
huī bǎn
  • Gray board;hawk
灰板[huī bǎn]
  1. 混凝&吸附法处理灰板纸涂布废水试验

    Experiment to Treat Coating Paperboard Wastewater by Coagulation and Adsorption Process

  2. 进口阀座可作刮灰板,即使在落灰情况下也关闭自如。

    Import valve seat can shave the disheartened board , close freely even un fall gray cases .

  3. GB/T3556-1983摄影用标准灰板、色板的技术规范别把烟灰掉到地板上!

    Standard gray and color test chart for photography & Specifications Don 't drop your ashes on the floor !

  4. 挂在床头的那块灰板,是用我们喜欢的漂亮小木块做成的。

    The grey piece hanging above our bed is just a beautiful piece of scrap wood we found and love .

  5. 高温高压飞灰过滤器主管板的加工制造

    Fabrication Technology of Master Tuber Sheet for HPHT Fly Ash Filter

  6. 来自密歇根大学的学生采用稻米壳燃烧后的灰制成冰箱真空板,该创意赢得了MIT清洁能源大赛一等奖。

    Refrigerator vacuum panels made from the ash of burned rice husks won University of Michigan students first prize in the MIT Clean Energy contest .