
  1. 本文结果表明,从图象信息的观点来看,在图象处理中,采用3到4比特的灰度级数,能获得质量良好的图象。

    From the viewpoint of image information , the images with gray levels between 3 and 4 bits can have good quality .

  2. 首先阐述了分析光弹性力学图象条纹的普遍有效方法,并利用光强I与图象条纹级数N之间的三角函数关系,推导出象素点灰度Z与条纹级数N对应关系式,从而得到力学参数。

    Using the trigonometric function relation-ship between the light intensity / and the image fringe order N , the equations of the fringe order N on brightness Z are deduced , and the mechanical parameters are thus obtained .

  3. 为了对木材进行表面纹理分类,首先确定纹理的灰度共生矩阵描述参数、灰度共生矩阵的生成像素间距和灰度级数;

    To classify wood by surface texture , wood texture parameters of Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix ( GLCM ) were first selected by relevance analysis .