同加网线数下,调幅与调频加网图像的频率传递特性,指出加网图像能够传递的最高频率为记录分辨率的二分之一。

    S : Via some AM and FM screening experiments of a digital test image , their frequency transmission characteristics under different recording resolution and screening frequency is analyzed and it is pointed out that the maximum transformation frequency of a screening image is one half of the recording resolution .