
  1. 面向玻璃深加工企业的采购管理系统分析与设计

    The Analysis and Design of Purchase Management System Facing Glass Deep-processing Enterprise

  2. 数控激光雕刻在玻璃深加工中的应用研究

    The Application and Research on CNC Laser Engraving for Glass

  3. 它是采用物理与化学的方法,对优质浮法玻璃深加工而成。

    It utilizes physical and chemical methods for treatment of float glass .

  4. 本公司拥有众多的先进的玻璃深加工设备和一批高素质的专业人才。

    The company has numerous advanced glass processing equipment and a number of highly qualified professionals .

  5. 始建于1993年,是一家专业生产玻璃深加工制品的中外合资企业。

    Established in1993 , is a professional manufacturer of glass processing products of the joint venture company .

  6. 本公司是一家专业化玻璃深加工企业,拥有现代化专业生产线多条。

    This is a company specialized glass deep-processing enterprises with modern production lines and more of the professional .

  7. 根据客户需求,可提供相关技术咨询服务,平板玻璃深加工技术及设备制造。

    According to customer needs , can provide technical advisory services , flat glass processing technology and equipment manufacturing .

  8. 我们秉承“质量至上、用户至上、信誉至上”的宗旨,为广大客户提供技术领先,质量稳定的玻璃深加工设备。

    Adhering to the principle of " Quality First and Customer paramount ", we provide our products with lead-edge technologies to customers .

  9. 如何在激烈的竞争中生存、发展成为玻璃深加工企业特别是中小型玻璃深加工企业必须面对的问题。

    How to survive and develop in the competition has become the problem that glass deep process industry have to face , especially for SME .

  10. 为了满足市场需求,研制开发出生产效率和产品质量俱佳的玻璃深加工设备已经迫在眉睫。

    In order to meet the market demand , it is imminent for us to develop glass deep-processing equipment owning both high efficiency and quality .

  11. “求好、求实、求新”是公司的发展目标。凌智人将与海内外朋友携手并进,共创玻璃深加工机械制造业的辉煌。

    Lingzhi people will cooperate with clients both at home and abroad , advance , Hand in hand , and create glorious milestone in the glass processing field .

  12. 本文阐述了玻璃深加工的关键设备&高压釜中空气循环系统的改进设计过程,并给出了切实可行的方案。

    In this article , the procedure of improving the design of the key equipment in glass processing was stated and the feasible scheme was introduced as well .

  13. 牡丹江市美厦有限责任公司是一家以玻璃深加工为基础,融玻璃工程施工、玻璃深加工产品内销及出口为一体的小型民营企业。

    Mudanjiang Misa Limited Liability Company is a small-scale private enterprise that conducting glass deep processing and glass engineering , as well as glass products sales in domestic and abroad .

  14. 自动涂胶机作为中空玻璃深加工的关键设备之一,该设备的使用性能直接影响中空玻璃成品的质量和节能特性。

    The automatic sealing robot is one of the key equipment for deep-processing of insulating glass , the performance of this equipment directly affects the quality and energy-saving features of the finished insulating glass .

  15. 本文的工作目的是为了在核心竞争力理论同我国企业管理实践,尤其是笔者所从事的玻璃深加工企业的管理实践相结合方面做一些探索性的研究工作。

    The aim of this paper is to do some exploring research in the field where the core competence theory is combined with the management practice of Chinese enterprises , especially with the management practice of glass deep-machining enterprises where the author engages .

  16. 我公司亦生产玻璃及镜子深加工产品,并可根据客户需求定做。

    We also produce the Deep Processing Glass and manufacture up to customer 's requirement .

  17. 真空平板玻璃是新型玻璃深加工产品。

    Vacuum plate glass is a type of new deep processing product of glass .

  18. 回顾了2004年我国平板玻璃的生产、深加工及产品在国内外的销售情况,并对2005年的玻璃行业的发展进行了展望。

    The paper reviewed the states float glass production , post - processing of glass in china and sales status at home and abroad in 2004 , the development trend of glass industry in 2005 was also depicted .

  19. 由于计算机数控玻璃刻花中心有着和玻璃深加工行业紧密相关的其自身的特点和应用前景,其CAD/CAM系统和一般的CAD/CAM系统不同。

    Because CNC glass engraver machine center has close relationship with glass deep processing industry , its CAD / CAM system is different with common CAD / CAM system .

  20. 立式玻璃磨边机是节能玻璃深加工的重要设备之一,用于把切割成型的玻璃经过砂轮磨削成所需要的边型以满足不同的市场需求。

    Vertical glass grinding machine is the key equipment of energy-saving glass deep-processing , which is used to grind the quads of cutting fast-setting glasses by grinding wheel into needed ones in order to meet the needs of applications in various environments .

  21. 无碱玻璃的高温透热性能对于玻璃的生产及深加工均具重要意义。

    The diathermancy is important in making E glass .

  22. 玻璃清洗干燥机用于平板玻璃的清洗和风干。它是玻璃深加工企业的必备设备。

    Glass washing and drying machine is used for cleaning and air-drying of flat glass panes .

  23. 北方玻璃技术(集团)股份有限公司主要从事以玻璃钢化技术为主的玻璃深加工技术及设备的研制、开发及玻璃深加工产品。

    North Glass Technology ( Group ) Co. , Ltd , is mainly engaged in researching and developing the glass processing equipment as well as deep processed glass products ;

  24. 我公司生产的抽真空玻璃橡胶袋采用航空材料,军工标准生产,此胶袋广泛用于国内特种玻璃深加工行业。

    Glass rubber vacuum bag type I produced glass vacuum rubber bag used air materials , military standards , the plastic bags are widely used in domestic specialty glass deep-processing industry .

  25. 该玻璃清洗烘干机组是为夹层玻璃生产线、钢化玻璃、中空玻璃、装饰玻璃和其它玻璃深加工的预处理配套设备。

    This machine is a supporting device used before processing laminated glass , tempered glass , insulated glass , decorative glass and other glass .

  26. 佛山市鸿利玻璃制品有限公司是一家专门从事装饰玻璃开发、设计、生产、销售为一体的综合性玻璃深加工企业。

    Foshan Hongli Glassware Company is an integral maker of various glassware , specializing in designing , development , production and selling of glass .