
  • 网络glass polishing
  1. 光学玻璃抛光材料用超细CeO2前驱体的制备

    Preparation of Ultra-fine CeO_2 Precursor for Optical Glass Polishing Material

  2. 曲面玻璃抛光工艺参数的分析与控制

    Analysis and Control of the Technical Parameter of the Curved Glass Polishing

  3. 石英玻璃抛光质量对腐蚀形貌的影响

    The Influence of Polishing Quality to Etching Morphology for Quartz Glasses

  4. 光学玻璃抛光用稀土抛光粉的制备

    A Study on the Preparation of Rare Earth Polishing Powder

  5. 稀土抛光粉在眼镜玻璃抛光中研磨条件的研究

    Study on Condition of Process of Polishing Glasses by Rare Earth Polishing Powder

  6. 研究了光学玻璃抛光底板的制备方法,分析了各参数对磨削效果的影响。

    Blank pre-shape sample Optical glass polishing is studied the preparation method of the substrate , and analyzes the effects of various parameters on the grinding .

  7. 讨论了适用于光学玻璃抛光的磁流变液的配制机理及磁流变液对光学玻璃抛光效果的影响因素。

    The effect of carrier fluid , surfactant , magnetizable particle , polishing abrasives and pH value on the finishing surface of optical glass is described .

  8. 氧化铈是一种用途广泛的材料,可用于发光材料、催化剂、电子陶瓷、玻璃抛光剂、紫外吸收材料。

    CeO_2 can be used in many fields , for example it was use as luminescence material , catalyzer , electronic ceramics , glass polishing agent , ultraviolet absorber .

  9. 利用XRD、SEM等手段对其物相类型、外观形貌、颗粒大小、表面电位等物理性能进行了表征,测定了它们对3种光学玻璃的抛光速率。

    Their crystalline phase type , morphology , crystalline size , particle size and ζ potential were characterized , and the polishing rate was determined .

  10. 使用旋涂方法在K9玻璃和抛光的单晶硅基片上制备薄膜;

    Thin films were prepared on K9 glass and polished single - crystal silicon by spin-coating method .

  11. ZK、ZF、ZBaF、LaK等光学玻璃在抛光过程中及抛光下盘以后的腐蚀问题,长期以来一直影响着这些光学玻璃零件的加工质量和生产效率。

    The corrosion of optical glass material such as ZK 、 ZF 、 ZBaF and LaK have a lasting influence on quality and efficiency of producing optical elements .

  12. 用所配磁流变液对K9玻璃进行抛光实验,试验结果表明,磁流变抛光的材料最大去除率为0.4μm/min。

    An experimental finishing was conducted with K9 optical glass using the developed MR fluid , and experimental results show that the maximum removal rate of optical glass is 0.4 μ m / min.

  13. 微晶玻璃低温抛光表面微观形貌的研究

    Study on the surface micro topography of cryogenic polished ceramic glass

  14. 玻璃陶瓷抛光砖的研制

    Development of Polished Glass - Ceramics

  15. 微晶玻璃及其抛光

    Crystalline Glass and Its Polishing

  16. 浮法玻璃和抛光平板玻璃

    Float and polished plate glass

  17. 抛光粉颗粒度对高功率激光玻璃材料抛光效率和粗糙度的影响

    Influence of Slurry Particle Size on Materials Removal Rate and Roughness in High Power Laser Glass Material Polishing

  18. 但对三种不同玻璃的抛光能力均在900℃~1000℃之间呈现出极大值。

    However , the polishing ability for three different optical glasses all displayed an maximum value between 900 ℃~ 1000 ℃ .

  19. 通过实验分析,找到适合不同种类光学玻璃的抛光液类型,以有效提高抛光效率,改善抛光表面质量。

    Through experiment and analysis , different types of suitable polishing solutions to improve productivity and the quality of polished surface were proposed .

  20. 进而研究了纳米CeO2在玻璃基片抛光中的抛光性能。

    The polishing performances of nano-sized CeO_2 on glass substrate were studied .

  21. 玻璃制品加工抛光边角及清除划痕等。

    GLASS PRODUCTS Finishing of edge and Removing scratch etc.

  22. 当玻璃盘与抛光垫间隙较小时,抛光垫转动时,有液体从抛光垫边缘进入中心。

    When polishing pad rotates , some liquid in the fringe can enter the center .

  23. 工作如下:开发了荧光测试实验台,实验台采用玻璃盘和抛光垫构成摩擦副,用来模拟化学机械抛光过程中的抛光垫和盘片的运动过程;

    It mainly includes : The test rig for performing fluorescent analysis of was established , glass disk and polishing pad can rotate to simulate the pad and the wafer in CMP progress .

  24. 表面改性碳化硅在玻璃磨边金刚石抛光砂轮(UPR)上的应用

    Application of resin ( UPR ) diamond + surface modified SiC powder wheel in glass polishing

  25. 一种对玻璃微吸管电极抛光的装置及使用方法

    A kind of pipette polishing instrument and it 's directions for use

  26. 在地球上,玻璃,液体和抛光金属常常产生镜面反射。

    On Earth , glass , liquids and polished metals often produce specular reflections .

  27. 培训将有助于提高丰田在全球各工厂引入标准化工序的速度例如安装挡风玻璃和检查漆面抛光。

    The training will help speed up the introduction of standardised processes for instance , to install windscreens and inspect paint finishes at Toyota plants throughout the world .

  28. 通过改变双面抛光机压力和速度参数、抛光液参数等对磁盘微晶玻璃基板进行了抛光实验,得出磁盘微晶玻璃基板抛光的最佳工艺参数。

    Through the change two-sided buffing machine pressure and the speed parameter , the polishing fluid parameter and so on , we obtain the best craft parameter which the disk crystalline glass substrates are polished .

  29. 本文在研讨玻璃散粒磨料抛光的实验与生产的基础上,提出加工高精光洁度的表面,抛光粉的颗粒度不必精分等级,而可采用大范围(1&45微米)的混粒度。

    The processing of super finish surface is proposed , based on the discussing of the experiment and produetion in relation with the glass by particle abradant , and thus the mixed-up particle size of great scope ( 1-45 microus ) can be adopted instead .

  30. 在这一过程中,研磨玻璃的表面状态,抛光剂的性质及用量,机械压力及转速,玻璃温度及环境温度等,是影响玻璃抛光的主要因素。

    In this process major factors that affect glass polishing include the state of the pol - ished glass surface , the quality and quantity of the polishing agents , mechanical pressure and rotative velocity , the temperature of the glass and that of the surroundings .