
  1. 在陨石展区,玻璃展柜中陈列着一块重达21.4公斤的长兴陨石标本。

    In the meteorites section , a 21.4-kilogram specimen of the Changxing meteorite will be displayed under glass .

  2. 抢劫人员向空中开枪威胁在场人员,然后用扳手砸破了玻璃展柜。

    They fired shots into the air to terrify people and then used a wrench to break into glass showcases .

  3. 博物馆极为重视此次中国古代乐器展的展出,特辟出三个展室和最好的玻璃展柜,将118件乐器一一陈列其中。

    The museum management attached such great importance to the Exhibition of Ancient Chinese Musical Instruments that three room and the best glass stands were used to display the altogether 118 pieces of instruments .

  4. 周四,这名商务与信息技术专业的大四学生把菠萝放在了空的展台上,四天后回去再看,发现菠萝已经被放到了玻璃展柜中。

    After placing the pineapple on the empty display stand on a Thursday , the fourth year business and information technology student returned four days later to find it had been put in a glass display box .